• Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1519 from 2012/11/10
    From: Manchester, UK/GB

    NewSense wrote: @ jacadcaps - The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) uses Flash for their online TV viewing service "iPlayer", so having Flashplayer support would be great for that online TV viewing service. 8-D


    jacadcaps wrote: Really? They use HLS for their videos on BBC News so I'd be surprised if they really required flash - but I cannot check since it doesn't work outside of UK.

    OK, here's some information via Google about the BBC and its use of FlashPlayer with iPlayer

    "Why does BBC still use Flash Player?
    The BBC has a security issue, they need to provide some level of content protection to prevent people downloading videos (it is unfair to call it DRM). Flash provides some level of content protection natively but content protection support in web browsers is fragmented by comparison."

    When I try to load a video from iPlayer with OWB it generates an error message which states

    "Sorry, you need Flash to play this.

    Enable it in your browser or

    download Flash Player here.


    Andreas_Wolf wrote: Haven't they been offering it in a HTML5 version for half a decade?


    NewSense wrote: That's true, BUT ...

    "Does iPlayer use Flash?
    The BBC's iPlayer has been made available using the HTML5 web language, at the expense of Adobe's Flash player. The broadcaster's media service was one of the most prominent online platforms to use Flash. ... However, the Flash version will remain available"

    However, if Wayfarer will allow the HTML5 version of iPlayer to be utilised then maybe this would be a far better thing than trying to implement a Flash Player utilitiy as it probably wouldn't bypass the security features that Flash have built-in that the BBC uses to incorporate some media constraints on users just downloading their copyrighted materials. 8-D

    NewSense wrote: Also, will Wayfarer also take this amount of time to load up a similar/same webpage even with the newer JavaScript and newer webengine you've worked on?


    jacadcaps wrote: I'd say: expect it to be slightly slower than OWB w/o JIT. It's certainly usable on most websites.

    That's what I expected, so thanks for that update.

    NewSense wrote: Also, F1 - motor racing website also uses a video format that OWB cannot handle or even see the thumbnail/image for, but will Wayfarer be able to handle that video format correctly, and play it at a watchable speed on a MacMini 1.5GHz?


    jacadcaps wrote: As I've said multiple times already do not expect video or audio support for now.:

    Woah !! . I added on the end of my Formula1.com comment . . that I'm aware that you've already said that video/audio implementation will be delayed ... sometime after Wayfarer's release. so please don't make it out that I didn't state that in the same question. I'm just asking a question to point out that this site is of interest and that I'd like to be able to access the public videos on it, if Wayfarer will be capable of doing so . . . at some point in the future, that's all. 8-)

    jacadcaps wrote: [... The website you've mentioned uses MPEG-TS/HLS which should not be a big of a problem to support (provided it is not encrypted), but I will not commit to any availability dates for now. Media support will certainly be the "next big thing" after the initial release and stabilisation.

    OK, that's what I hoped would be your reply, but my ears are still burning at the moment! 8-)
    MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5
  • »30.09.20 - 09:28