Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 404 from 2014/6/11
From: Germany
I have compared the two e-uae versions.
See (config is pretty much default a1200):
WIP4 real: Mips: 1.03, vs. 600: 1.5, CPU ~45-47%
WIP4 max: Mips: 12.21, vs. 600: 27.0, CPU 98%
1.0 (no-jit) real: Mips: 1.03, vs. 600: 1.5, CPU ~61-63%
1.0 (no-jit) max: Mips: 3.33 vs. 600: 5.4, CPU 95%
1.0 (jit) real: Mips: 1.03, vs. 600: 1.5, CPU ~68-72%
1.0 (jit) max: Mips: 32.69 vs. 600: 27.0 (?. seems to be max), CPU 99%
It seems that for max performance the 1.0 (jit enabled) version is clearly the fastest.
But when emulating a standard A1200 version 1.0 uses (much) more CPU resources.
Also, for a none-jit version the WIP4 emulates a pretty fast A1200 where 1.0 with jit disabled is pretty slow.
My aim is to use an emulated A1200 as a WHDLoad game machine. It would be fully sufficient If would be a bit faster than a stock A1200. Considering that setup I should use the WIP4 version.
Or is there a config that I can use for the 1.0 that reduces CPU load?