DNETC v29 help!!
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 246 from 2003/5/14
    From: Fort Worth, TX...
    I'm having trouble with the latest dnetc client. It is not connecting
    to the network to retrieve packets.

    I'm getting a connection refused from euro.v29.distributed.net:2064

    Is there a way to manually configure the connection?


    Pegasos 1 G3 MorphOS 1.4.5* Mac G4 Sawtooth 1Ghz Tiger 10.4.1* Both Rock! :-D
  • »11.01.05 - 01:22
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 117 from 2003/12/28
    From: Fort Myers, Fl...
    here is the dnet network doc's

    Ask Dr. Stupid,
    Dear Dr. Stupid,
    Why do we have to go to school?
    That's a very good question. It's becuse your parents are
    ALIENS!!! When your at school they shed there human skins and
    breathe drier lint! hahahaha!
  • »11.01.05 - 02:00
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 246 from 2003/5/14
    From: Fort Worth, TX...
    Thanks for the tip. :) I couldn't visit distributed.net so it must have been a temporary lapse. It is crunching now. :) I was taking a nap this afternoon and heard my hard drive die - made a banging noise and had to restore from a backup. :( :-) My Peggy was too powerful for the hard drive.
    Pegasos 1 G3 MorphOS 1.4.5* Mac G4 Sawtooth 1Ghz Tiger 10.4.1* Both Rock! :-D
  • »11.01.05 - 03:47