MorphOS projects stopped
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    No way!

    It looks like MorphOS development is hurt atm., BUT IT IS NOT DEAD YET!

    Maybe genesi will be able to resolve the problems they have now, maybe not, but it's also up to users and 3rd party developers how MorphOS as OS will and can continue.

    Therefore all my projects will continue as usually (as time permits, of course ;). I don't see a reason for stopping them or anything like that. Amiga community was always driven by independent and motivated 3rd party developers. So I hope this continues that way and NOT everyone starts to become a whining bereaved!!1111

    Just to make a point, hope other motivated 3rd party developers will show flag too. I know some very interesting projects are still comming! Stay tuned and motivated!


  • »15.11.04 - 17:09
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2003/2/24
    From: Canada
    I will also continue developing my MOS
    projects. MOS has become my favourite
    and most used OS and I am not about to
    give up on it yet. :)

    The latest news was quite shocking but
    not unsolvable. Lets hope for a quick
    resolvement of this issue so everyone
    can move ahead as usual.
  • »16.11.04 - 08:42
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 49 from 2003/12/30
    From: Tyneside, England
    I am also carrying on development for MorphOS, and I can say the same for my teammate Dantheman. This has been a hiccup, and certainly not the biggest one in MOS's history, so I think some people have overreacted here in saying they're going to leave the MOS scene.
  • »16.11.04 - 09:04
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    realstar wrote:

    Lets hope for a quick resolvement of this issue so everyone can move ahead as usual.

    Exactly! Now I don't really care *how* it will be solved - be it by a settlement between these parts or by going for alternative ways to achieve the same thing (which would not be the end of the world) - as long as it gets solved *quickly*. Living in limbo like this is not nice. I don't care about *how* it's solved, as long as a solution is presented, a new plan. Fast!
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »16.11.04 - 09:10
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 86 from 2003/2/26
    >It looks like MorphOS development is hurt
    >atm., BUT IT IS NOT DEAD YET!

    I agree. Just because one guy uses his power to control the website and posts stuff with the intention to not only harm Genesi but also the whole MorphOS team, 3rd party developers, dealers, users and everone else connected to the system, we shouldn't make it too easy for him to achieve his goal.
  • »16.11.04 - 12:42
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 210 from 2003/3/29

    >Exactly! Now I don't really care *how* it will be solved - be it by a settlement between these parts


    >or by going for alternative ways to achieve the same thing (which would not be the end of the world)

    You would need people who have the same talent and knowledge (hardly anyone)
    willing to work for Bill Buck (yea right) and even if you solve this, it will take
    Month to reach a point similar to where we are now (with Morphos 1.4)
  • »16.11.04 - 13:59
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 78 from 2004/6/18
    From: Italy (but Mex...
    About the discussion on OSNews...
    I'm really ashamed. I never thought that a site being run by a person like Eugenia Loli would ever permit a mess like that!
    It appears that someone wants to boycott Genesi!!
    I didn't figure out what to say, mainly because I'm still not aware of the whole situation, but I really suggest (as BBRV said) the veterans to do something there...

    About the problem...
    I can't judge neither suggest what to do, but I will tell you what I will do in the hope that others will follow my example.
    Althrough I didn't buy my Pegasos yet, I will not change my mind and will buy it as soon as possible.
    I believe in Pegasos and I still believe in MorphOS too! At least I'm sure it's better than OS4!
  • »16.11.04 - 14:45
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 236 from 2003/7/28
    From: Canada
    Acill! I am a surprised you want to sell your machine immediately! Why not hold on and see what happens? Don't loose hope!
    A4000/060/PPC-200MHz, A4000T/060/PPC-233MHz, CD32, MicroA1, Pegasos 2 G4, AMD Phenom Quad Core 2.5GHz, MacMini 1.5GHz/64MB VRam...mwwmwahhh :)
  • »16.11.04 - 15:09
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 101 from 2004/4/17
    @ Acill

    Maybe is better wait some time to look how evolve situation, and see if MorphOS will go ahead.
    Some developers say they don't release the new version until they are payed, so this mean probably MOS 1.5 is alredy ready, but they want ensure to give their (right) payment for all work. When they have money, we have MOS 1.5.

    Genesi is not an "angel", neither Amiga.Inc is. So the more important thing for developer now is they give they money. If Genesi pay, this mean they really give some importance to develop this OS.
    Virtual Paws:
    Italian furry videogame site

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    - Owner of a Pegasos 2/G3 -
  • »16.11.04 - 15:57
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 118 from 2003/8/8
    From: Somewhere Some...
    Don't stop the support. Its not over yet. Although there are those from rival areas that would love for this to happen. Be positive. :-D
  • »16.11.04 - 16:23
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 459 from 2003/8/30
    From: universe, milk...

    wolfe wrote:
    Don't stop the support. Its not over yet. Although there are those from rival areas that would love for this to happen. Be positive. :-D
    that's simply not true.
    no one who is a true amiga user wants anything bad to happen.
    and no one who is a human being wants people to be shafted and lose money.

    all amiga users are in this together!
    let's support each other!
    "if you ever slam anyone, for anything, somehow you always end up eating shoe" Targhan
  • »16.11.04 - 17:29
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1923 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.

    artickfox wrote:
    @ Acill

    Maybe is better wait some time to look how evolve situation, and see if MorphOS will go ahead.
    Some developers say they don't release the new version until they are payed, so this mean probably MOS 1.5 is alredy ready, but they want ensure to give their (right) payment for all work. When they have money, we have MOS 1.5.

    Genesi is not an "angel", neither Amiga.Inc is. So the more important thing for developer now is they give they money. If Genesi pay, this mean they really give some importance to develop this OS.

    Thats the problem, I just dont see Genesi wanting to spend money on MOS when the have all the large customers starting to take notice of the Pegasos as a linux machine for use in busines and the other things they have going. Its not like I am loosing faith over night. This mess has been happening for a long time now. If MUI isnt kept in MOS then MOS as we know it is done. The ony way I can see it saved is if its used as an add in like it was on the Amiga maybe. Greed is the same killer here as it was in the Amiga times.

    My offer is still open and I will take an offer if its a good and fair one.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
    Powerbook 1.67GHZ
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCIE (Registration #6130)
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  • »17.11.04 - 03:25
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 67 from 2003/2/20
    From: Chiba, Japan

    Greed is the same killer here as it was in the Amiga times.

    I don't see that at all. I don't really think there are any "bad" people involved, but people pressed to extremes by circumstances. If Genesi management was really motivated by greed, surely they wouldn't have put so much of their own money into the project in the past, and in fact no doubt they would have gone into another business that has better chances of producing a profit (which is almost any other business you can think of ;-) ). And for their part the developers just want to receive what they have earned, so no greed there.

    It's surprising and sad that the situation "went public" in this way. As we have seen from past cases, it seems this "solution" never makes the situation better, but only polarizes the participants further.

    Reading everything posted by both sides, it seems they already used up 100% of their reasonable arguments in private discussions, and now go public with lose-lose demands and counterattacks. Let's hope everyone takes a few deep breaths and tries to work out something that can benefit all.

    -- gary_c
  • »17.11.04 - 03:56
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1923 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Yeah I agree as well. I didnt mean greed on the part of Genesi though. From what I understand all the work up to the 1.4 release is paid in full. Its only the new stuff thats unpaid. Any fees still owed from the Thendic days are lost. Not only people out of the Genesi loop lost money on that. It caused a lot of money loss on all sides. You cant expect to get it from a company that is no more I would think.

    The thing that makes me mad is all of us have said that we wanted to send in money to support the MOS team. That was refused. Why not take the money if that what its all about as now it seems?
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
    Powerbook 1.67GHZ
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCIE (Registration #6130)
    A4000T CSPPC, Mediator
    Need Repairs, upgrades or a recap in the USA? Visit my website at
  • »17.11.04 - 06:58
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 67 from 2003/2/20
    From: Chiba, Japan

    Any fees still owed from the Thendic days are lost.

    IMHO, Genesi would have at least a moral responsibility to do its best to pay debts owed by Thendic, if the work was on projects inherited by Genesi or that furthered Genesi in some way. Consider the KMOS/Amiga, Inc. parallel, and how we'd feel if KMOS tried to slip out from under the AI debts. But I'm just whistling in the wind here since I don't really know anything specific about the Thendic-France situation.

    My general feeling is that Genesi should do its best to work out some arrangement for the unpaid wages no matter what choices are made about MorphOS development ahead (assuming Genesi will continue with it). Substituting contested components of MOS doesn't make the existing debts go away. Since they need to paid in any case, why not plan on paying them and just move forward on the current MOS roadmap? But maybe patience has run out and bridges have been burned. Certainly the public postings and counterattacks/workaround-strategies don't improve the chances for future cooperation (for current or future developers).

    -- gary_c
  • »17.11.04 - 07:19
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 96 from 2004/2/4
    I don't know all situation.
    But for me Genesi must pay them....
    If Genesi will not pay them and if the MorphOS situation will not be clear (and that can be after pay them) not so much people will buy Pegasos....and some people maybe left community.
    Even will not give us what it should...future of morphos.
  • »17.11.04 - 07:50
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
    From: Nella grande r...
    IMHO Morphos development will restart soon.

    Because MorphOS is a necessary and strategic investment.

    And... BBRV... you know about this fact...

    Think only for a moment if SCO could had success in courts and starts stopping Linux worldwide. :-o (EEK!)



    Science Fiction? :-P

    Yes, certainly.


    What if tomorrow any OpenSource OS will be declared illegal?

    Brrr... Such a future scares me up to the creeps...

    Only continuing developing MorphOS, will cover and protect Pegasos from any twisting of the market (and Genesi with it).
    Because it is a commercial and proprietary OS.

    So don't worry pals.

    BB once graduated in West Point (Isn't it Bill? ;-) ).
    There certainly he acquired the know-how of militar strategy.
    (Sure this fact helps a lot in a jungle like the global market of IT)


    BB knows he CAN'T leave MorphOS in favour of Linux alone.

    I'll check daily on the web how the situation will evolve and I hope it will turn soon into good for both parts.

    With respect,

    Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!
  • »19.11.04 - 06:41
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 12 from 2004/11/13
    Arghhhhh!!!! Lol, great. I have just spent over $3000.00 AUD on a Pegasos 2 G4, 1 GB DDR, 3 x 250 GB Western Digital HDs, LiteOn DVD Burner, Radeon 9250 SE 256 MB, 19" HP TFT Screen, Matchind Thermaltake Tsunami Aluminium case with Thermaltake KB and Mouse, Pixelview TV Tuner card (works with AmithlonTV), Omni surround system, External USB 2 80 GB HD, D-link DSL 300G Broadband modem, HP Scanjet 2200C, Epson Stylus Printer, HP Webcam, ScanQuix USB, Net Connect 3 and probably a lot more that I presently cant remember.

    The packages from Vesalia have only just arrived.... and now it could all be extinct. Lol, at this point I have to laugh.

    I was an avid Amiga user for about 10 years, then due to the Amiga situation 4 years ago I went to X86 and about a month ago I hear about this new (relatively) machine called the Pegasos 2, that runs an amazing looking MorphOS, so I think "Wow, I cant finally ditch this crappy X86/Windows system".

    Since I missed my "miggy's" so much I decide to build the "king" of all Pegasos 2 systems...but now it looks like my king no longer has a castleto reside within, just a muddy ditch with a handfull of loyal subjects living like outcasts in the wilds....

    Ok, I wont despair (anymore than I already have done) I will give Genesi the benefit of the doubt and hold on for a couple of months - lets just hope things look up - in a hurry.

    BTW - 2 friends of mine were looking at buying Pegasos systems after seeing mine, but it would be irresponsible of me to do anything but suggest strongly against it, for the time being anyway.
  • »24.11.04 - 02:29
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 12 from 2004/11/13
    Lol, oh yes, and I was stupid enough to buy a Catweasel Mk 4 thinking a MorphOS driver would be forthcoming..... Lol, yuk yuk.....ha ha ha ha, yuk yuk - *gone insane*
  • »24.11.04 - 02:37
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1346 from 2003/6/8
    From: USA California
    "I have just spent over $3000.00 AUD on a Pegasos 2 G4, 1 GB DDR, 3 x 250 GB Western Digital HDs, LiteOn DVD Burner, Radeon 9250 SE 256 MB, 19" HP TFT Screen, Matchind Thermaltake Tsunami Aluminium case with Thermaltake KB and Mouse, Pixelview TV Tuner card (works with AmithlonTV), Omni surround system, External USB 2 80 GB HD, D-link DSL 300G Broadband modem, HP Scanjet 2200C, Epson Stylus Printer, HP Webcam, ScanQuix USB, Net Connect 3 and probably a lot more that I presently cant remember."

    OH................MY....................GOD.............did you reZLly purchase all that?!?!?!?!/ and if so what job do u have and are they hiring?!@ i owuld love to have money like that to throw around at such pretty things :-D
    "Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
    "Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD
  • »24.11.04 - 02:56
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 929 from 2003/7/13
    From: Universe

    "I have just spent over $3000.00 AUD on a Pegasos 2 G4, 1 GB DDR, 3 x 250 GB Western Digital HDs, LiteOn DVD Burner, Radeon 9250 SE 256 MB, 19" HP TFT Screen, Matchind Thermaltake Tsunami Aluminium case with Thermaltake KB and Mouse, Pixelview TV Tuner card (works with AmithlonTV), Omni surround system, External USB 2 80 GB HD, D-link DSL 300G Broadband modem, HP Scanjet 2200C, Epson Stylus Printer, HP Webcam, ScanQuix USB, Net Connect 3 and probably a lot more that I presently cant remember."

    OH................MY....................GOD.............did you reZLly purchase all that?!?!?!?!

    Pound, really! If he gets all that stuff working and connected, that is something to see. That is like a rock concert for Pegasos geeks ;) I would pay admission to his living room to take a look at that stuff go. Good grief! "3 x 250 GB HD?" All of that is remarkable!
    Pegasos2 G3, 512 megs RAM
  • »24.11.04 - 03:36
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 118 from 2003/8/8
    From: Somewhere Some...

    Well, how much of all that would really be a waste of money? Most of that stuff could be used to build a different machine. But I wouldn't give up just yet. Sounds like a nice machine. Enjoy it. :-D
  • »24.11.04 - 04:33
  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland

    I was an avid Amiga user for about 10 years, then due to the Amiga situation 4 years ago I went to X86 and about a month ago I hear about this new (relatively) machine called the Pegasos 2, that runs an amazing looking MorphOS, so I think "Wow, I cant finally ditch this crappy X86/Windows system".

    Hey! The story of my life (too) :-) <- Free music
  • »24.11.04 - 04:46
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    BTW, one newly started thread about the same topic went to >nil:, continue conversation in this thread rather than create small ones every second day about the same topic. <- Free music
  • »24.11.04 - 04:52
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 12 from 2004/11/13
    * Sigh *, truly it is a work of art to look at. I choose a screen, case, printer, keyboard and mouse and surround system ALL in the same shade of silver with black highlights. I had the scanner (which is naturally beige) taken apart and professionally painted in the same silver with black highlights (polyplex primed with 3 coats of acrylic top coat and specially made up "HP" sticker)....

    I even found a 1 GB Thumbdrive in silver.... then I downloaded an image of the blue "Pegasos" logo and had a custom made mouse mat created.

    Ive worked out that all up I have spent $3760 AUD, or $2956 USD, or EUR 2256.70.

    I have a good job, a high income, dont gamble smoke or drink, so I dont regret spending my money on such a system, but if this MorphOS situation doesnt pan out then all I can say is, what a shame. :(

    Yes, I could use the majority of hardware with another motherboard, but there is no way I would have spent so much on a crappy Windoze system, and whilst I dont mind Linux, there are too many different flavours for it to "feel" like a unique BeOS, Aros...or...MorphOS.

    I would be willing to pay for MorphOS 1.5 or 2.0 or whatever the next version is.

    I am right now quite willing to pay for a Catweasel Mk 4 driver for MorphOS.

    I would even be willing to go shares with a couple of others to buy Jens Schoenfeld (or possibly a couple of other developers) a Peg 2 board so that he can provide a driver for MorphOS.

    Ill tell you one thing though, if MorphOS goes "tits up" Im not going to waste my time running Linux, and I wont be looking at the possibility of buying anything Amiga related or Amiga like in the future - you can only be burnt so many times..... :(
  • »24.11.04 - 07:31
  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland

    You're making too much sense, it hurts my head ;-)

    Hey can you take a photo of your stuff and post it here? <- Free music
  • »24.11.04 - 07:42
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