Quake1 on MOS -> Rabel1
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    {from #morphzone}
    [16:26:49] <Rabel1> Hi All!
    [16:27:17] <Rabel1> Quick question: Does Quake I work on PPC in PPC mode? Do I have to have a Voodoo card for it to work? Thanks.
    [16:28:26] <Rabel1> Guess no one is here. :-<

    1st: Download Quake for PUP archive from aminet

    2nd: extract and install it (copy drawer to your HD), add your pc files to "ID1" directory

    3rd: Download QuakeMOS

    4th: extract it with gzip or XAD/Voodoo-X and copy the binary to your Quake directory

    5th: open information window of QuakeGUI (AFAIR it's part of QuakePUP archive) and set QUAKENAME tooltype to "quakeMOS".


    to use the full MOS/PowerPC native Quake1 version.

    6th: start the game, it should work now w/o problems and w/o voodoo graphic card. You also could try to install it without QuakePUP, but then you need to fiddle around with many commandline options.

    I hope this helps. And next time don't leave the channel that fast. ;-)

  • »25.02.04 - 15:34
    Profile Visit Website
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 10 from 2004/2/20
    The QuakeGUI also needs wizard.library available from aminet -> SvII-WIZ.lha.
  • »26.02.04 - 04:33