• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada

    Do you plan to make the source and build instructions available when it is released?

    Sources will eventually land on github, I believe, but not necessarily open to everyone. For now I want to focus on this myself, with the help of the rest of the MorphOS Team. That said, anyone who feels like he can make a meaningful contribution should feel free to approach me.

    The pre-requisites are mostly the same as with Odyssey (a couple of things like libicu, cairo or freetype had to be updated, but we've done this already). Other than the linklibs you need GCC 9 with ObjectiveC and libstdc++ that has threading features enabled. This project really stress tests the whole SDK and so far most of the related diffs are actually in compilers, binutils or libnix and not WebKit itself. I'm obviously cross-compiling all this...
  • »05.03.20 - 21:04
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