MorphOS 2.0 on Efika - Efika specific issues
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 565 from 2004/4/15
    >> I tested q1 mos client, it works great in 1280x1024x24.
    >> q2 does not run, simply says: error during initilization

    >Not enough memory I guess. Do not launch Ambient on startup and >it works fine.

    No, sorry, same exception, ...

    EDIT: Sorry, it was my fault.
    I used wrong version, it works great on Efika in 1280x1024!
    Starting it from Ambient.
    VGP2 works also, but crashs when i change the Screenmode.

    [ Edited by eliot on 2008/7/2 19:25 ]
  • »02.07.08 - 19:56
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 18 from 2003/3/3
    Over at, some people are reporting that the efika doesnt crash anymore after registering MorphOS.

    Could anyone confirm this?
  • »03.07.08 - 11:07
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    Over at, some people are reporting that the efika doesnt crash anymore after registering MorphOS.

    if that's a trick, that's a twisted one.
    i won't register until i can be sure.

    i wouldn't trust that kind of stuff from, i've been told there so much bullshit when i was using OS4 that i would't trust anything anymore from there. (for example : OS4 users telling me in the forum that things were working fine but sending me pm later to confirm they had the same bugs).

    I'm still interested in registering MOS 2 for my Peg1 but i can't afford 2 licences, so i'd love to know if it's possible to transfer a licence from a machine to another (In case MOS runs stable on Efika i'd sell my peg1 or keep it if the efika version is still unstable).
  • »03.07.08 - 11:31
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 18 from 2003/3/3

    Yep, me neither. Hope it can be resolved though before the 15th.

    Maybe if there are people here with stable efika setups we could compare and do some more testing...
  • »03.07.08 - 12:21
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    Over at, some people are reporting that the efika doesnt crash anymore after registering MorphOS.

    Could anyone confirm this?

    It is probably just coincidence.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »03.07.08 - 12:34
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 37 from 2008/7/4
    From: Germany

    It is probably just coincidence.

    Yup, could be. It was me who wrote that on It didn't freeze for a while after I installed the key file. However, a day later, I still noticed some freezes.

    For my system, 2d or 3d mode doesn't matter. I'm using 3d mode currently.

    As a workaround, I've disabled window dragging and resizing with full window contents and enabled double click on title bar in IControl. This reduces the number of repaint operations.

    I experienced freezes while scrolling (esp. when there's lots of redrawing), and freezes when double-clicking on dock icons (two windows opened in quick succession).

    I suspect it's in the window or layer management.

    My Efika runs fine otherwise, as long as I don't click on anything, the machine doesn't freeze. Freezing occurs at random, during mouse-related operations.

    The 3D screensaver works flawlessly. When it goes to stand-by mode (or black screen), the system wakes up correctly.

    I have a Microsoft USB mouse attached at an external USB hub. I also tried a Logitech USB mouse, but that didn't work.

    Sputnik seems to have a memory leak, after using it for a while (like, half an hour, or an hour) the system runs out of memory. After closing Sputnik, some of the memory reappears.

    The system freezes when it runs out of memory.

    MUI layouting is annoyingly slow. (for instance, it takes about one second to resize the MUIProcCalc window). Sputnik (which also seems to be using MUI) flickers a lot when updating pages. MUI scroll bars flicker. The flickering was of course a lot worse when using 2D mode, but in 3D it happens as well. The layouting/updating speed is about the same, though.

    (p.s.: I don't know how MOS is implemented, but perhaps I could help fixing the bugs, I'm a developer myself, I have about 10 years of programming experience on Classic AmigaOS. In Classic AmigaOS, IIRC, the mouse driver delegates input events to a software interrupt handler chain, that in turn queues the events for Intuition using a message port. The interrupt handler must not call directly into Intuition. Classic Intuition doesn't wait indefinitely for a window event handler to complete, there is a timeout. The Classic RKRMs states that applications receiving mouse events shall collect as many as possible before acting on them. Since there's no such rule for resizing and moving windows, resizing and moving with full window contents should be done such that events are sent to the application only every 250 ms or so, and Intuition should not wait too long for the reply message to arrive. The layer locking mechnism should be thread safe and deadlock-proof. HTH)

    (p.p.s: If GCC is used to compile MOS, I wouldn't use any 3.x versions, for they have many bugs in the optimizer. GCC 4.x is much better. Still, when optimization is used, I would check the assembly code for bugs. In a production release, the resulting assembly code should be checked for bugs. There's no currently cheap or free C/C++ compiler that is bug-free, all of them have bugs here and there.)

    [ Edited by voyager2007 on 2008/7/4 5:08 ]

    [ Edited by voyager2007 on 2008/7/4 5:17 ]
  • »04.07.08 - 04:48
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 18 from 2003/3/3
    Tried changing mice and hubs yesterday, didn't help.

    Still getting freezes either with or without 3D. I haven't even seen the demo timeout yet!

    Hope the MorphOS devs can find what's wrong and fix, I'll subscribe to the ML if I can be of assistance in tracking this down.
  • »04.07.08 - 09:26
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 301 from 2003/2/24
    From: Genesi

    I'm guessing it had something to do with the USB bugs in the EFIKA firmware.

    There is no USB bug in the Efika firmware.
    Matt Sealey, Genesi USA, Inc.
    Developer Relations
    Product Development Analyst
  • »04.07.08 - 10:55
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 565 from 2004/4/15
    I am also getting freezes under Mos2.0.
    It happens when Mos is accessing the IDE/hdd and copying
    a lot of data.
    The Linux ide driver was also tricky.
    Should be fixed.

  • »04.07.08 - 11:09
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    i confirm i experience the same behaviour than you guys on my efika.
    that's what keeps me from registering for now.

    the good side of it is that we have no time to see the timeout/register requester...

    it's so frustrating, because from what i can use before it freezes, it's a wonderful morphos version, so nice to use.

    [ Edited by SoundSquare on 2008/7/4 11:29 ]
  • »04.07.08 - 11:27
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 565 from 2004/4/15
    Today i registered mos for Efika.
    Hopefully the freezes will be fixed soon.
    Also can't wait for the 3d bugfix (Ambient) and sound driver.
    All in all (when these three things are done),
    mos is very cool ;)

  • »04.07.08 - 11:53
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 507 from 2003/6/14

    What you describe sounds like the radeon hardware crashed, which would explain the extreme slowness of all gfx operations.
    As somebody posted a log showing such radeon crash on his efika, I would say this is most probably also your case.

    Except for a few minor details and improvements, morphos' intuition works exactly like amigaos'. This is the case for the rest of the os too... or, obviously, nothing would run.
  • »04.07.08 - 14:27
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  • Nbt
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2008/7/4
    Just joined to post my pennies worth.

    I was having the exact same random freezes as many here (with a fully paid for key too ^_^ )
    and cured it by changing my gfx card from the 9250 I was using to a spare 9200SE one.

    I ran Mos on me Efika for 6 hours straight browsing via Sputnik, IRC via AmIRC 3.5 amongst
    other things like playing with all the settings etc without a single crash or freeze :D

    My Efika setup in case it helps:
    Efika 128mb in ICY BOX cd case (Geit owns 8-D )
    Hitachi 30GB HDD
    ATi 9200SE (AGP)
    PICO 120w PSU
    Partitions 3.7GB boot (FFS) / 24GB work (FFS) I had probs using any other filesystem, so stuck to the Amiga way :-?
    Belkin Wifi keyboard and mouse with single USB port receiver
    LG 26" LCD TV as a monitor :lol:

    That's it really, dunno if it will help anyone, but if it does then cool beans :D
  • »04.07.08 - 16:30
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 37 from 2008/7/4
    From: Germany

    What you describe sounds like the radeon hardware crashed, which would explain the extreme slowness of all gfx operations.
    As somebody posted a log showing such radeon crash on his efika, I would say this is most probably also your case.

    I don't think so. MOS runs all day without freezing if I don't do much with it. Even the 3D screen saver can start and stop a hundred times. No problem. As soon as I begin using any windows, freezes are imminent.

    Also, Debian Linux worked without a glitch on the same graphics card.
  • »04.07.08 - 18:00
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 37 from 2008/7/4
    From: Germany

    and cured it by changing my gfx card from the 9250 I was using to a spare 9200SE one.

    So, it's in the 9250 graphics driver? I'll try a 9200SE too, but I first have to get one somewhere...
  • »04.07.08 - 18:04
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 507 from 2003/6/14
    Alternatively, you can also keep your money and your current gfx card and wait for a free OS update which would cure this issue... As it seems it's the issue #1 on the efika.

    [ Edited by Henes on 2008/7/4 19:51 ]
  • »04.07.08 - 19:25
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    how can we all help to get things fixed ? i mean by sending logs or something, what would be the most useful informations to send ?
  • »04.07.08 - 20:01
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 3 from 2007/5/28
    Morphos 2 "looks great" from what I can see of it; I would love to see more - and that makes the fact that right now on Efika it is unusable all the more frustrating.

    I just bought and installed a RADEON 9250 (its on the supported hardware list - right) to run Morphos 2 and what a joke trying to do that has turned out to be.
    I have run the installer dozens of times; and interestingly I get different end effects from each run. My best success was an install that booted skipped the butterfly launched the desktop and froze solid a few moments later.

    I would rather send the morphos devs my left testicle in a jar than one euro cent at the moment. They might want to extend their special offer until after the system actually installs and runs long enough for people to register it.

    Pretty obvious the IDE support is part of the problem; given that the OS runs glacially from the USB stick fine. So here we have an OS that is allegedly stable and ready for commercial release that doesn't quite manage to drive the sound, the video or the hard disk on one of the two supported target systems.
    Mos 2.4; Peg1; G3 600Mhz; Hercules 3D Prophet 9000 pro 128MB; 200GB disk. 1GB ram.
  • »05.07.08 - 00:42
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 537 from 2003/4/11
    From: Germany

    cygnus wrote:
    Unfortunately my Efika came with a SiS301 gfx card, which is not supported... I grabbed the Voodoo3 out of my a12k though and did the install. I could not get the network working when booted from the efikainstall image, so I downloaded the ISO and stuck it on the USB flash drive. The install completed without any issues after that. And I'm happy to report that once booted from the full install, the network is up and working fine. In fact, I'm posting this from sputnik.. :)

    SiS301 is no graphics card, its a video bridge on a graphics card, actually (e.g. to do tv out). You most likely got some XGI Volari card which isnt supported by the 2.0 release currently but might be in the future
  • »05.07.08 - 00:53
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 16 from 2008/7/2

    SiS301 is no graphics card, its a video bridge on a graphics card, actually (e.g. to do tv out). You most likely got some XGI Volari card which isnt supported by the 2.0 release currently but might be in the future

    That's right.. Specifically it's the XGI Volari V3XT (250MHz GPU) with s-video out (provided by the SiS 301mv) and 128MB of DDR SDRAM. Hopefully it is supported in a future update, but I'm not holding my breath. The radeon cards are far better supported and fairly easy to come by. I picked one up one eBay just the other day..
  • »05.07.08 - 01:44
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 5 from 2007/3/9
    last two days I had the same problems
    with ...

    ati 9250 agp 128mb 128bit
    samsung hdd 160mb

    today I change the cr2032 battery

    standard runs perfect now
    small glitches in 3d blankers and in fast windows moves are gone, i can format big partitions and stress the efika

    only playing with 3d and lucy can freeze the system

    Now I am ready for a key :)

    [ Edited by Andi on 2008/7/5 1:25 ]
  • »05.07.08 - 02:21
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16

    i don't know which 3d problems you have, but about lucy make sure to get the fixed version. First one had a compilation issue.
  • »05.07.08 - 02:46
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France



    have you heard about someone running it stable on efika till now ?

    the battery trick sounds hazardous to me, i odn't see why it would be a solution, but still interesting to hear about it.


    is the idea of keeping morphos at a lower price on efika untill bugs get fixed sounds like something reasonable to you ?
  • »05.07.08 - 03:28
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 537 from 2003/4/11
    From: Germany

    SoundSquare wrote:



    have you heard about someone running it stable on efika till now ?

    the battery trick sounds hazardous to me, i odn't see why it would be a solution, but still interesting to hear about it.

    Well, actually, we had some weird effects with dodgy batteries in some setups, e.g. keyfiles did not work reliable or failed. Maybe you should try to replace the battery, it doesnt cost a fortune.



    is the idea of keeping morphos at a lower price on efika untill bugs get fixed sounds like something reasonable to you ?

    This is not decided yet, we are working on an update to fix the major issues ASAP. Unfortunately we had a rather small test pool for the mos 2.0 EFIKA release compared to pegasos but didnt want to move the release date any further to keep the Q2/08 promise.
  • »05.07.08 - 08:27
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  • Nbt
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2008/7/4

    I had a horrid time booting into the desktop after installing only to find a half baked system install and constant freezing mysef.

    Partitioning the HDD and choosing FFS (also chose 3.9GB for boot/system partition) cured it for me. Before that I had 2 MS Dos partitions (30GB HDD) with FAT32L filesystem and always got an unstable system, if it would boot at all.

    I never even got the butterfly at boot until I chose FFS.

    Thats just my experience and have no idea why it fixed it :-?

    [ Edited by Nbt on 2008/7/5 9:42 ]
  • »05.07.08 - 10:41