MorphOS 2.0 Status
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2007/6/19
    Hi All,

    I am new to the MorphOS world. Sorry if I come across as an annoying newbie. But, I have become very excited about amiga for the first time in a while since reading all about MorphOS 2.0. I am really interested in buying an Efika board and running 2.0 on it.

    I cannot seem to find any discussion or announcements about actual status or any guestimated ETAs. Anyone got anything like that?



    [ Edited by jiffydos on 2007/8/3 6:44 ]
  • »19.06.07 - 15:25
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17

    I ask this question, because at this stage the best option is looking like a second hand MacMini, and hoping that one day I could run MOS 2.0 on it.

    That can very well become an option in the future! If you haven't already, have a look at this video! :-)

    well in that case I'll hold off on the EFIKA until the MacMini version of MOS comes out :) thats a much better/more powerful system.

    [ Edited by TheMagicM on 2008/6/21 23:47 ]
  • »22.06.08 - 06:46
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1069 from 2003/3/24
    From: Hamburg/Germany
    I think thats a bad idea maybe M2 on Mac will be released this year or maybe in "2 More Weeks" and then you got a MacMini but no M2 on it.
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 running UWQHD Resolution
  • »22.06.08 - 09:54
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 303 from 2005/11/21
    From: UK


    I agree with you all. A new OS release by itself won't change a thing in the longer run. Not even new software for it.

    For the first time in a long time, there will be an "Amiga type" OS with new hardware available to run it on. This kind of event happens very rarely in the "Amiga" world. The new hardware, EFIKA and EFIKA2 are not power machines and that does put a lot of people off. We have to remember though, that most of the people sticking with these machines and OSs are hobbyists and niche users rather than power users.

    As you say, it is a time for optimism and I think this could potentially be a good position to attract more developers who are willing to work on porting modern applications and software technologies. We can't expect MorphOS team to do all that work.

    My suggestion to MorphOS team: please make sure there is a very good SDK, documentation and developer tools. To be frank, they are not that good at the moment. Only developers from >5 years ago can easily use them, new programmers have a very very steep learning curve. The MDC is desperately in need of some life, almost no new posts since middle 2007 - because no one is going there.

    We also need the people who are good at creating a buzz around the product (and have the resources to do so). More than that, I think we as a community need a roadmap. Where are we going ? Please don't tell me "Another few years hanging on by our fingernails".
  • »22.06.08 - 15:37
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22
    Can I just mention here, I'm a bit skint until next month, so don't worry you don't feel you have to get this out till early July. But as soon as possible after the 3rd would be just dandy for me.

    Thanks guys.

  • »22.06.08 - 16:24
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    well in that case I'll hold off on the EFIKA until the MacMini version of MOS comes out :) thats a much better/more powerful system.

    Well suit yourself, but if you think it's better to wait for something that isn't even guaranteed to *ever* become released than simply chipping up $99 for an Efika motherboard, then you might just as well wait for the 8610 based machine from Genesi instead. That one will be an even better/more powerful system than the Mac Mini! :-)
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »22.06.08 - 19:03
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    I'd say: -Bring Back BBRV!

    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »22.06.08 - 19:05
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 7 from 2006/8/25
    From: Swansea, Wales
    I have just bought an Efika from Amigakit for this release. I can't wait. Will i be able to run some of my amiga software through a usb cd-drive?
    Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz 2Gb Ram
    Pegasos II G3 600
    Efika 5200B
  • »22.06.08 - 20:55
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 56 from 2003/8/21
    From: United Kingdom...
    My Efika and I are waiting soooo unpatiently :-) So far I gave it a go with a Debian some time ago, it's really fun, but lacks the "swiftness" of a lightweight OS like MorphOS. That's why I'm so unpatient... Can't wait for the MOS 2.0! I will also consider buying myself a Mac mini when the port is ready!

    All the best to MOS2.0 Team!
    bplan Efika 5200B, ATi Radeon 9250 / 256 MB, MorphOS 2.4
  • »22.06.08 - 21:09
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17

    Well suit yourself, but if you think it's better to wait for something that isn't even guaranteed to *ever* become released than simply chipping up $99 for an Efika motherboard, then you might just as well wait for the 8610 based machine from Genesi instead. That one will be an even better/more powerful system than the Mac Mini! :-)

    we'll see what happens. Once someone does a review of MOS on EFIKA w/some benchmarks, I'm sure I'll buy it. I'm still skeptical that it will be released by next week Monday.
  • »22.06.08 - 22:03
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4

    ian-uk wrote:
    I have just bought an Efika from Amigakit for this release. I can't wait. Will i be able to run some of my amiga software through a usb cd-drive?

    Most usb drives are mounted quitw normal. You willbe abletorun a lot of your old software on MorphOS. Most software which can be run on gfx cards will run on MorphOS. Hardware banging stuff doesn't work though (mostly older games).

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »22.06.08 - 22:19
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 6 from 2008/6/18
    I could buy a MacMini then wait for MOS2.0 to be release, then wait again for MacMini to be supported. Probably a bad idea, because the MacMini is not a sustainable platform I guess that it will be overlooked.

    My hope is for an EFIKA v2, which is as sexy as the MacMini. Sustainable, fast, cheap, supported.

    Amiga has suffered from many things, I think a major part was the hardware issues, here is hoping that MOS 2.0 learns from the past.

    Please Genesi sell me some new hardware that is suitable to run in my office or lounge room and not something that is only for developers.

    Bring on Efika2 and MOS2.0 !!!
  • »23.06.08 - 05:22
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 118 from 2003/8/8
    From: Somewhere Some...

    takemehomegrandma wrote:

    Well suit yourself, but if you think it's better to wait for something that isn't even guaranteed to *ever* become released than simply chipping up $99 for an Efika motherboard, then you might just as well wait for the 8610 based machine from Genesi instead. That one will be an even better/more powerful system than the Mac Mini! :-)

    It's true their is no guarantee on the mini version, but the Efika is not cheap. Even at $99. Their is still a need for other items - PSU, Case, Video & HD. So, if you don't have these items laying around ready for use, the cost goes up fast 2,3 or even 4 times depending on the individuals project.
  • »23.06.08 - 06:13
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    I was about to write "Welcome to!" when I saw this was your first post, but then I saw "Joined: 2003/8/21"! Wow! :-o

    But welcome anyway! ;-)
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »23.06.08 - 09:16
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    For someone who doesn't have the required hardware, the Efika *is the cheapest* way to try out MorphOS this summer, and if you don't like used, second hand hardware, it's currently the *only* way to get on board the MorphOS ship.

    I know that the Efika isn't the answer to everyone's prayers when it comes to specs, but when it comes to *price* it won't be beaten by anything. Period!
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »23.06.08 - 09:33
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4
    @ Wolfe

    That's indeed soemthing which one must be aware of. I guess the additional cost to the Efika itself is about 120-200 EUR for a nice solution (hdd, ITX psu, case, gfx card).
    But then you can build quite a cool system out of it. Many ppl will have some spare parts around to reduce further investment. Also I recommend to not always use the PicoPSU which is pretty small and indeed a very cool thing, but quite expensive. If you don't need the smallest PSU, there are many other small itx PSUs which have a more moderate price (I got a nice package from Morex AC/DC converter (brick) plus internal DC/ATX converter for about 50EUR tutto).
    The Efika 2 will reduce the need of further costs dramatically: no atx psu, no gfx card.
    Anyway the E2 is not ready yet and MorphOS support for that device is not yet confirmed.

    btw.: t(max)>release: -7d

    [ Edited by Zylesea on 2008/6/23 10:04 ]

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »23.06.08 - 09:57
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 56 from 2003/8/21
    From: United Kingdom...

    takemehomegrandma wrote:

    I was about to write "Welcome to!" when I saw this was your first post, but then I saw "Joined: 2003/8/21"! Wow! :-o

    But welcome anyway! ;-)

    Well, I'm a Silent Veteran hehe :-) I was just silently observing this forum for all these years :-) And, sadly, I have never used MorphOS before (just played around with it at some Amiga meetings).. Now that I have my Efi and MOS2.0 is coming, it's about time to take part in this discussion!
    bplan Efika 5200B, ATi Radeon 9250 / 256 MB, MorphOS 2.4
  • »23.06.08 - 10:17
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    Hell yeah, that's the spirit! Welcome out of the closet! :-P

    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »23.06.08 - 11:14
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1069 from 2003/3/24
    From: Hamburg/Germany
    Welcome aboard!!!!
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 running UWQHD Resolution
  • »23.06.08 - 11:26
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 303 from 2005/11/21
    From: UK

    As I see it, BBRV have done a lot to promote MorphOS but they are in the business of selling hardware not operating systems.

    Why should new users come to this platform ? (I mean MorphOS + EFIKA/Pegasos)

    It's the users who need to do something to make it compelling for new people to join. Too many people sat around doing NOTHING, getting angry that MorphOS team "haven't done anything" or some developer hasn't made a new version of some free software.

    Learn how to program, use the available software to do something: write documentation, submit bug reports, draw icons. I'm always submitting bug reports (yes, I'm that annoying guy) - I'm always amazed that no one else came across the bug in normal usage.

    That guy who made the EFIKA picture frame, he had the right idea. I can program a bit so I'm trying to work on some ports and other stuff. I'm no good at drawing icons or graphics though. If I was I would be making Ambient themes and MUI widgets.

    If I read another post by someone saying "My board was gathering dust but now there is a new version of MorphOS I might use it to do something again" I'm going to feel very angry!!
  • »23.06.08 - 15:20
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 303 from 2005/11/21
    From: UK


    Anyway the E2 is not ready yet and MorphOS support for that device is not yet confirmed.

    I thought that MorphOS support on EFIKA 2 was confirmed. Are you saying they don't have a final production EFIKA 2 to test with ?

    The photos from the recent PowerDev meeting seemed to suggest that MorphOS was running on other Freescale dev boards so surely most issues are already fixed ?
  • »23.06.08 - 15:24
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4
    At least to my knowledge there is *no* official word from the MorphOS-team about that issue yet.
    To get MorphOS running on the 5121 some work is needed.The problem is the tricore nature of the 5121 and the cache handling. I am of course *very* optimistic, that the 5121 will see support of MorphOS. But up to now there is no officail word about that from the MorphOS-team, thus to talk about 5121 could be a slightly misunderstood.

    *I* would be deeply disappointed if the 5121 will not be supported by MorphOS, since *I* rate the 5121 (together with the 8610) as the hottest PPCs since about a decade: highly integrated, cheap, quite powerful and low wattage.

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »23.06.08 - 16:11
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4

    [...]That guy who made the EFIKA picture frame, he had the right idea.[...]

    Thanks. You'll love my V2 frame. But it's not ready yet (waiting for the 5121...).

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »23.06.08 - 16:20
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I thought that MorphOS support on EFIKA 2 was confirmed.

    No, it wasn't.

    > Are you saying they don't have a final production
    > EFIKA 2 to test with ?

    There is no final production Efika 2 aka Efika 5121e. There probably even is no prototype Efika 2, and even if there was, the MorphOS team wouldn't have one. Just read Neko's postings on to get a clue.
    As it stands, Genesi will even use the LimePC ThinPC for their 5121e developer program. Opposed to the original plan, no Efika 2 for that. The MorphOS team is supposed to get the LimePC ThinPC as well.

    > The photos from the recent PowerDev meeting seemed to
    > suggest that MorphOS was running on other Freescale dev
    > boards

    Please provide a link to where MorphOS is shown running on the Freescale or the STx eval board. Even if there existed such a photo (which doesn't) there would be no sane logic to conclude that there is an Efika 2 in existence. Quite to the contrary.
  • »24.06.08 - 00:47
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17
    7 days and counting.. or 6 days and a few hrs.....
  • »25.06.08 - 05:11
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