• Cocoon
    Posts: 49 from 2003/7/17
    I have my old C code and new pretty slick C++ code if you're interested.

    HTTP RFC is lenghty and hard to read if you're not familiar with BNF notation, but but protocol itself is quite simple.

    Generally you need to create a socket, resolve domain, connect socket to specified ip/port and send:

    GET /path/on/server HTTP/1.1\r\n
    Host: domain.com\r\n

    If all went fine In reply you'll get:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
    Some-Headers: here\r\n
    requested page

    Be careful with recv()/send() commands - they don't have to read/send all data you requested. You need either specify flag (which I dont remember now :)) or execute them in loop.
    this text is here to confuse you
  • »10.03.04 - 17:49