Acolyte of the Butterfly
Posts: 105 from 2022/7/1
Hello MorpOS lovers:
My Dir Opus 4 crashes when I enter the configuration.It crashes as it freezes the system (thing that it didn't happened never before)
and it has problems to let you configure the Filetype's option on the Configuration window-options.
I am not new to Morphos (I used since 2021 but I feel I am a bit flacky or unexperienced and new or beginner for Morphos).I am beginning to know at least more but what is the best way for Morphos? Because Morphos is a very reliable and efficient Amiga-system
Dir Opus 4 is a great filemanager but has someone experienced similar problems?.Of all of the program/utility works great,even now I can see lha archives and in a magic touch decompress em as well since yesterday sunday,or saturday maybe that's because I readed all that the program Dir Opus were saying and undrstanding to make right the next step.Dir Opus on its version 4 is a very easy program to use and I love it really forward with it.And the lha configuration of file step that leaded forward was awesome and very imporatnt to me and it was after reading all,ticking the Execute flags on it.And all of lha files now can be decompressed and extracted now as it is was a new Amiga 1200 or Amiga 500 with ACA500
Thank you and hope you can help me
Hope you understand (I am sure haha)
[ Edited by bearerofthetorch 19.08.2024 - 18:49 ]
»19.08.24 - 17:30