• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1054 from 2004/9/23

    ernsteiswuerfel wrote:
    True. ^^ exFAT all the way (where possible).

    We have exFAT on MorphOS, but this does not fix the USB issue.

    You would not use a hard drive that stops spinning and restarts every now and then. Same happens to USB, it is just called a NAK timeout.

    USB should be used for data transfer or installing purpose, but not for running heavy duty operations that constantly read and write megabytes of data.

    The USB protocol (at least USB1 and USB2) is just bullshit and a result of keeping controller chips cheap. Unlike firewire, which is way faster on equal bus speeds, you need to do most stuff in software. The first iteration even required 32 bytes overhead to transfer 32 bytes of data.
  • »08.07.21 - 11:21