scummvm help needed as well:-)
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 70 from 2004/11/5
    From: Czech Republic...
    Hi again, there's another problem making me sad - and it's called scummvm. I've been dealing with this prog for some days but I HAVEN'T MANAGED TO RUN ANYTHING UNDER SCUMMVM so far:-(((!!! I've got the latest MOS warpOS version 0.7.0 from Whenever i try to run a game, the message "failed to create sound thread" appears and i had to exit scummvm. I don't undersztand what's wrong, there are no special requiremments in the doc file... I tried SteelSky freeeware cd version, Amazon Queen freeware cd version and DIG demo and also Broken Sword2 demo. The launcher identifies the games but when started it shows the message mentioned above. I read something about a weird monster.sou file but i don't know what's this. please help because i want to play broken sword... thanx pecaN
    pecaN of the Czech PowerPC User Group
  • »29.04.05 - 12:29
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    The Warpos version has issues. Why don't you try some morphos version ? Search for scumm on

    Broken sword 2 works nicely with it.
  • »29.04.05 - 13:10
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 328 from 2003/5/19
    Steel sky also works nicely, I played it through recently and didn't
    notice any problems at all.
  • »30.04.05 - 19:21
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 82 from 2003/5/6
    From: Canada
    I run this on my games in a shell or
    iconx script launcher.

    stack 500000
    scummvm music adlib scaler point datapath monkey1/ monkeyvga

    "Monkey1" being the drawer or folder all the game
    files are in and "monkeyvga" the game you want
    to play.
    This works on almost all the games, even Full
    Throttle, Steel Sky and Indy games etc.

    Hope you have some luck!
  • »30.04.05 - 21:20