connor wrote: This info would be helpful on the pagestream webpage, and then explain what it all means.
Is there something that you need explaining about what I have mentioned?

I am happy to impart my knowledge of PageStream to any interested user.

That said, I believe Christoph Poelzl (rms) is a far more knowledgeable user of PageStream than I am. I have seen a few of his documents in the drafting process and they are very impressive!

The alpha blending is basically a transparency effect that allows some shading to enhance a feature/object that you place on a document. You can view the effect in a document, but when you save it either as a PageStream document or as a PDF the effect is not saved and you end up with the more basic object/effect.
Some images, e.g. PNGs are corrupted when saved, so ideally use TIFFs, the JPEG2000 image format is also either not saved or corrupted when a document is saved. If you want to create a shaded effect in a PDF then you have to save/combine the overall effect as an object currently and then save the document. Even then it might need a bit of 'tweaking' reworking!
The Toolbox has a little 'bug' in it that when you click on the object tool (or press F1 - its shortcut) then when you move the Toolbox anywhere else on the screen the whole range of "fly-out" tools (small square icons that allow you to carry out other object changes, such as The Object Tool - changes objects parameters, The Reshape Tool - reshapes objects/tables, or The Crop Tool - crops images/objects, The Rotate Tool - rotates images/objects, or The Lasso Tool - Lassos objects), also drop-down, and until you choose a different tool it will stay 'hanging' until you do so.
I came across a 'bug' with the Transform tool that spread some of my "transformed" objects into wide areas off the page, into far and wide areas of a document that I had to search for with the page zoomed out to a minimum. There are probably a few other bugs that I have passed to Frank/Deron, but as the main ones I have mentioned have not been fixed and they do not appear very often I have not mentioned them here as yet.
Even though there are currently issues/bugs with PageStream v5.1.2 it is still very usable, and our only real professional program for creating anything like it as real DeskTop Publishing (DTP) software. Even v4.1.5.6 is a great program, but with the advent of PageStream v5.1.2 for MorphOS then the MorphOS version takes the top spot without any shadow of a doubt!
connor wrote: A lot of information there is very old. In the bug tracker I cannot really find anything because it is not a normal bug tracker with search for anything or sort by date or topic or see if a bug is fixed already years ago.
Sadly Deron has not been as diligent and focused on PageStream for a good few years, as he was in the earlier days of the Atari and Amiga versions (PageStream v1, v2, v3, v4) when he also used to produce the version for the Macintosh (v3 & v4). Version 5 was never really a useful program for me until Frank Mariak got it working for MorphOS, which probably fixed so many of the other inherent issues that were plaguing it that Frank "ironed-out" for Deron it seems.
The MorphOS update was ONLY brought about by Frank Mariak, who is also a friend of Christoph Poelzl (rms) who is a day-to-day professional DTP graphic designer for a company who had strained all he could out of PageStream v4.x.x.x for many years. He kept pestering Frank (even more than me) to see what he could achieve with Deron Kazmaier to get PageStream v5.x.x.x for MorphOS a reality. Later on Christoph, and his son, also got involved in creating a new icon set for PageStream. I know he has completed it and I have seen a basic offering of one of the sets he made, and it looks far better than the original Toolbar, but when it will be added to the archive or allowed to be distributed as an add-on I do not know, but for me the sooner the better.
I did ask Frank Mariak when he was working on PageStream v5.1.2 for MorphOS if he could allow for a much wider Toolbar, with more icons possible to add into the Toolbar GUI/Window as there were sufficient Tools(icons) in PageStream v4, nevermind v5, to allow for about 4 rows of icons in the Toolbar, but there is so little space in ONE Toolbar, even if there was one vertical and another horizontal, which is also not possible currently, then we could choose to have more directly clickable tools to choose from to make working with PageStream much easier. I believe Christoph did at least one other alternative set of icons, one set was a fairly flat (modern) design set of icons, and the other was a more classical set of icons, for the PageStream main Toolbar of Frank Mariak's (cyfm) I hope an update will come up some time soon.
I know that Frank (cyfm) was considering adding SVG support to PageStream, along with some other features, but the struggles he had, in getting the MorphOS release to the point where he was as happy as he could be (stable and as many bugs as possible ironed out), never really materialised, and Deron released it at a far earlier stage. I found quite a few bugs very soon after it was released, even though I had hoped to be involved with some testing, prior to it being released, so even I considered that it had needed more bug fixing prior to release ... but it was too late by then!
Bill Panagouleas (discreetfx) did offer to create an icon set for PageStream v5.1.2 but I have not heard back from him about any progress regarding it, as of yet.
connor wrote: Now that cyfm has modernised it on MorphOS, it should be easier for Deron to update the program and fix bugs or write new features.
No doubt it should be, it will just be getting Deron focused on the program, which as you may have noticed over the last few years he has done little with, and if Frank Mariak had not offered him the help he desperately needed to complete the MorphOS release then that is probably where it would have stayed, and eventually passed into obscurity.

Also, I believe it took a heavy toll on Frank Mariak, and he had my sympathy for the troubles he went through to get PageStream to where it is, and it would probably take some momentous effort to re-invigorate him to fix the known issues. If that were possible in collaboration with Deron, if enough impetus could be generated in both of them, then more likely the need to generate sufficient enthusiasm would have to be centred and focused on Deron, rather than Frank, who I have always found to be an avid creator and fan of MorphOS, and a determined person with an underlying very kindly persona.
I would not mind offering a further donation to Frank (& Deron) to encourage him/them, if he/they have the enthusiasm, and time, to take on fixing, and improving PageStream even more.
I did get from Deron a year or two ago, the authority to edit and improve his v4 of the PageStream manual (available at the time of v4's release as an incomplete PDF), but that was solely for my own use, but I would have no problem continuing to improve it to add further details into it that relate to v5, as I would like to do.
I have suggested in the past, at least to Frank, that it might be a good idea to see if Deron would pass the program to the MorphOS Dev. Team to save it from falling into obscurity, if he is no longer interested in maintaining it. It's a massive program, and has many features that would probably not be understood by some programmers, not least of which may be due to the way the program code was written over many years and versions, probably also due to its complexity, I believe.
Michael Merkel who is a PageStream user of the classic versions, and now an OS4 user, has asked Deron if it would be possible to have an OS4 version, but I believe it would require some of the Development Team for OS4 to offer their assistance to Deron to make that happen.
Sadly PageStream is currently languishing quite a lot, and the many users that used to enjoy using it, which also kept Deron focused on PageStream, have abandoned it, due in no small part to the bugs and issues that he has just not focused on fixing, in a timely fashion, which is a great shame. No-one seems to ask questions on the forum very often, as they end up waiting for ages for a reply, if they ever get one, from Deron, though I have offered some responses, as has Frank, to fill that gap, but I am not the owner of the program and cannot answer questions that relate to Deron specifically.
MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5