OT: Installing Molk & MacOS
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 1 from 2006/1/2
    go ahead and shoot me if you wish, i have not gone through the mailing list posts yet ... i have two problems so far with MOL on my pegasos2 and am hoping someone here will know the answers right away.

    1) i'm using tun for network access, but have not figured out how to get TO osx from another host on my network. specifically, i'd like to remotely control (vnc) the osx desktop.

    2) my setup is an odw with cd on hda, morphos on hdc and pegxmac (ubuntu) and mol on hdd. osx boots this way, but ubuntu (and gnome) is hungry for ram and i'd like to get MOLK working. i've been unsuccessful so far, and have a feeling that MOLK does not support /dev/hdd; is this the case? the docs only talk about hda and hdb, but i obviously don't have that option at the moment. is it possible to use hdd with MOLK?

  • »09.08.06 - 15:38
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    1) i'm using tun for network access, but have not figured out how to get TO osx from another host on my network. specifically, i'd like to remotely control (vnc) the osx desktop.

    You have to forward some ports to MOL, with something like this in tunconfig (you probably need to modify this if not using MOLK and want to forward one range to another):

    $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport <from>:<to> -j DNAT --to-destination 192.168.$NET_NUM.2

    (put it last in the "$ACTION" = up block and set the appropriate <from>/<to> ports)

    ..and remember to open the OSX firewall as well...


    is it possible to use hdd with MOLK?

    Yes, ofcourse.

    - CISC
  • »09.08.06 - 17:59