• Butterfly
    Posts: 63 from 2003/12/1
    From: Cleveland, UK
    Something I found in the AHI docs, seems more relevent to old amigas rather than Pegs, but hey I am desperate :-x

    I hope it give someone some ideas

    thank you
    Q. Eeek! The song is playing veeeeeeery sloooooooowlly...@{ub}

    A. Make sure the pitch is set to 100%. If it is, then you have hit the Amiga sound DMA barrier. If you're running in a PAL/NTSC screen then you must either set the maximum AHI frequency to 28KHz or reduce the mpeg samplerate to 1:2. You could also try running a VGA screen such as DBLPal if you have a multican or VGA/SVGA monitor.

    If you have a graphics card, you must set the env-variable AUDIO56KHZ to 1 (only later versions of CyberGraphX4) or run C:AddAudioModes DBLSCAN. See the AHI guide for more details.
  • »20.01.04 - 00:36