3D accel on Peg2 + voodoo under linux ?
  • jit
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 9 from 2004/8/25
    I would like to buy a voodoo 4 4500 for my peg2 as I have, for now, a radeon that give me very poor result under linux (370fps glxgears) and which is not supported by morphOS.

    But Does voodoo cards works wiith xorg-x11 ? Does the hardware accellerated 3D is supported ?

    I have a Pegasos 2 + G4
  • »23.11.04 - 12:14
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 347 from 2003/10/12
    From: 1 AU, EU, DE/HU
    This is one of the most frequently asked question. Voodoo series doesn't work under Linux well, in a Peg2. Not even 2D acceleration works, X only works in FBDev mode. Forget about it... :-(
    [.Free Pascal Compiler MorphOS Port.]
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  • »23.11.04 - 12:49
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 296 from 2003/9/1
    From: Malmo, Sweden
    To use 3D acceleration in Linux with a voodoo card you have to use Glide. The problem with the Linux version of Glide is that it is full of x86 assembly. It has to be ported to ppc before it can be used.
    I get about 550 fps with glxgeard on xorg 6.8.0 with my Radeon 9100, which is about the same as I got on my x86 with a GeForce 2 GTS using nVidias drivers. I don't think the biggest problem with the open source driver is the speed it can shuffle triangles down the pipeline, it is the missing extensions. :-(
  • »23.11.04 - 13:03
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  • jit
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 9 from 2004/8/25
    thanks for the reply... it's really bad... it is impossible to have 3D accel on both MorphOS AND linux :(
  • »23.11.04 - 13:10
  • jit
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 9 from 2004/8/25
    I just seen something about voodoo and glide : it seems that only voodoo 1 and 2 need the glide drivers.... others voodoo's just need tdfx drivers... but perhaps it's the same ?
  • »23.11.04 - 13:14
  • jit
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 9 from 2004/8/25
    yes but the future of MorphOS is really uncertain now...
  • »23.11.04 - 13:54
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 407 from 2003/10/12

    thanks for the reply... it's really bad... it is impossible to have 3D accel on both MorphOS AND linux :(

    jit, not true, with Voodoo card you get 3D acceleration on MorphOS.
    ..there will be only one left.
  • »24.11.04 - 10:58
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 296 from 2003/9/1
    From: Malmo, Sweden

    thanks for the reply... it's really bad... it is impossible to have 3D accel on both MorphOS AND linux :(

    jit, not true, with Voodoo card you get 3D acceleration on MorphOS.

    But not in Linux, and therefore it is impossible to have 3D accel on BOTH MorphOS AND Linux.
  • »24.11.04 - 12:52
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 78 from 2004/6/18
    From: Italy (but Mex...
    I won't say it's impossible: you could buy a PCI Voodoo and put it side by side with your Radeon.
    You will then use the Radeon under Linux and the Voodoo under MorphOS!
  • »24.11.04 - 17:16