• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1042 from 2004/9/23

    _bigdan_ wrote:
    Anyone with isochronous example code ? To support more webcams chips, it's a prerequired.

    Bulk mode is a bit too prehistoric ;)

    that study old Sonix source code few years ago (thanks Corto !)

    No. There is only one standard these days. Far to late the USB consortium defined an standard for USB cameras, so once there is a proper driver for that, nearly all webcams you can buy right now will work without additional work. In fact any camera build within the last 5 years should work. I guess even older models,

    Supporting those old crap cams makes no sense at all. Why dealing with resolutions less than 640x480, when all recent cams deliver HD resolutions by default.

    [ Edited by geit 19.12.2015 - 02:29 ]
  • »19.12.15 - 01:27