MorphOS 1.5 release 2005-01-31?
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2003/10/3
    From: Padova - Italy
    GENESI, u're really disappinting us!!
    Yesterday MOS was the #1 OS in the world, and now...
    "This suxx" is reductive!!
  • »24.11.04 - 18:49
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi Miky060,

    When was this written?


  • »24.11.04 - 18:51
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 142 from 2003/2/24
    From: Vilnius, Lithu...
    [won't jump on the gun]

    [ Edited by brotheris on 2004/11/24 20:55 ]
    Home sweet home is Pegasos User Group Lithuania
  • »24.11.04 - 18:53
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 126 from 2003/2/17
    From: France

    this really suxxx
    Pegasos rulez since august 2002
  • »24.11.04 - 18:56
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 35 from 2004/10/20
    From: London UK
    This completley sucks.

    I don't know what sort of payment plan
    David and his team came up with but it
    seems they were at least willing to talk
    and be a little flexible about it?

    The Statement at the website that Milky
    has pointed us to basically gives us a clue
    to what has already been suggested - that
    Genesi is not really interested in MorphOS
    anymore and are concentrating on Linux.


    Pegasos II / G4 1Ghz / 512mb PC3200 Ram / Radeon 7000 64mb Agp/ 160gb SeagateHD / Toshiba 1512 Dvd Rom / Aria Case

    MorphOS 1.4.2 / Debian Sarge Linux Soon
    got 14 cd iso files to download = 9gb
  • »24.11.04 - 19:00
  • Frz
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 15 from 2004/10/23

    Excuzes-moi, which link was just cencored? Was it the infamous 'draft' from Genesi's webpage?
  • »24.11.04 - 19:00
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17
    Look at FALCON1's post.

    Say BBRV finishes screwing MOS developers.. can WE just pay MOS Devel DIRECTLY? The only thing we needed from Genesi/bplan was motherboards. Ok, so they continue building/selling them. We establish a central location where people can Paypal money to. Albeit it wont be thousands, but at least something to get them by?
  • »24.11.04 - 19:10
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 254 from 2004/4/22
    Since noone knows exactly what kind of offer Zapek made
    could you please all STFU? Seriously - this is pathetic!

    Let the involved people solve this and go back to your
    MorphOS, Linux och Win 2000 instead..

    Nothing you say or do here will help a tiniest bit.
  • »24.11.04 - 19:19
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 35 from 2004/10/20
    From: London UK
    Sounds ok but with the amount of money
    MorphOS development team say they are
    owed - will we even scratch the surface?

    Also - I for one would like a time limited
    Demo version available for free download
    say 3-4 days to try before you buy.

    This way we will see if it has the features we
    are crying out for - before spending our hard
    earned cash.


    Pegasos II / G4 1Ghz / 512mb PC3200 Ram / Radeon 7000 64mb Agp/ 160gb SeagateHD / Toshiba 1512 Dvd Rom / Aria Case

    MorphOS 1.4.2 / Debian Sarge Linux Soon
    got 14 cd iso files to download = 9gb
  • »24.11.04 - 19:22
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 121 from 2004/6/9
    From: Poland, Katowice
    > Does GS can print properly with MOS 1.4.2? I have no problem with printing
    > using PGS, but with other programs properly printing is not possible...

    On my config GS was working with HP920C (connected via parallel) with Turbo Print activated.
    Now I use HP Laser Jet 4L. Here GS (and other apps) doesn't work :(. But it is possible to deactivate Turbo Print and print with GS.
    I use: gs813:bin/gs -sDEVICE=laserjet -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=par: {file}

    I'm not sure if GS will work with no PCL printer. But I hope it will - with inbuilt printer drivers.
  • »24.11.04 - 19:29
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17
    no, I'm not saying pay BBRV's debts.

    I'm saying from a ongoing basis. If they release 1.5 and it has TCP/IP and some other goodies..charge a fee for it. We dont NEED bbrv..heck if it works well for do we know that other mobo manufacturers wont jump on the bandwagon and sell PPC motherboards for even cheaper?

    just a thought..
  • »24.11.04 - 19:31
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 35 from 2004/10/20
    From: London UK

    Ironfist Said :

    Since noone knows exactly what kind of offer Zapek made
    could you please all STFU? Seriously - this is pathetic!

    Let the involved people solve this and go back to your
    MorphOS, Linux och Win 2000 instead..

    Nothing you say or do here will help a tiniest bit.

    How dare you tell us to STFU?

    We have as much right to our opinions
    as you have...



    [ Edited by niteman1969 on 2004/11/24 19:57 ]
    Pegasos II / G4 1Ghz / 512mb PC3200 Ram / Radeon 7000 64mb Agp/ 160gb SeagateHD / Toshiba 1512 Dvd Rom / Aria Case

    MorphOS 1.4.2 / Debian Sarge Linux Soon
    got 14 cd iso files to download = 9gb
  • »24.11.04 - 19:35
  • JKD
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 456 from 2003/4/4
    From: South of heaven

    I couldn't find where on the main Genesi webpage that statement was linked from...

    Has someone been leaking tactical information again???
  • »24.11.04 - 19:39
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17
    I missed that!

    I agree.. ironfist take that STFU and stick it up your A$$!!
  • »24.11.04 - 19:39
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 142 from 2003/2/24
    From: Vilnius, Lithu...

    Since your profile says you are marketing director of how dare you tell
    your customers to STFU?

    Relax, ir Swedish Pegasos User Group website.
    Relax people, games will be over soon, when time will come we'll know everything (what they'll tell us ;-)
    Home sweet home is Pegasos User Group Lithuania
  • »24.11.04 - 19:50
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 35 from 2004/10/20
    From: London UK
    I stand corrected sorry Genesi........


    Pegasos II / G4 1Ghz / 512mb PC3200 Ram / Radeon 7000 64mb Agp/ 160gb SeagateHD / Toshiba 1512 Dvd Rom / Aria Case

    MorphOS 1.4.2 / Debian Sarge Linux Soon
    got 14 cd iso files to download = 9gb
  • »24.11.04 - 19:55
  • Moderator
    Posts: 441 from 2003/2/26
    From: Sweden

    Would like to add to this thread that is a user group website and also supportportal for Pegasos and PowerPC.

    And now to what I would like to write here.

    And what I think is the real interesting question, and what also have been discussed in other threads before.

    How strong is really the MorphOS community ?

    Since MorphOS was released together with Pegasos in the first place a lot of things really have happened. I still remember the first Pegasos I got with MorphOS v1.0 or which version it was. Genesi, and the MorphOS development team have since then done a remarkable work with the MorphOS operating system. And I personally really like the system, the responsiveness in it, the feeling...

    And Genesi have also done a lot of things for really trying to let the system being known, and showed it around, all over the world, in a lot of various places. Anyway, it seems that MorphOS do not generate enough sales of Pegasos.

    And as I also feel there is now a group of Pegasos and MorphOS users and a community. It is not big compared with other communities, but it is a community I think.

    Is it possible that we will see this community incl the core development team to take the MorphOS system to further levels ? Is it possible to expand this community and attract new users to join also ?

    I personally really hope so, and it would be very nice to be part of this.

    Is it also possible that we will see the MorphOS system also being used for commercial use in the future ?

    There is a lot of questions coming up. And the question reminds what the community is capable of to create from this point and forward. Can this situation we now have, be a start to bring MorphOS to further levels in computing ?
    Best wishes, Gunne
  • »24.11.04 - 20:34
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 142 from 2003/2/24
    From: Vilnius, Lithu...

    Is it possible that we will see this community incl the core development team to take the MorphOS system to further levels ? Is it possible to expand this community and attract new users to join also ?

    Sure, people just need to calm down a bit and sort various information. These little press releases are aimed at fast reaction.

    Pegasos ain't gonna break today or tomorrow, there is comunity, there are developers, there is more and more software released, just look at Papyrus.

    Situation around MorphOS started to move after more than half year, you may not like the big bump, but atleast it's better than total silence. This situation wasn't born overnight. Just grab some beer, go out somewhere, relax, let the big guys sort situation betweem themselves.
    Home sweet home is Pegasos User Group Lithuania
  • »24.11.04 - 21:36
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 23 from 2003/8/25

    gunne wrote:

    How strong is really the MorphOS community ?

    I think we are a very strong community. In this community there is old Amiga users, old BeOS users and people that believes in the idea.
    We wont give up - we will work harder, get more involved and promote the h*ll out of the operating system.


    ... And I personally really like the system, the responsiveness in it, the feeling...

    Yes! And the inovative idea with "boxes".
    That is perhaps what disturbs me the most, that that very lowlevel implementation can we not create as a community. Everything in Abox can we improve and change, but the quark development is out of our sight afaik.


    And as I also feel there is now a group of Pegasos and MorphOS users and a community. It is not big compared with other communities, but it is a community I think.

    Yes, I vote for a "Call to Action" now.
    It has been proven many times before, that a idea/operating system is as good as its community.
    Examples of this is:
    The GNUstep project; Recreating the OpenStep API and programming environment as well as the desktop )
    The Haiku-OS /OpenBeOS project; Recreating BeOS.
    The AROS project; Well, I guess you know this.

    So... What are we waiting for?
  • »25.11.04 - 09:21
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 929 from 2003/7/13
    From: Universe

    Is it possible that we will see this community incl the core development team to take the MorphOS system to further levels ? Is it possible to expand this community and attract new users to join also ?

    <stuff clipped>

    Is it also possible that we will see the MorphOS system also being used for commercial use in the future ?

    Gunne, more users can be drawn in but we need MSO 1.5 to do so. As was said for many months, MorphOS is not 100 percent of what an average user needs. Most glaringly a TCP/IP stack is absent. What the heck kind of modern desktop computer is sold without this? We can depend on former Amiga users to bring along and install their old TCP/IP stack, but this doesn't work for MOS users who might be coming from other OSs. There are other things like the latest Turboprint drivers and inbuilt tools like installer and AmigaGuide readers and icon editor (for pointer) that we also need, not by former Amiga users going to hunt for them, but by having them all right there on installation CD.

    MOS 1.5 is the minimum base that could be used to bring in users from non-Amiga backgrounds, and this is what is needed to grow. But yeah, the community can be grown if this base is present, I demonstrated MOS at Dayton Computerfest last year and 50 people left their names and emails asking for more information. Those weren't Amiga users. They were people from different computing backgrounds looking for something new.

    As for commercial use, I think yes, why not? It depends on the specific commercial use I reckon. There is no need to place artificial limitations on what can be done like "only Linux is good for that." These limitations should be challenged. But I don't think this is the core business of MorphOS. The core business is to be sold to people as a colorful, fun, responsive OS for people to use at home.
    Pegasos2 G3, 512 megs RAM
  • »25.11.04 - 13:36
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 929 from 2003/7/13
    From: Universe

    Check out for the proposal. I would like to see the featurelist of this "1.5" please.

    All that is said there is that an offer was extended:


    2004-11-24: a payment plan with a MorphOS 1.5 release date of 2005-01-31 was offered to Genesi who rejected it with empty threats

    Well, that's one side's characterization of it. And here's part of what Genesi said on the same day, from


    Genesi will resume support of external MorphOS 1.5 development when there is a clear plan and a date set for the release... There has been disagreement however, how much and for what to pay for.

    So there we are, oh well. We have not solved the problem yet. I find Genesi's statement to be more professional and informative than the bit about "empty threats."

    However I will say that if there was a detailed offer from Gerber and co. for Genesi to reject, then Genesi has the burden of coming up with a detailed counter-offer.

    It's holiday time for some of us. I hope those on holiday enjoy the time and come back next week refreshed and ready to try new things.
    Pegasos2 G3, 512 megs RAM
  • »25.11.04 - 14:24
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1923 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Its sad to see oficial words from Genesi telling all of us that the focus is no longer on MorphOS. I agree in full that we should try to save the OS by directly suporting the dev team with direct payments to them. Its simple to do and I see no reason they shouldnt accept it. Its better then nothing at all and killing off an awsome OS. Keep in mind the Pegasos was built to run MOS and to loose it would mean a lot of Pegasos users would go away. To keep it and charge for ut would get some money in for every new release. Its better then loosing out.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »25.11.04 - 18:31
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 79 from 2004/11/25
    From: Sweden

    First I would like to introduce myself, because this is my first post, my name is Robert coming from Sweden and I am a none-amigan.

    I am intressted in the Pegasos/MOS plattform becasue I want something new none Microsoft. I think there is more people as me but now they are going for Linux or mac, but that isn't the point :) The point is that I would never buy Pegasos without MOS, and I would not buy MOS as I have understand that it is today. I am not a programmer, not great at computers, I need a system that works more or less from scratch. So I personolly hope that this problem will be resolved, mayby selling MOS 1.5 instead of giving it away might solve the problem.

    Becasue the problem needs to be solved becasue MOS looks to damn nice to be dead ;)

  • »25.11.04 - 20:15
  • News Moderator
    News Moderator
    Posts: 571 from 2003/2/10
    From: Vancouver Isla...
    Greetings, and welcome to morphzone Robert!
    When you have eliminated all which is impossible,
    then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!!! - Sherlock Holmes
  • »26.11.04 - 02:45
  • Moderator
    Posts: 441 from 2003/2/26
    From: Sweden

    Yes, I understand everything you writes.

    The thing is, how do we move forward, its needed to move forward. It seems because of some parts seems have come in some kind of locked situation, its more difficult to move on ?


    [ Edited by gunne on 2004/11/26 13:56 ]
    Best wishes, Gunne
  • »26.11.04 - 12:55
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