Roadshow Morphos update available
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    from the readme :

    Tiny Roadshow update with improved MorphOS support (15.1.2013)

    Thank you for being so tenacious in giving Roadshow 68k a try
    under MorphOS :-)

    The archive which this README file is a part of contains an updated
    "AddNetInterface" command, as well as two new network interface
    configuration files for use with the Pegasos/Pegasos II or Apple
    computer hardware ("VIA-Rhine" and "SunGEM", respectively).

    If you already have Roadshow 68k (commercial release, or demo version)
    installed, please replace your old "AddNetInterface" command (that
    would be version 4.49) with the new command included in this archive
    (the new version should be 4.52). The new version brings the respective
    network interface online before starting the DHCP configuration. This
    means that bringing the network interface's device driver online with
    the "online" command should no longer be required.

    The example network interface configuration files "VIA-Rhine" and
    "SunGEM" can be copied into the "SYS:Storage/NetInterfaces" drawer,
    or "DEVS:NetInterfaces" (whichever you prefer), in case you do not
    have your network interfaces set up differently already. These two
    files are provided for your convenience.

    If you have any questions, please visit
    and the associated support forum (click on the link at the bottom of the page).

    The update can be downloaded for free on the Support homepage Roadshow.
  • »16.01.13 - 14:03
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    If the MorphOS 3.2 release won't have a netstack that is faster than Roadshow, or in any other way offer significant advantages over it, I will probably reach for my wallet and place an order for this!

    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »16.01.13 - 15:36
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1424 from 2003/4/13

    If the MorphOS 3.2 release won't have a netstack that is faster than Roadshow, or in any other way offer significant advantages over it, I will probably reach for my wallet and place an order for this!

    If I wasn't being killed in medical costs thanks to Obamacare, I'd have bought it already.

    We'll see what happens first, I have free money or MorphOS 3.2 is released :-)
  • »16.01.13 - 16:53
  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    Is there now a proper working installs cript which works with later Installer, and does uninstalling work properly now (doesn't break MorphOS boot-sequence). Also, visually, icons could be updated on modern OS's. <- Free music
  • »16.01.13 - 18:00
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 587 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...
    How fast is fast BTW? I get 40MB/s in LAN with new MorphOS NetStack. Is Roadshow is faster than that? :-)

    [ Edited by Piru 16.01.2013 - 21:02 ]
  • »16.01.13 - 18:23
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    highest i've seen here between a win7 pc and Powerbook is 33-35MB/s when
    copying to and from the Morphos ramdisk mounted as a samba share.

    But I guess FTP might be faster, also the samba server is 68K
    Copying to a Morphos harddisk(solid state) is much slower

    On the macmini its 11.8MB/s flat on its 100mbit port

    Is that 40MB/s flat or it peaks at 40? and on what machine ?
    the current Morphos netstack jumps up and down alot, on Roadshow is stays at whatever rate you get

    [ Edited by catohagen 16.01.2013 - 20:21 ]
  • »16.01.13 - 19:08
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 587 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    I wget a 1GB file from the Debian GNU/Linux server (apache2). It is the average speed, not peak. The system is a PowerBook G4 1.67 with gigabit ethernet.

    The actual average speed varies a bit: it's between 40-45MB/s for the whole 1GB file (it could the other load in the network perhaps?). Peak transfer speed is around 50MB/s (as reported by Network Statistics).

    The final LAN performance depends on multiple factors and obviously doesn't necessarily mean everyone will be getting similar numbers in the end. Also, internet performance is completely another chestnut, that is when the adverse effect of latency steps in...

    [ Edited by Piru 16.01.2013 - 22:37 ]
  • »16.01.13 - 19:35
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4

    How fast is fast BTW? I get 40MB/s in LAN with new MorphOS NetStack. Is Roadshow is faster than that?

    That's great to hear. But for the user's the more important question is: how long until the new netstack will be publically available?
    If it will be rather sooner than later, then the roadshow is probably pointless for MorphOS users, but if it is still a while until release roadshow may be a good purchase to bridge the waiting time.

    [ Editiert durch Zylesea 16.01.2013 - 23:46 ]

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »16.01.13 - 21:34
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    sounds like a well performing upgrade to netstack :)

    Would maybe the powerbook hd limit higher speed ? copying a large file several times to/from hd here gives me around 40MB/s (hd is ssd)
  • »16.01.13 - 21:36
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 587 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    how long until the new netstack will be publically available?

    "We hope to ship this with MorphOS 3.2 already since it seems work really well."

    Of course the question then becomes when 3.2 will be ready for release... That will be at least couple of months I believe (and please don't take this as any kind of official schedule confirmation, since it isn't ;-)).

    So if you're indeed in a hurry for better performance then of course Roadshow is an option.
  • »16.01.13 - 22:00
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1424 from 2003/4/13

    Of course the question then becomes when 3.2 will be ready for release... That will be at least couple of months I believe

    Hmm, but G5 bounty states 3 months which will expire late Feb IIRC. Will G5 support be MorphOS 3.1.1?
  • »16.01.13 - 23:27
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 874 from 2007/4/9
    From: Kingston upon ...
    I think Bigfoot received the G5 sometime early-mid December, so there's a couple of months to go yet.

    UI: Powerbook 5,6 (1.67GHz, 128MB VRam): OS3.1, OSX 10.5.8
    HTPC: Mac Mini G4 (1,5GHz, 64MB VRam): OS3.1 (ZVNC)
    Audiophile: Efika 5200b (SB Audigy): OS3.1 (VNC + Virtual Monitor)

    Windows free since 2011!
  • »16.01.13 - 23:40
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > G5 bounty states 3 months which will expire late Feb IIRC.

  • »17.01.13 - 00:18
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20

    i wonder how roadshow would perform on your current setup :)
  • »17.01.13 - 07:38
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22
    So does this thing give noticable faster web browsing? I would try it on mine, but I'm worried it'll break the excisting connections.
  • »19.01.13 - 13:48
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    I made an installer for Roadshow on Morphos, since the orginal installer doesnt work and if it worked it would install lots of config files for amiga hardware.
    It also lets you skip to install the firewall and ppp/ppoe stuff for adsl users

    It doesnt touch anything in your existing Morphos system or network config so if
    you install you have to manually disable internal netstack and run Roadshow 68K manually or insert into s:user-startup manually.

    It also let you tune internal Roadshow settings based on calulations you enter
    to better find settings spesific to transfer rates and more suited to system with more memory and not low-mem 68k classic systems, as this stack is aimed at... might boost you browsing speed...

    you need a working arexx tho...

    edit, attachments doesnt work on this site...

    edit, updated archive

    [ Edited by catohagen 19.01.2013 - 18:42 ]
  • »19.01.13 - 16:31
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 28 from 2003/11/28
    Today we release the MorphOS Update 2 for Roadshow
  • »19.01.13 - 16:55
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    I made an installer for Roadshow on Morphos

    Cool! Is there a way to make this in Grunch?

    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »19.01.13 - 17:02
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    Grunch would be cool, but as Grunch downloads packages and the Roadshow archive isnt located in a fixed url but to some download.php script.

    i wanted to do my installer fully automatic too, download the roadshow demo with wget and so on, but didnt find a fixed url
  • »19.01.13 - 17:18
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 95 from 2009/10/5
    Anyone else having trouble installing this?

    Seems the bundled installer won't work, it just flashes up the installer window for half a second then vanishes. Tried using MOS 3.1 installer and the 1996 version supplied with the archive, both the same.
  • »20.01.13 - 09:35
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > Anyone else having trouble installing this? Seems the bundled installer won't work

    See posting #17 by catohagen.
  • »20.01.13 - 10:02
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    Anyone else having trouble installing this?

    Seems the bundled installer won't work, it just flashes up the installer window for half a second then vanishes. Tried using MOS 3.1 installer and the 1996 version supplied with the archive, both the same.

    its the amiga check in the installer scripts that makes it just exit, i edited the script to this :
    ; Could this be AmigaOS4? Then it doesn't need Roadshow 68k
    ; to be installed.
    (if (>= (getversion) (* 52 65536))

    line 637 is the line i edited, changed from 50 to 52 and the installer started, but it breaks again later so i made a
    morphos installer...

    and altered the version number it runs
  • »20.01.13 - 10:36
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    I've updated the Roadshow morphos installer to include the new config files for added hardware that came in update 1.8

    After every ethernet spesific config files you install, it also asks to open up the file with ed (mossys:c/ed) so you can
    change to static ip and netmask or just skip this to stay with default DHCP.

    Added option to automatic import the host entries and nameserver/dns from your existing Netstack config files and replaces
    the commented out lines with # char as Roadshow requires for comments (Netstack uses ; for comments)

    Added switching of Roadshow / Netstack on or off , by renaming SYS:S/network-startup(Roadshow) / MOSSYS:S/network-startup(Netstack)
    Whatever stack you enable is displayed visually in the main menu.

    Makes installing Roadshow as easy as tapping a few keystrokes, as most of your existing network configuration can be imported into Roadshow.

    [ Edited by catohagen 23.01.2013 - 11:00 ]
  • »21.01.13 - 21:07
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 874 from 2007/4/9
    From: Kingston upon ...

    Nice work! Appreciate the hard work and testing you've put into this.
    Will give this a try (at least until the new Netstack arrives :-) ).


    UI: Powerbook 5,6 (1.67GHz, 128MB VRam): OS3.1, OSX 10.5.8
    HTPC: Mac Mini G4 (1,5GHz, 64MB VRam): OS3.1 (ZVNC)
    Audiophile: Efika 5200b (SB Audigy): OS3.1 (VNC + Virtual Monitor)

    Windows free since 2011!
  • »21.01.13 - 21:43
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