• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 570 from 2007/7/29
    I got a Firewire cable because one computer is in a corner where I cannot access it well. We have this tool called ohci1394_mon but it does not work for me. Both computers are connected with a firewire cable. I start both computers new. I start "ohci1394_mon ai" on both computers and enter "br" to reset the bus (tried with "ohci1394_mon br" before but got no repsonse if it worked or not). Then I exit with "x". The first computer I start with "ohci1394_mon sm" and the second I start with LogTool. In Logtool I select "firewire" as source. But whatever I do on the first computer I do not get a single output line on the second one. Is the program not working or is it wrong what I do?
  • »12.02.18 - 14:05