How to draw a brush onto a picture in fxPaint?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2003/10/12
    From: France

    Does anyone *know* how to draw a brush onto a picture in fxPaint 2 Lite (the version given with MorphOS)? Optionnally, if someone knows it's possible with the full version, it might give me an incentive to buy it.

    Since everyone wants to explain me how to create a brush, let me add that I already know how to create a brush. What I want to do is PASTE IT INTO THE DAMN PICTURE! Erm.

    I've read the doc but there's nothing about how to do that. Nothing in the FAQ on either. And unfortunately my AWeb seems to enter some kind of infinite loop when trying to read Felix' forum, so I couldn't ask there.

    I've seen the "Insert brush" effect, but when I draw using it, nothing happens.

    Thanks :)
  • »06.11.04 - 22:46
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 248 from 2003/4/4
    From: MONTREAL, Quebec

    Well, I've tried to do the same thing. I've read docs, looked on Google, bugged few people on IRC and still never found how to freaking paste a simple brush onto a picture.

    It may be a limitation of the Lite version, and if it's the case it really sucks if we can't try minimal brush features in a Lite version.

    Anyone succeeded?!

  • »07.11.04 - 00:00
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2003/2/24
    From: Canada
    Hi, I don't know if this is the easiest method
    but it works.

    1. Cut out a section with the square cutting
    tool on the end of the "drawing toolbar"

    2. Open the brush manager (little paint brush icon)

    3. Move your brush image into the brush manager
    using the "create brush from current picture"
    icon. (little paint brush with an arrow)

    4. Now press "the fill area" icon at the top
    (black lines) to allow pasting anywhere
    on the entire image quickly

    5. Now select the brush as your pen tip

    6. Open "FX" and choose "insert brush" and then
    "options", check on "positioning mode"

    7. Now you should be able to move the brush
    inside the image area in realtime

    8. Fix changes when done placement

    9. You can either hit the fill area icon
    again or alternately draw an area out with
    the normal white pen tip to paste only in
    a certain section of the image

    Hope that helps...

    [ Edited by realstar on 2004/11/6 18:47 ]

    [ Edited by realstar on 2004/11/6 18:54 ]
  • »07.11.04 - 01:41
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    I use the full version, not sure if the Lite is limited.
    I try to translate as I use it in german ;-)

    First mark the area on your picture with filled
    box or circle (or anything else) where you want
    to see your brush. (Dont fix)
    In the effects list select the menu 'composition'
    and there you should have the option to 'include brush'
    or something like that (here it is the 5th entry).
    Now open the settings for it, select "positioning"
    and now you can move the brush around in your
    marked area. That should bring your brush to the pic :)
  • »07.11.04 - 01:42
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2003/10/12
    From: France
    Woah, thanks! It actually works.

    Now that I know how to proceed, it actually makes sense. Insert brush is an effect, and as all effects it only applies where the density layer is filled... I thought it'd bypass this and draw directly (or fill the density layer itself), but no.

    The compose effect is even better... Well, it does the same thing, but with more parameters, and you can set a mask for the brush.

    The only problem is that you can't move the brush partially outside the picture on the top or the left :-(. (neither with compose nor with insert brush). I guess this can be solved by pre-cutting the brush before positionning it, but it's a bit tedious (or a lot, depending on the number of times the brush has to be pasted!)
  • »07.11.04 - 09:19
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    sure you can draw at the top or the left.
    Just zoom out of the pic so you have unused
    area on top or left ;-)
  • »07.11.04 - 11:05
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