Getting closer! :-)
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 331 from 2003/5/12
    Hi folks,

    I've almost solved my non-booting problem and am now convinced it's user rather than hardware that is the problem. :-D

    I can now boot my Pegasos, with the 30gb drive that was previously not working.

    The problem now is as follows:
    I have to HDs in my Pegasos. The one which was invalidated (now working) and another 10 gig drive.
    With either drive connected, I can boot from CD and view the partitions but with both connected only the 30gb drive shows up.
    Changing the jumper settings either seems to have no effect or gives me a blank screen.

    I'm gueesing it's possibly a boot priority thing but have forgotten how to change that.
    Changed the boot priority on the 10gb drive to -1 and left the 30gb at 0. No joy.

    [ Edited by Robert on 2005/3/24 20:01 ]
  • »24.03.05 - 19:42
    Profile Visit Website
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2306 from 2003/2/24
    a) not every combination of master/slave will actually work.
    Set both as "master" and connect one to each IDE-channel.

    b) having 2 partitions with the same (device)name can cause probs.
    Make sure that you have only 1 "Workbench","Work" etc and make sure
    the device-names ("DH0" etc) are all different.
  • »24.03.05 - 19:50
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2306 from 2003/2/24

    Start "SCSIConfig"
    Select drive.
    Hit "Partition"
    Select partion with double-click.
    Check the "Boot"-gadget
    Set "priority"
    Hit "ok"
    Hit "ok"
    Hit "save changes"
  • »24.03.05 - 19:53
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 331 from 2003/5/12


    a) Set both as "master" and connect one to each IDE-channel.

    I'll try this tonight. Setting the 10gb drive to 'master' is trial and error, since it has no diagram.


    Make sure that you have only 1 "Workbench","Work" etc and make sure

    These are different on each drive.


    make sure
    the device-names ("DH0" etc) are all different.

    These are the same for both drives.
    I'll change one to "HD0" etc, when I get home from work.
  • »25.03.05 - 09:36
    Profile Visit Website