Iris and iCloud account
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 478 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland
    Does anyone manage to set up an account in Iris?
    I think I've tried all possible settings (starting with the recommended ones), but it doesn't work.
  • »20.03.25 - 15:45
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3178 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    Did you create an application password?
  • »20.03.25 - 16:19
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 723 from 2004/2/10

    We going to see a new demo sometime? :) Yours are the best!
  • »20.03.25 - 16:34
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 478 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    jacadcaps wrote:
    Did you create an application password?

    Aghrrr, you are right. :) I forgot that it requires creating an application password. I have already created a password for synchronizing Iris Contacts with my iCloud account. Now I have revoked the password, created a new one, and used it for Contacts and when adding the iCloud account in Iris. Everything works well without any additional actions.

    Thank you for your help.

    I’m getting old... really old. It’s terrible...
  • »20.03.25 - 18:12
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  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 478 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    matt3 wrote:
    We going to see a new demo sometime? :) Yours are the best!

    Very nice to read that. Thank you. :) However It’s not hard to be good when there’s almost no competition. :) :)

    I’d like to, but unfortunately, I’m not going to make a demo in 2025 because I won’t have the time. Making a demo usually takes me 1 to 4 months (now much less than before). I even have an idea for an interesting and unusual (and maybe a bit funny) demo that would go well with a certain piece of music. I asked the composer, and he said I could use it.

    However, I would need to implement a bone system in my engine that would be compatible with the existing classes (mesh, object, scene, animator), add bone data export to my Blender plugins, and then learn how to model and animate characters. I’ve tried that before, and the results were very poor. :D

    I promised myself I wouldn’t make a demo until I finish my game "Orbiton" (mainly for MorphOS, with other platforms later). I’ve been working on it for almost seven years (with breaks for making demos and the engine), and there’s still so much to do. The game’s mechanics have gotten so complex that I spent over a month writing documentation needed for creating levels (in the first version I would like to create about 200 levels). Creating, testing, adding the rest of the graphics, and handling all the sound design is a huge amount of work.

    Also, these are tough times for me, and I have to spend much more time on paid work. Paradoxically, the more I work, the worse things get. :) This trend has become dangerous. :) :)

    Regardless of all this, if I finish the game, I want to make two more demos. In one, I’d like to try bone animation, and in the other, I’ll try to implement simple soft body physics (I’ve been planning to learn this for over 20 years).
  • »20.03.25 - 22:05
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