True Colour Screens for CF and PSA
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    When i had this Problem with Candy Factory and the Screenmode Selecter with 1.4.4, I read in the Manual, that it would be possible to have true colour rendering when having a true colour Screenmode.
    But, the Problem allways was/is that I wasn`t able to select anything other then a 8 bit Screenmode. 16 or 24 bit modes are simply not listed. But I guessed when it is possible to have true colour Screens on Amiga, this must be also true for MorphOS... Well, I was right ;-)

    Here is my trick, but be warned I won`t take any responnsibility if you damage Your Progs or your Monitor or what ever!

    It is actually very simple (And I wonder why no one came up before, or is it, that I am was again to stupid to do a search? ;-) ), you have just to edit the Prefsfile...

    First download the tool GetHexModeID.lha from Aminet. If you don`t have allready a Hex Editor (A Texteditor isn`t enough!) Download Saved12.lha too.

    Ok, now start gethexmodeid and choose exactly the same screen on which candy factory runs. let the shell open or write down this hex number.
    Next Step is to load the configfile, for Candy it is Candy.settings, located in the Main dir.

    Now search for the number given from gethexmodeid. I am not sure whether this is allways the case, but for me, every screenmode started with 0x40, which makes a perfect Point for search, this gives a @ sign. Make sure you have found exactly the same number given by gethexeditmode!!! Now start hexeditmode again, but now choose the screenmode you want. Now replace the digits with those from your new screenmode. Save the configfile and test it. You should now have a true colour Screen :-)(You will notice that Candy has now also a "Skin" instead of those ugly fallback bitmaps)

    The same works for Pro Station Audio. Well you might ask why I need more then a 8 bit Screen for an Audio App. Well you might notice that with the limited colours, your timecode on the player tool is orange, which is imho nearly unreadable.
    Make the same procedure as above, the Settingsfile for PSA is located in /Config/general.status

    You will now have a wonderfull red colour, and even if you don`t have the Screen "skinned" you might notice the gradient slider.gadget... ;-)

    So, I hope someone might find this usefull, and again, you make all changes at your own risk!
  • »06.04.05 - 22:48
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    This is great!!!!

    I did this changement for PSA because as you mentionned it, the timecode is not readable, it it works fine!!!!

    One can work now for hours with PSA without having "tears in the eyes".

    BUT, as this problem seems to happen only on Radeon's and not on Voodoo cards it would be great to have a REAL fix for this in MorphOS 1.5.

    BTW, even the 68k version of PSA lets you select a 24 bit screenmode and the interface is skinned.


  • »07.04.05 - 09:59
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  • News Moderator
    News Moderator
    Posts: 571 from 2003/2/10
    From: Vancouver Isla...
    I have a Voodoo 3000 in my pegasos1 set at 1280x1024.

    For some reason in PSA I can only get 1024x499 screen at 8bit.

    Would it be possible to post a configuration file set to 24bit 1280x1024 screen I can drag into the config folder? :-?
    When you have eliminated all which is impossible,
    then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!!! - Sherlock Holmes
  • »07.04.05 - 16:39
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Have you allready tried the Hexedit method? I guess this should also work with your Voodoo Card.
    I think posting such a configfile might be pretty much useless, as the screenmodes would differ, but i might be wrong. Try with Hexedit, it`s easy ;-)
  • »07.04.05 - 16:46
  • pOS
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 216 from 2003/11/14
    From: Bavaria
    I had the same problems with CandyFactory.

    For me worked this solution:

    After setting the env variable asl/MODEREQ_EMULATEBUGS to 1 the 24Bit-Modes appeared in the screenmode requester and could be selected.

    But now after selecting the mode CF crashed. Well, CF doesn't like a friendly coexistence with SmartWin. You have to deactivate it before starting CF.
    From DOpus I start CF like this:

    Funktion : AmigaDOS SYS:AddOns/Others/Scout/Scout c "CxDisable SmartWIN"
    Workbench Work:Anwendungen/Grafik/CandyFactoryPro/CandyFactoryPro
    AmigaDOS SYS:AddOns/Others/Scout/Scout c "CxEnable SmartWIN"

    Flags : Asynchroner Start
  • »08.04.05 - 19:45
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  • News Moderator
    News Moderator
    Posts: 571 from 2003/2/10
    From: Vancouver Isla...

    Thankyou very much! :-D

    I tried your tip and now I see a full 1280x1024 screen PSA. I
    When you have eliminated all which is impossible,
    then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!!! - Sherlock Holmes
  • »10.04.05 - 01:31