Is there a way for non-Europeans to recover the VAT charge?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2008/7/10
    Are you going to the Campus Party, Crumb? ;)
  • »10.07.08 - 01:08
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    Hmm, campus parties...

    Those were the days...! :-)
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »10.07.08 - 01:21
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2008/7/10
    Those are the days.
    I've never been at the Campus Party, it takes place too far, but I've been at the Euskal Party three times.
    Last time there were several thousand people in a lan party and only 13 were "amigoid".
  • »10.07.08 - 01:39
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 732 from 2003/2/24
    From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...

    I've never been at Campus Party either because AFAIK it has little scene/retro related stuff. I'm going to Euskal Party (even thought scene stuff has suffered a lot, the only good point is that Retro part is going stronger). By the way, if you go to Euskal Party we have an empty place of a friend who can't attend the party, send me a message or email so we can eat some authentic basque cow fillets ;-).

    I guess I was one of the front line amigans resisting the peecee intruders you saw because I've not missed any edition of the last 6-7 years ;-)

    I guess Ham will present an AGA intro, I keep on asking him to add CGX/AHI support and offering my help to do the CGX part (it's not that he wouldn't be able to do that as he's a good coder but perhaps he doesn't want to waste time in that stuff and wants to concentrate in other parts more demoscene related).

    It's a good chance to meet amigans, see MorphOS 2.0 and OS4 in action and have some laughs with us :-)

    [ Edited by Crumb on 2008/7/10 9:53 ]
  • »10.07.08 - 09:52
    Profile Visit Website
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 37 from 2008/7/4
    From: Germany

    For businesses in Germany, IIRC, it works like this: You charge the VAT to anyone you sell to, but if you sell to another business (b2b), the customer can reclaim the VAT. The only difference in invoices is for b2b that VAT is added up explicitly ("+ VAT 16% = ..."), and for b2p it's implicitly (i.e. you can write "incl. 16% VAT" on the invoice) and that end customers cannot reclaim the VAT. For payment processors like PayPal (if they do automatic VAT processing), this means they have to charge the VAT regardless if it's an end user or a business making the purchase. Then it would be PayPal's responsibility to remove the VAT from extra-EU sales. If PayPal doesn't do automatic VAT processing, then the seller has to do VAT processing. I.e. they have to write their invoices in the proper format. To take advantage of worldwide business-type VAT processing, the seller has to have a business license, and a European Sales Tax ID, to be able to file the correct tax declaration forms. It could be that the MOS seller has no such ID, and that he sells MOS privately (which means he has to use a VAT-included invoice, and cannot declare sales made to countries outside the EU). For private sellers, tax processing is done once a year, during which a person can declare private income (which in this case would be the amount that the seller can keep for himself, after distributing the money to the other developers). To get a business license for Germany would cost only like 10 EUR. Getting a European Sales Tax ID costs nothing IIRC. If he had such an ID, he could file the proper tax declaration forms for sales outside the EU. Making sure that PayPal charges a different price outside the EU might be a problem, however (I don't know what features PayPal processing supports). In any case, the address should be verifiable from the info that RegTool sent, and this could be used to send the user a link to a different PayPal processing page (for sales outside EU). But I'm not sure if he would have to charge the tax anyway, because there's different regulations for different sizes of business. A small business with less than EUR 25,000 (IIRC) revenue per year is treated like a private person. The problem is, knowing beforehand how much sales to expect. If you expect higher revenue, you have to declare yourself as a bigger business and have to provide tax estimate forms on a quartely basis.

    [ Edited by voyager2007 on 2008/7/10 11:03 ]
  • »10.07.08 - 10:50
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2008/7/10
    Thank you Crumb, but I think I?m not going to the Euskal this year. My laptop is almost broken and my Amiga doesn?t even boot.
    Perhaps I?ll go without computer, watch Morphos runing and eat Chulet?n with amiga people. ;)
  • »12.07.08 - 18:53