• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 197 from 2008/7/10
    From: Cheshire, UK

    jacadcaps wrote:
    For a while now I cannot even get BBC News videos to play on my mac/iPad here so there's little I can do - and iPlayer doesn't even work in Canada, so don't expect any targeted fixes.

    Don't worry, I know you have to just be general in your approach as once you start targeting different broadcasters, international broadcast rights get in the way.

    The point I was trying to make is that even in this not targeted approach things that I thought would never work have started to work. I mean the overlay YouTube is great and a feels nice and modern when compared to OWB.

    Just keep on doing what you are doing on your plan as your achievements to date are truly brilliant.
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  • »20.04.21 - 13:30