scummVM now WORKS and ROCKS!!!!!!!
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 70 from 2004/11/5
    From: Czech Republic...
    Hi people! some days ago i posted a message about being desperate with Scumm_VM. Some of you replied but no one wrote which version you were using. it's beyond me HOW i could have missed 0.7.0 on!!!!! this release contains only one executable and work W O N D E R S!!!! So now everything is bright, sparkly clean and blue, i am enjoying SteelSky, AmazonQueen (both "talkies"), the Dig and, and, and my all-time beloved Broken Sword 1 + 2!!!!! Thanx God for Peg, MorphOS and ScummVM. It's a treasure on the MorphOS island and togethether with DigiBooster the best prog i've ever tried on my Amiga/Peg!!!!! that's all for now, i have to go playing those fantastic pieces. hope to see you soon - but maybe i'll die during enjoying BrokenSword...
    pecaN of the Czech PowerPC User Group
  • »13.05.05 - 12:27