Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 736 from 2003/2/24
From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...
Quote:CISC wrote:
- virtuall memory support
Well, we have/had this (funnily enough, because of request by Hyperion), however it has fallen out of maintainment (ie, it doesn't work anymore) due to lack of interest by everyone else. :P
It could be brought back to life (and even be released separately of MorphOS itself) provided we can get someone (that is part of the MorphOS team (due to the necessity of access to internals)) to resume work on it, and a fair number of people willing to risk their data and harddrives testing it... ;)
I think that optional virtual mem would be quite useful, for example in Quake3 with only 256MB of ram it's difficult to load some memory-hungry mods.
Modern games may require even more. If we remember that Quake3 ran on Windows with half of memory you see that it may be useful. At least for future games.
It would be quite useful for the PowerUP version too

CSPPC can only have 128MB and virtual mem may be handy.
I don't know much about 3D programs but theseare memory hungry too and in some situations it may help
btw, I won't ask when MOS1.5 will be released, but could you give us a hint about which components have to be finished to make MOS1.5 real. Maybe we could set up a bounty to speed up development of the missing components.
BTW, how's ARexx PPC going?