e-uae WIP4 vs. 1.0.0
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 404 from 2014/6/11
    From: Germany

    I have compared the two e-uae versions.

    See (config is pretty much default a1200):

    WIP4 real: Mips: 1.03, vs. 600: 1.5, CPU ~45-47%
    WIP4 max: Mips: 12.21, vs. 600: 27.0, CPU 98%

    1.0 (no-jit) real: Mips: 1.03, vs. 600: 1.5, CPU ~61-63%
    1.0 (no-jit) max: Mips: 3.33 vs. 600: 5.4, CPU 95%

    1.0 (jit) real: Mips: 1.03, vs. 600: 1.5, CPU ~68-72%
    1.0 (jit) max: Mips: 32.69 vs. 600: 27.0 (?. seems to be max), CPU 99%

    It seems that for max performance the 1.0 (jit enabled) version is clearly the fastest.
    But when emulating a standard A1200 version 1.0 uses (much) more CPU resources.
    Also, for a none-jit version the WIP4 emulates a pretty fast A1200 where 1.0 with jit disabled is pretty slow.

    My aim is to use an emulated A1200 as a WHDLoad game machine. It would be fully sufficient If would be a bit faster than a stock A1200. Considering that setup I should use the WIP4 version.
    Or is there a config that I can use for the 1.0 that reduces CPU load?

  • »01.03.16 - 17:40
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 165 from 2004/11/18
    i use cpu_speed=2 with jit enabled and the global cpu load decrease. I play Swos96 whith that configuration. It prévent my powerbook to warm to much
  • »02.03.16 - 22:36
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 404 from 2014/6/11
    From: Germany
    Well, cpu_speed=2 is almost max I thing.
    That gives me a CPU load of ~95%.

    Are there jit settings which may affect CPU load?

  • »04.03.16 - 10:33
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 404 from 2014/6/11
    From: Germany
    It seems when emulating the speed near the 68020 original the jit wastes a lot of CPU cycles.
    No jit is the better option in this case.

  • »04.03.16 - 10:50
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 753 from 2011/11/30

    acepeg wrote:
    i use cpu_speed=2 with jit enabled and the global cpu load decrease. I play Swos96 whith that configuration. It prévent my powerbook to warm to much

    Do you get trashed graphics on swos? Black screens after matches that prevent continuing a cup/league? Crashes on career mode after finishing seasons? Is this a whdload slave? As I have written here: https://morph.zone/modules/newbb_plus/viewtopic.php?topic_id=11058&forum=9 , I get a trashed graphics in a lot of whdload games (swos behaves the same even after hd installation, which offers faster gameplay than standard whdload slave). However, sometimes, I am worried whether this is due to my .uaerc or my emulated workbench 3.1 environment...

    [ Edited by Cool_amigaN 04.03.2016 - 17:13 ]
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »04.03.16 - 15:13
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 165 from 2004/11/18
    No trashed Graphics on swos96 for me on both version, but for sure Wip4 is better for games made for unaccelerated amiga.
    As swos fan i have made all my possible to play it whith pleasure :-) so i have made a configuration which boot on a dedicated hdf and a Save.adf. This game works great for me. i suspect some problems with many whdload slaves.

    What i say is for heavy games like Fliying high or nemac4 Gloom XTR or even big scene demos or ppaint the jit is clearly great but for games the nojit version is way more compatible and faster.
    For exemple when i try to launch ATR WHD from my system it freeze whith the jit and works great with wip4

    [ Edited by acepeg 05.03.2016 - 00:40 ]
  • »04.03.16 - 23:29