Filesize limit and Backman file.
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 690 from 2004/2/10
    I'm aware of the filesize limit in MOS. I did have an interesting point I was hoping someone could explain:

    I used Backman to backup to a file, the data exceeded 3gigs. Backman generated an error, but the file was still created and I could restore files from it. I'm assuming some of the data is corrupt in the backup, but it still created the file.

    Any idea?


    [ Edited by matt3 on 2005/3/25 10:57 ]
  • »25.03.05 - 15:53
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    use md5sum tool (comes with mos sdk) to create a md5sum list before you backup. you can do in the "root" of the data you want to backup like that:

    sh -c "find -type f -exec md5sum {} \;" >md5sum.txt

    this creates a file called "md5sum.txt" which contains all checksums of the files (recursively).

    Then you do your backup. After that you can check in the 'backup data root' with:

    md5sum -c md5sum.txt

    to see if files got corrupted or not.

    But anyway: current filesize limit is 2GB. So if you want to be on save side don't come over this limit.


    [ Edited by tokai on 2005/3/25 20:50 ]
  • »25.03.05 - 19:49
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