10 steps installation: MiamiDeluxe 1.x
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    Often new peg user have the problem "how to install Miami". The Installer does not work, because it wants a MUI: assign. For all these people I wrote this short instruction how to setup the thing manually.

    Disclaimer: blablabla... you know.. I cannot be responsible if something goes wrong: it's your risk. :-D

    Installing MiamiDeluxe in 10 steps

    You'll need:

    MiamiDx10cmain.lha (1276409 bytes) (Link)
    MiamiDx10c-MUI.lha (92374) (Link)

    You have to do:

    1. extract both archives to Ram Disk:

    lha x MiamiDx10cmain.lha ram:


    lha x MiamiDx10c-MUI.lha ram:

    When everything is done you should have a "MiamiDx10_Install" directory in Ram Disk.

    2. Avoid the Install script. It's evil and will not work. Use right click and "View as -> All Files" to see the hidden directories "main" and "MUI".

    3. Move all files from the "MUI" directory to the "Libs" directory inside the "main" directory.

    MUI/MUI.MiamiToolsGui -> main/libs/MUI.MiamiToolsGui
    MUI/MUI.MiamiDxGui -> main/libs/MUI.MiamiDxGui

    4. add an icon to the main Directory:

    copy ENV:sys/def_drawer.info RAM:MiamiDx10_Install/main.info

    5. copy the "main" directory to your harddisk and rename it to "Miami".

    6. now delete the "MiamiDx10_Install" directory in RAM, we don't need it anymore.

    7. Go the the new Miami directory on your harddisk, you should find a hidden icon sub drawer here. Copy one of the MiamiDx icons to your Miami binary:

    Say... the directory is on work:Miami/ and you want the NewIcon then you would enter into Shell:

    > cd work:miami
    > copy icons/NewIcons/MiamiDx.info to MiamiDx.info

    The icon should now appear in the main directory, don't forget to set higher stack (right click on the icon and choose "Information" and then enter into the Stack string gadget a high enough value. 65536 is a good value, IMHO.)

    8. open a shell (If you don't already have it open ;-) ) and enter:

    setenv SAVE Miami/GUI MUI

    9. add following line to your s:user-startup

    Assign MIAMI: Work:Miami

    (replace "Work:Miami" whith the correct path to your Miami installation ofcourse ;-) )

    If you don't have an editor then you can enter:

    echo "Assign MIAMI: Work:Miami" >>s:user-startup

    into shell, this will also add the line to your user-startup. But make sure you enter that line like shown above (just replace the path to your Miami installation).

    10. Reboot _or_ enter into shell:

    Assign MIAMI: Work:Miami

    Now you can start Miami and enjoy configuring your network! :-)

    Hope this 10 steps can help some new Pegasos users out there! :-)


    btw: it's not only about Miami installion also about showing how you can install almost every program w/o an install script.. It's not difficult and just needs some practise with shell, etc. Try to get used to it and your installation will be much more professional in the end and will have a lot less problems (sometimes Installer scripts install older libraries etc., this you can avoid by installing manually).
  • »09.04.04 - 18:29
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 35 from 2004/10/20
    From: London UK
    Well thanks to this tutorial I am now posting
    this on VoyagerPPC on my Peg2.

    Many Thanks

    Pegasos II / G4 1Ghz / 512mb PC3200 Ram / Radeon 7000 64mb Agp/ 160gb SeagateHD / Toshiba 1512 Dvd Rom / Aria Case

    MorphOS 1.4.2 / Debian Sarge Linux Soon
    got 14 cd iso files to download = 9gb ........lol
  • »09.11.04 - 05:05
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Please for the Love of God people...




    (Oh and also BUY A ROUTER )

    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »10.11.04 - 03:54
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 139 from 2004/3/8
    hey ive got miami now installed on my morphos =), but I cant rember where your supopse to put the registration keys. Ive not doen it in like few years when I orig bought it and installed it on my 1200. Anyone know where to put em so it reconises the keys?
  • »16.08.05 - 19:28
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 34 from 2004/4/27
    The keys should be in the Miami directory.
  • »16.08.05 - 19:39
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 139 from 2004/3/8

    The keys should be in the Miami directory.

    ok, thats what it thought as thats where i copied em, but its strange it still acts as if its not registered. probly somethign not installed quite right ill redo the whole thing and see what happens. Thankyou for your input.
  • »16.08.05 - 19:48
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