Morphever by Encore
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1298 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    I think I know the problem:
    I used Wayfarer before and I recognized that some progs, started after, will crash unforeseeable, or show a strange behaviour (e.g. Mplayer, OWB, ImageFX) - not allways but often - not really reproduceable - that makes it not easy to find out what happens, because system freezes always complete - only coldreboot helps..

    After turning of G5 completely off (needs to be disconneted from powersource), Morphever now does what it should do.
    Seems that Wayfarer leaves something disruptive in RAM, after quitting.
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »24.10.22 - 17:36
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 474 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    Amigaharry2 wrote:
    I think I know the problem:
    I used Wayfarer before and I recognized that some progs, started after, will crash unforeseeable, or show a strange behaviour (e.g. Mplayer, OWB, ImageFX) - not allways but often - not really reproduceable - that makes it not easy to find out what happens, because system freezes always complete - only coldreboot helps..

    After turning of G5 completely off (needs to be disconneted from powersource), Morphever now does what it should do.
    Seems that Wayfarer leaves something disruptive in RAM, after quitting.

    Interesting observation. I am double surprised...
    I often have opened Wayfarer during programming and testing the demo (and game). I didn't noticed the problem...
  • »24.10.22 - 18:39
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1298 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    I use MorphOS on 2 G5 and 2 PB G4 whole day for my office - and Wayfarer/OWB are running very often (sometimes both parallel) to do telebanking, tax office applications, Email, and much more. This is really heavy work for MOS on G5/G4 and needs often more then 90% RAM and high CPU-load. I have also to switch between applications often, so I think, this is a real "stress test" for MOS (and all applications). After some hours work, there may be some garbage in RAM - or whatever else. In fact I can see this behaviour, but I cannot really reproduce it (it occours randomly - sometimes there where 10h no problems) - so I cannot give developers a usefull hint (till yet - will see what future brings...).

    I've also tested Wayfarer (and also OWB, Mplayer, .....) alone on my other G5 (I have some of them), without any other memory-corrosive applications: It does'nt crash even in 24h. But together.......

    [ Editiert durch Amigaharry2 24.10.2022 - 22:04 ]
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »24.10.22 - 20:03
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1519 from 2012/11/10
    From: Manchester, UK/GB

    NewSense wrote: When I run it on my iMac iSight 2.1GHz G5, ~1.5GB RAM ... that window "meditates". :-(
    Are there any dependencies that the DEMO needs to run, like any of the later, SDL or tinygl updates, etc.? :-?


    MDW wrote: The demo should work on your config very good. SDL is not necessary because this production doesn't use SDL. Have you tried to update TinyGL to the latest beta-version? It should work correctly with the betas...

    It seems it was the TinyGL updates that were required - starting from Shell had the same result until the TinyGL updates were installed, but it works very smoothly (59.3fps) now - super gorgeous GFX as usual with your releases, along with Hi-Fi-ne audio from Skyrunner. 8-)
    MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5
  • »25.10.22 - 06:50
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 474 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    NewSense wrote:
    It seems it was the TinyGL updates that were required - starting from Shell had the same result until the TinyGL updates were installed, but it works very smoothly (59.3fps) now - super gorgeous GFX as usual with your releases, along with Hi-Fi-ne audio from Skyrunner. 8-)

    Thank you for the information. I am really happy that it works now because I had not idea where is reason of the problem... :)
  • »25.10.22 - 07:50
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 510 from 2003/4/11

    MDW wrote:

    NewSense wrote:
    It seems it was the TinyGL updates that were required - starting from Shell had the same result until the TinyGL updates were installed, but it works very smoothly (59.3fps) now - super gorgeous GFX as usual with your releases, along with Hi-Fi-ne audio from Skyrunner. 8-)

    Thank you for the information. I am really happy that it works now because I had not idea where is reason of the problem... :)

    If you installed the SDK update for TinyGL as well, then as mentioned in the readme, any software compiled with the updated SDK also absolutely requires the new version of TinyGL, and if you manually open tinygl.library, then you must open at least version 53.

    If you compile the program without the TinyGL SDK update installed, then it should work on older versions of TinyGL as well.

    Quote from the readme, although I realise now that I should probably have put this information a bit more prominently i nthe readme:

    Please note that any software compiled with the updated SDK will require tinygl.library version 53.0 or higher, and thus either MorphOS 3.18 or MorphOS 3.17 + this separate TinyGL update. If you manually open tinygl.library, you must update your code to request version 53!
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username], where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »25.10.22 - 08:08
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  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 474 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    bigfoot wrote:
    If you installed the SDK update for TinyGL as well, then as mentioned in the readme, any software compiled with the updated SDK also absolutely requires the new version of TinyGL, and if you manually open tinygl.library, then you must open at least version 53.

    If you compile the program without the TinyGL SDK update installed, then it should work on older versions of TinyGL as well.

    You are extremely right! Thank you for the comment.

    According Bigfoot's recommendation - please install the latest TinyGL update if you wanted to run this production. Or wait for next final version of the MorphOS.
  • »25.10.22 - 12:23
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 562 from 2015/6/18
    From: Funeralopolis
    A very nice demo! :-) Runs well on my G5 11,2 + ATI X1300. I made the same observations regarding framerate as the others. Most of the time 60fps, some parts slower 56-60fps.
    PMac G5 11,2. PMac G4 3,6. PBook G4 5,8. [MorphOS 3.19 / Adelie Linux / Gentoo Linux] | A600GS (Amibench / OS 3.2) | Talos II Secure Workstation. [Gentoo Linux]
  • »26.10.22 - 13:15
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 474 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland
    Version 1.1.0 available on MorphOS Storage:

    ver 1.1.0 (November 10th, 2022)
    - Engine updated to version 4.4.0.
    - Reduced VRAM usage (fixed preloading textures).
    - Reduced RAM consumption (music is played from file instead of data in memory). Now the demo should work on Efika.
    - Now the demo works correctly on TinyGL from MorphOS 3.17 doesn't require update TinyGL to beta versions).
    - Reduced CPU usage of end part (optimized rendering the scroll).
    - Small modifications in text of the end scroll.
  • »11.11.22 - 10:24
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1298 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    Demo runs smoothly now on EFIKA from Ambient and its impressive fast: Frames always beween 48 to 59 fps! (endpart too). Needless to say: Soundtrack is also impressive!
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »11.11.22 - 17:21
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 474 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    Amigaharry2 wrote:
    Demo runs smoothly now on EFIKA from Ambient and its impressive fast: Frames always beween 48 to 59 fps! (endpart too). Needless to say: Soundtrack is also impressive!

    Nice to read this. I have no access to Efika so I couldn't test it on this machine. The demo is not very big so it should work on Efika.
    Thank you for the very helpful report. I am really happy. :)
  • »11.11.22 - 18:13
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 32 from 2004/2/7
    From: Slovakia
    Hi MDW

    Very, very nice demo like every demo from you and Encore. It runs perfectly on my PBG4 (A1139). Thx for that.

    Best Regards
    MB :Pegasos-II
    CPU :G4/1GHz
    OS :MOS 2.2 reg, MOS 1.4.5, Ubuntu 8.04, MACOSX Panther on MOLk
    RAM :512MB-DDR266 Apacer
    GFX :ATI-Radeon 9200 128MB
    HDD :MAXTOR-160+80GB ATA133
    TV :Pinnacle Studio PCTV

    Powerbook G4 A1139, MOS3.18
  • »14.11.22 - 21:50
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 309 from 2005/10/18
    From: No(R)way
    Love it !! But on my Mac Mini 1.5Ghz it stutters slightly on the sound, after the limbo 3d part it is very easy to hear here...Tried a couple of times and compared to the earlier version, and that (1.0.0) do not have any sound issues..
    MacMiniG4 MOS 3.18 rulez ... For music check: Horrordelic Records - Dark Psychedelic Music Since 2011 -
  • »15.11.22 - 08:22
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1298 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    Did a quick test:
    Cannot confirm this on my Mini (1,5GHz and 1,42MHz).
    But what I noticed: there are 2 (really) small cracks in sound during endpart (part 9). Seems that there is some CPU-intensive background action scrolling the text....
    It's interessting, that CPU is allways on 99%, but I does'nt know if that's correct. Mini seems not to become warm, as I would expect in that case. Used VRAM during part 1 to 8 is on Mini 1,5 near 44MB and during part 9 bout 48MB (1280x1024), while Mini 1,42 never uses more than 28MB (1650x900)!?! (if datas in screen-headline does'nt lie......)


    Dont have report for Mini 1,42GHz - this one is on other location........

    [ Editiert durch Amigaharry2 15.11.2022 - 12:11 ]
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »15.11.22 - 11:10
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 309 from 2005/10/18
    From: No(R)way
    Thx for reporting Amigaharry2! Btw: I should have mention resolution used: 1920 x 1080 :)
    MacMiniG4 MOS 3.18 rulez ... For music check: Horrordelic Records - Dark Psychedelic Music Since 2011 -
  • »15.11.22 - 15:42
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1298 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    Maybe you running out of VRAM. I reduced Ambient-Screen to 16bit on both Minis
    Have you also tried it windowed?
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »15.11.22 - 16:16
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 309 from 2005/10/18
    From: No(R)way
    V1.0.0 works perfectly, also in 1920x1080.. But yeah gfx ram usage is something to remember on these machines!
    MacMiniG4 MOS 3.18 rulez ... For music check: Horrordelic Records - Dark Psychedelic Music Since 2011 -
  • »15.11.22 - 16:38
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1298 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    Difference is, that MDW does'nt put tracks into RAM during runtime (gains much RAM). Can imagine, that loading from HD is'nt quick enough in some conditions (HD startup after ideling, etc.). Depends on your backgroundtasks too.

    As I wrote above: Even on EFIKA it runs perfect without any stuttering. For such a small machine with a really low-speed-ide, its amazing - compared to Morphoza, which has a part where EFIKA broke down to 3 fp/s (Part 4 greetz).
    To be complete: Morphobia runs perfect and Morphilia only without startup-sequence (leak of RAM)
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »15.11.22 - 18:58
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 474 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland
    Thank you everyone for reports from your various computers. All report and opinion is very important and helpful for me.

    I am reading, reading, reading and my conclussion is - I will create option in the demo Launcher which allows to select if music will be streamed from disc without loading in to memory or loaded in to RAM and played from memory. :)

    In a future I will update: Morphoza, Morphilia, Morphobia. It requires a bit more work because these demos should be adjusted to some new features and modifications of the new verison of my mini-pseudo-primitive-engine.

    However before end of 2022 I would like to finish other very simple production. I promised someone create remake of our 20 years old demo which we created for AmigaPPC with StormMESA. :) It is very very simple demo so I decided to recreate everything and use only original music and textures (scalled to higher resolution by a machine learning algorithm). Objects and scenes, paths are very very simple so better is re-creaate it in Blender. This is better and more comfortable than swimming in my 20-years crappy code, decode stupid file-formats...
  • »16.11.22 - 22:25
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 32 from 2004/2/7
    From: Slovakia
    It is very interesting, that you do on new and also old productions. I m looking forward already now. :)
    MB :Pegasos-II
    CPU :G4/1GHz
    OS :MOS 2.2 reg, MOS 1.4.5, Ubuntu 8.04, MACOSX Panther on MOLk
    RAM :512MB-DDR266 Apacer
    GFX :ATI-Radeon 9200 128MB
    HDD :MAXTOR-160+80GB ATA133
    TV :Pinnacle Studio PCTV

    Powerbook G4 A1139, MOS3.18
  • »17.11.22 - 01:25
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1298 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    Thats interessting! Is ist possible to compile that demo for WarpOS (CyberstormPPC) too?
    I own a A3K witch 060/PPC240 and PIV - and the PPC yearns for something to do.... :-)
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »17.11.22 - 09:16
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 474 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    Amigaharry2 wrote:
    Thats interessting! Is ist possible to compile that demo for WarpOS (CyberstormPPC) too?

    I don't remember limitations of MiniGL (by Hyperion). I said goodbye MiniGL in 2003 when I bought Pegasos I G3/600 with MorphOS 1.4. I don't use something special in TinyGL, still don't use shaders so... maybe it is possible. However I would had to add playing music by something what is supported be AmigaOS 3. Now I use Reggae on MorphOS, AVAudioEngine on macOS/iOS, SDL_Mixer on other platforms (which I haven't used for over 10 years, hehe).
    I will probably try to do it because I have one more reason...

    After finish updating these demos I am going to back to work on game (called "Orbiton") which has been temporary frozen. It would be nice create the game also for AmigaOS3/PPC. So I probably will try to add support for this (very similar to MorphOS) platform. The game is not very heavy so PPC card for Amiga Classic should allow to play in at least 30 fps and resolution at least 800x600. Resolution is very important in this game because action in on sphere, all objects on the planet and orbits are very small.
    The game is in very advanced stage. Everything what was difficult for me has been implemented and works. The most important and huge task is creating system of levels and create at least 200 levels. :) I can't imagine how I will do it... I use simple helpful Python scripts also on MorphOS, so I will try to create a script which generate base of levels which will be tested, modified, tested, modified, tested, modified... for achieve a good balance.

    -------- edit --------


    Amigaharry2 wrote:
    I own a A3K witch 060/PPC240 and PIV - and the PPC yearns for something to do.... :-)

    Aggghhrrr... Please forget what I said. Now I noticed "PIV". If it is PicassoIV (my unrealised dream before 2000) the port is not possible. OpenGL requires hardware acceleration (at least CVision3D, BVsion3D, Voodoo3/4/5, Radeon). GL without hardware acceleration usually means less than 1 fps. :)

    [ Edited by MDW 17.11.2022 - 14:12 ]
  • »17.11.22 - 13:05
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1298 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    That's sad, but thank you for clarification.
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »17.11.22 - 14:51
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 309 from 2005/10/18
    From: No(R)way
    Lovely to hear even those older mos demos from you will get updates, they are truly some work of art that is for sure !! And new game !! Woahh, if it is polished like the Fprtis game we have something to look forward to ... Keep up the good work !!
    MacMiniG4 MOS 3.18 rulez ... For music check: Horrordelic Records - Dark Psychedelic Music Since 2011 -
  • »18.11.22 - 07:53
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  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 474 from 2003/7/25
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    kriz wrote:
    Woahh, if it is polished like the Fortis game we have something to look forward to ...

    The game will not looks as good as the Forthis because I create graphics 2D/3D. 😃 However Orbiton is much more complex, complicated than Fortis (which is a simple shooter). Something between strange tower-defense (without fixed paths) and simple realtime strategy.
  • »18.11.22 - 08:23
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