Looking for GFX program
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany

    I work as webdeveloper and would like to use MOS as main platform. Unfortunately I don't know which gfx program I can use.

    Can someone please recommand me a gfx program?

    Here is what it need to be able to do:

    -aquire screenshots
    -good resize of pictures
    -increase contrast of picture
    -change hue (to colorize complete pictures)
    -work with transparent images
    -reduce numbers of used colors.
    I often need to create banners or similar stuff as gif.
    So a good color reduction from truecolor
    to 2-256 colors is needed.
    - need to be able to save gifs.

    On Linux I useally use gimp.
    But I really would like to use MOS only if I could find a good gfx program.

    Any Ideas?

    Thanks in advance
  • »19.06.04 - 18:37
    Profile Visit Website
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1923 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    ImageFX will do all that for you. You can search Aminet for a screen
    grab app. You can find several by jsut typing screen grap in the
    search block.
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  • »19.06.04 - 18:51
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany
    Hi Acill,

    But of course I need to be able to paint as well.
    Cut and paste brushes
    and manuall pixeling
    and I need to be able to rotate.

    Can I *paint* or draw in imagefx as well?

  • »19.06.04 - 18:58
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 342 from 2003/6/29
    Yes, imgex also allows painting.
    Pegasos PPC
  • »19.06.04 - 19:16