MPlayer and MorphOS: naive remarks
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    First of all, Fab, I know you did the port, this is not intended to attack or downplay your work or anything, it's just trying to be a detached and naive observation, and your programs/ports, I have to say, are far above everything else I tried on MorphOS so far... I also realize (if I understood correctly) that this is a year and a half old port and that you are not actively working on it.

    Finally installed it last night and played maybe 10-15 mins with it. So I am gonna try to transfer some thoughts based on my 15 minutes of playing a naive user (well not completely naive, call me a naive user who got really spoiled by OS X and I am starting to realize that more and more as I experiment with MorphOS). I hope this is gonna be useful. I hope to increase awareness for usability of MorphOS and other apps for the future.

    - after installation I naturally tried double-clicking on my video files -- nothing. Manual setup is needed for that. I know there is a controversy about hijacking the file extensions but this is just too ascetic. I just installed my first player and none of my files appears to be playable by double-clicking. At least give me an option to take over the files you can handle and install the handlers automatically at the end of an successful installation... maybe I am spoiled or don't see something big here? (A chilling thought went through me: tried D&D with one small file and that worked... phew, ok at least I won't need to open files manually from the application)

    - ooookay... so this means I will have to launch it manually often and drag and drop files into it (until I set up the extensions). So, I tried to drag and drop the GMPlayer icon in the dock so I can launch it easily, but that then did not work. Clicking on it in the dock did not produce anything. Tried to look into information for the file, put the absolute path to the mplayer executable (maybe that's the issue?), did not help, gave up, will dig later... possibly missing some MorphOS idiom (I simply tried the simplest and the most intuitive/naive way)... will research this more later tonight. (It works from its folder where it resides though so it could be some path resolution issue.)

    - let's put in some DVDs. How about Enter the Dragon? Insert DVD...

    - there is no nonsense about choosing the DVD region! (this is the first DVD I inserted) Does that mean that with MorphOS (or MPlayer?) I also got a multi-region DVD player? That could be a big selling point. (With OS X I have 5 chances to change the region and that's it... Don't remember Windows -- it was long ago (I know it could probably be hacked but I am talking normal users here) most people I know have a separate external DVD, one for each region -- it's that bad). Or, could it be that the region was already set in DVD firmware by OS X and that it's simply remembering and using that? I don't have any non-US DVDs to try, just an interesting puzzle for now...

    - OK, open DVD, find a VOB file. Drag and drop the VOB file to the player. Read/write error? Hm... Ignore. Read/Write error. Ignore. Read/Write error. Retry. Read/Write error... infinite loop... Cannot kill it now... Tried killing from CLI... nope... OK, reboot MorphOS... (then I realized I forgot iKill, maybe that would have killed it)... OK.. whatever.. maybe MPlayer cannot play a file directly from a read-only device in the GUI mode (tries to put the temporary scratch stuff there?)... maybe not important... move on

    - ok, let's play the whole DVD then. Click on the upper left icon which looks like a disc. Works! Plays beautifully... Full screen... resizable... Nice... but wait... only background music but no voices!?? Hm... maybe it's a bug... or a faulty DVD? Let's try Casablanca. OK, music is here, voice is here but... they all speak in French! Hm......... right click, there is language chooser in the menu! Picked English, works! Back to Enter the Dragon, picked English, works! Why did it not choose anything initially and why did it choose French for Casablanca it's beyond me -- maybe it should look into my system preferences and decide which language to choose if there are more than one (but Enter the Dragon had english only and it choose silence(?))

    - UI is OK (from what I saw in 10-15 mins) but it looks so 90s and to me it does not look consistent with the other (I guess I can call it more modern) UI of MorphOS core stuff (OWB is much more consistent) (this is probably customizable again I guess)

    - And yes, it plays great, it works amazingly wonderfully on an underpowered hardware, and yes I am sure it has zillions of finely tuned command-line options and switches which lame Windows or OS X users don't have or don't use in their ignorance, I am aware of all that and will give you all that :-)
  • »28.01.10 - 18:25
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1107 from 2003/6/11
    From: Białystok...
    So, I tried to drag and drop the GMPlayer icon in the dock so I can launch it easily, but that then did not work.

    1. Check first if the dock is not locked (RMB on the dock, "Panel" >> "Locked").
    2. Unlock it (using context menu via RMB).
    3. From the same menu select "Panel" >> "Add to panel".
    4. A window opens. Drag "Button" element onto the panel. An empty place appears.
    5. Close the window, then drag GMPlayer icon on the empty space.
    6. Lock the panel (it is important, if panel is not locked, icons dropped on it replace existing entries).

    From now dropping a movie icon (or filename from text lister mode) on the MPlayer icon on the dock will launch MPlayer, load and play the movie.
  • »28.01.10 - 18:48
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  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16

    First of all, Fab, I know you did the port, this is not intended to attack or downplay your work or anything, it's just trying to be a detached and naive observation, and your programs/ports, I have to say, are far above everything else I tried on MorphOS so far... I also realize (if I understood correctly) that this is a year and a half old port and that you are not actively working on it.

    I actually update it quite often (at least privately).


    after installation I naturally tried double-clicking on my video files -- nothing. Manual setup is needed for that. I know there is a controversy about hijacking the file extensions but this is just too ascetic. I just installed my first player and none of my files appears to be playable by double-clicking. At least give me an option to take over the files you can handle and install the handlers automatically at the end of an successful installation... maybe I am spoiled or don't see something big here? (A chilling thought went through me: tried D&D with one small file and that worked... phew, ok at least I won't need to open files manually from the application)

    In fact, you should keep in mind that for amiga people, the idea is generally to run the viewer first and open the file from it. But anyway, there's no problem with binding a doubleclick action in ambient. Go to ambient settings->mimetype, edit video node and add a doubleclick action with "path:to/gmplayer %sp" as workbench command. Then you'll be able to play videos from a single double click, and even open several files (enqueued to playlist) if you check "merge selection".

    Should Mplayer come with installer, that would take care of filetypes bindings, i don't know. I guess i'm too familiar with MorphOS. :)


    ooookay... so this means I will have to launch it manually often and drag and drop files into it (until I set up the extensions). So, I tried to drag and drop the GMPlayer icon in the dock so I can launch it easily, but that then did not work. Clicking on it in the dock did not produce anything. Tried to look into information for the file, put the absolute path to the mplayer executable (maybe that's the issue?), did not help, gave up, will dig later... possibly missing some MorphOS idiom (I simply tried the simplest and the most intuitive/naive way)... will research this more later tonight. (It works from its folder where it resides though so it could be some path resolution issue.)

    It's more likely Ambient was a bit confused with that lonely GMplayer project icon when it's added to a panel. Anyway, you can also just edit Mplayer icon and enable the GUI tooltype.
    I was a bit conservative with mplayer and decided to keep it GUI-less by default, like the original program.


    there is no nonsense about choosing the DVD region! (this is the first DVD I inserted) Does that mean that with MorphOS (or MPlayer?) I also got a multi-region DVD player? That could be a big selling point. (With OS X I have 5 chances to change the region and that's it... Don't remember Windows -- it was long ago (I know it could probably be hacked but I am talking normal users here) most people I know have a separate external DVD, one for each region -- it's that bad). Or, could it be that the region was already set in DVD firmware by OS X and that it's simply remembering and using that? I don't have any non-US DVDs to try, just an interesting puzzle for now...

    There's no region crap involved. The player uses libdvdcss to extract keys from encrypted dvds, and that's it.


    OK, open DVD, find a VOB file. Drag and drop the VOB file to the player. Read/write error? Hm... Ignore. Read/Write error. Ignore. Read/Write error. Retry. Read/Write error... infinite loop... Cannot kill it now... Tried killing from CLI... nope... OK, reboot MorphOS... (then I realized I forgot iKill, maybe that would have killed it)... OK.. whatever.. maybe MPlayer cannot play a file directly from a read-only device in the GUI mode (tries to put the temporary scratch stuff there?)... maybe not important... move on

    Yes, that's a normal behaviour for encrypted DVD. You can't read them at filesystem level. But as you figured it out, you can play them through the dedicated dvd mode in MPlayer, which acts at device level to decrypt data.
    For unencrypted DVD, you could play VOB files directly from the filesystem.


    ok, let's play the whole DVD then. Click on the upper left icon which looks like a disc. Works! Plays beautifully... Full screen... resizable... Nice... but wait... only background music but no voices!?? Hm... maybe it's a bug... or a faulty DVD? Let's try Casablanca. OK, music is here, voice is here but... they all speak in French! Hm......... right click, there is language chooser in the menu! Picked English, works! Back to Enter the Dragon, picked English, works! Why did it not choose anything initially and why did it choose French for Casablanca it's beyond me -- maybe it should look into my system preferences and decide which language to choose if there are more than one (but Enter the Dragon had english only and it choose silence(?))

    Likely some generic issue with MPlayer default audio track index. Mplayer is quite an active project, mainly used by unix users, who love passing command line options like -aid/-sid and thus don't notice such bugs. :)


    UI is OK (from what I saw in 10-15 mins) but it looks so 90s and to me it does not look consistent with the other (I guess I can call it more modern) UI of MorphOS core stuff (OWB is much more consistent) (this is probably customizable again I guess)

    Well, i don't know what you find so old about it. It uses the system toolkit and is actually more coherent with the system than if it was using a fully skinned GUI like you see so often.


    And yes, it plays great, it works amazingly wonderfully on an underpowered hardware, and yes I am sure it has zillions of finely tuned command-line options and switches which lame Windows or OS X users don't have or don't use in their ignorance, I am aware of all that and will give you all that

    On a mac mini 1.4GHz, you can play smoothly most 720p h264 streams, something which can't be done on osx with any player (except maybe with commercial coreavc codecs, to be checked). And about options in mplayer or mencoder, you have indeed zillions of them that really let you do almost all you want. :)

    [ Edited by Fab on 2010/1/28 22:06 ]
  • »28.01.10 - 19:34
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > this is a year and a half old port

    Most recent port is from August 30th 2009, i.e. 5 months old.

    > With OS X I have 5 chances to change the region and that's it... Don't remember Windows

    That's depending on the drive's firmware, not the OS. With tools like

    you're also on MorphOS restricted to the number of changes the drive's firmware allows. And I can't imagine that MPlayer for OSX or Windows behaves differently from the MorphOS port in case of DVDs with region code.

    > I know it could probably be hacked

    Yes, by flashing a hacked firmware to the drive.

    > I am sure it has zillions of finely tuned command-line options and switches which
    > lame Windows or OS X users don't have or don't use

    MPlayer for MorphOS is "just" a port, so it's rather the latter than the former.
  • »28.01.10 - 21:06
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    @Krashan: hm, I think you misunderstood... I *can* add the icon to the dock but once I click it it does not launch the GMPlayer.
  • »28.01.10 - 21:55
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    > Most recent port is from August 30th 2009, i.e. 5 months old.

    Sorry, my bad, it was supposed to be "half of a year".
  • »28.01.10 - 21:56
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    I think it's because GMPLayer it's only an icon, not a program itself. Try to add mplayer, then gmplayer as an icon and make sure that you will put -gui into the command line.
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »28.01.10 - 22:30
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    @pampers: Yes, I know there are many things I haven't tried. Will try to make it work from the dock. It's just that the most intuitive thing and the thing that worked for all other apps did not work here. I did realize that there is one program but two icons (.info files) and that most likely some juggling will be necessary. But not many new users would IMHO (unless you are familiar with Amiga). Most users will just think that there are 2 programs and one works and the other does not.

    @Fab: Maybe MPLayer installer would help. At least to take care of the extensions. Me personally I just want to install it and from now on to use it for all video files since there are not many other options on MorphOS anyway. So having an optional extension hijacker would not hurt at all. Regarding the GUI, maybe it's just my opinion, it just looked less integrated then OWB (which did set a high standard for cleanness and smoothness, OWB is probably the closest to a perfect MorphOS app from what I have seen so far).

    The most of the programs I tried on MorphOS so far are actually very mature, almost bug-free and relatively nice and 95% done. BUT those last 5% which developers usually overlook as not important (easy installation, intuitiveness, friendliness towards users not familiar with Amiga paradigms (although this is arguably true with any OS with any legacy)), error handling (very important! give meaningful and informative error messages which are a) not scary b) can lead to solutions not to confusion, more like hints to what might be wrong) will probably prevent most of the potential new users to share that killer MorphOS experience which fans and developers themselves are clamoring about.

    [ Edited by mihailod on 2010/1/28 14:48 ]
  • »28.01.10 - 22:44
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 680 from 2009/10/21
    From: Boston, USA
    By Fab
    On a mac mini 1.4GHz, you can play smoothly most 720p h264 streams, something which can't be done on osx with any player (except maybe with commercial coreavc codecs, to be checked). And about options in mplayer or mencoder, you have indeed zillions of them that really let you do almost all you want. :)

    Getting prepped to do almost all I want :)
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz, 1G, 250G Drive, Apple Cinema Display, MorphOS 3.1 registered, MacOS 10 PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 80G Drive,........Waiting
    PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 40G MorphOS 3.1 unregisterd
  • »29.01.10 - 03:31
  • HAK
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 224 from 2003/2/24
    From: Austria, Vienna

    Concerning that (icon) problem.

    The entry in the panel will be handled differently depending which mode the window was from where you dropped the "icon".

    If the window where you got it from is in icon mode, data for the icon and the appropriate program (even if it doesn't exist) will be added to the entry. So when clicking the icon in the panel, it starts the program - in the case of GMPlayer, this means, it recognizes, that this is an Project icon and starts the program in the default tool setting of that icon.

    If the window where you got it from is in list mode, the data for the icon will be added twice to the entry (go check with a hex editor). Clicking on this icon in the panel then gives you the same like selecting Information from the pop-up-menu of that icon.
    However, this doesn't seem to work in the panel when there is no underlaying program for this icon available (this is the case with the, where no GMPlayer exists).
    According to Snoopium, it tried to look for some "<path>/" (sic!) which doesn't exist and therefore it did nothing (well, it appeared to do nothing besides some errors in Snoopium).

    PS: If you prefer list mode winows, then just drop the program onto the panel when adding (not the icon) - though this will not help with MPlayer, as in this case, it will add the MPLayer icon to the entry (not the GMPlayer icon; meaning you are back to no GUI).

    Bye HAK
  • »29.01.10 - 05:39
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Regarding filetypes interesting that nobody mentioned this:

    This script will install the most important MIME associations in the Ambient.

    You only need to customize the paths to your apps here:

    echo "If necessary then adjusting Paths for installed applications in"
    echo "WBStartup/FileTypesPath with a Texteditor!"

    It actually adds even more contextual menu items! This is getting much better...
  • »29.01.10 - 06:14
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    @HAK: excellent explanation! It's exactly that!

    If I switch back to the icon mode and do the d&d it works!

    I was doing it from the list mode because the MPlayer folder did not have the icon (although the stuff inside did have them!).

    Thanks 100x!!!
  • »29.01.10 - 06:19
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...
    Mihailod, I like your comments and suggestions, as they come from "the outside".

    Have you realized that many of the faults you see for a newbie, actually wouldn't exist? Why? Because, to a newbie user, you sell completely CONFIGURED systems. Right, MorphOS doesn't do so, but in the other hand, there's nothing stopping anyone to do it.
    Just like commercial operating systems, they come with a huuuuuge set of preset functions. And actually, regular users ("lame", as you say, and I like that) don't add new functions to their computers.

    Well, yes, they do. And in huge pits they fall in because of that. Having a system which allows to add funcions BUT requires you to learn is a good thing. Of course, adding functions is something unsupported by the manufacturer.

    To the rest of the world, this is not unbearable. We are used to be able to do so, because of our heritage. But regular people just want things to work, and don't fiddle with them. That's for geeks, they think.

    But fiddling raises community, like people who modify their cars, and get together for a great experience, not only technical. But it's something separated from car manufacturers. And they don't have a problem with that, as soon as it's clear that it would void warranty. But it works.

    Hey, there's even an industry around it. Back to computers, you could earn money selling services to add functions to other's computers, just like car workshops.

    Yes, I like the MorphOS way that much, I think it's even viable (and better) in the modern world.
  • »29.01.10 - 09:29
  • tom
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2003/7/22
    From: Heesch, The Ne...
    On my desk I have two computers, my Peg II and an Mac(intel). For looking movies I use mostly my Peg II with Mplayer. Why? Okay, one reason is that I'm used to it, but the other reason is that I liked the working of Mplayer on my Peg far more than Mplayer on the Mac. And ,very important, if a movie is for some reason incomplete, I can still play it on the Peg. If you download Movies with MlDonkey, you can already have a view of the movie after 5-10% (depends on the movie). Is there something I miss in Mplayer? Yes, I can also play eg flac and ape but to see these files I have to erase everytime the pattern-filter. But that is not a very important issue. Thank you very much for your port, Fab!

    Regards Tom
  • »29.01.10 - 12:43
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > Regarding filetypes interesting that nobody mentioned this:

    More recent version:
  • »29.01.10 - 12:49
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    On a mac mini 1.4GHz, you can play smoothly most 720p h264 streams, something which can't be done on osx with any player (except maybe with commercial coreavc codecs, to be checked). And about options in mplayer or mencoder, you have indeed zillions of them that really let you do almost all you want. :)

    hey Fab i still have a hard time nodding to that. Most of the 720p teasers i tried were quite smooth on my macmini G4 1,5ghz but 90% of the bluray-rips @ 720p i tried were slow, with sound desync and poor framerate. I'll have to give you some of these files one of these days so you can confirm.

    edit : typos

    [ Edited by SoundSquare on 2010/1/29 14:03 ]
  • »29.01.10 - 13:02
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 25 from 2009/12/4
    From: Sweden
    Bitrate is king. Odds are that the samples have a lower bitrate or a different soundcodec than the bluray videos. I had a similar problem on my XBMC machine before I got VDPAU working properly.
  • »29.01.10 - 13:09
  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2074 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO

    mihailod wrote:

    @Fab: Maybe MPLayer installer would help. At least to take care of the extensions. Me personally I just want to install it and from now on to use it for all video files since there are not many other options on MorphOS anyway. So having an optional extension hijacker would not hurt at all.

    Hey, hey... mime types are probably the best feature of the Ambient and there shouldn't be any excuse for new users not to learn to use them. Adding mplayer for all video formats is a good and easy exercise :) Afterall, I don't believe MorphOS can (or want to) be children's three wheeler operating system for clueless people ever. Its focus is to be for people who want to think differ.. better. Who want to find new ways to use computers, new ways which can be in the end better and more efficient than usual mainstream standards and the easiest for the newbies ways. And making your own mimetypes and finding clever ways to build bigger functions with them is part of the process when you're finding your own way of doing things with computers.


    Regarding the GUI, maybe it's just my opinion, it just looked less integrated then OWB (which did set a high standard for cleanness and smoothness, OWB is probably the closest to a perfect MorphOS app from what I have seen so far).

    BTW. are you using mplayer's GUI as integrated in player window or as separate window floating around (cgx_overlay_gui vs. cgx_overlay in preferences)?

    As I have totally opposite feelings about the GUI, at least when it's integrated in one window... and you can show/hide it with middle mouse button, just love that :) It's much better than GUIs on other platforms' players.. it's clean, minimal and functional. BTW. have you tried MPlayer on other platforms? I think MorphOS version beats then hands down.. at least what I've tried on Windows, Linux and OSX.

    I think OWB's GUI is OK with only minimal things needed integrated and far from perfect or comprehensive. For example IBrowse still offers a lot more in its GUI.
  • »29.01.10 - 13:41
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8

    > I like your comments and suggestions, as they come from "the outside".

    Yep, that's the idea. If it's not useful, redundant or annoying I can stop.

    > many of the faults you see for a newbie, actually wouldn't exist?
    > Why? Because, to a newbie user, you sell completely CONFIGURED systems.

    That's actually an interesting point. The more I work with MorphOS (and I don't have much time, less than an hour per day on average for now) I configure it more and make it more streamlined. However, my impression is that most of the people who are MorphOS potential customers would just want to use it instead of making it usable. I am talking expanding the MorphOS market, not preaching to the converted. You have to admit that the Amiga fans are getting less and less in numbers as the original machine fades from the memory and people get older.

    That community is also somewhat fragmented. OS4 is perceived as the official Amiga OS but it works only on very exotic hardware. AROS is open source (so, in some circles, by definition, seen as "the good one") and free and works on i386 so many people give it the biggest chance. MorphOS is an interesting animal, it's the most expensive but it runs on iMac which is a good small quirky device appealing to Amiga fans because it's compact and it's not an evil Intel but the device is obsolete. Yep, even if MorphOS moves to G5 it's still several years behind.. We'll see what happens..

    > Right, MorphOS doesn't do so, but in the other hand, there's nothing stopping anyone to do it.

    I would argue that the closer to the core team the people who do this the better. For now, I have my list which is growing: command line help, unix tools, mime types preconfigured, pack installed, UAE installed and preconfigured and shipped with all free ADFs out there..

    > regular users ("lame", as you say, and I like that) don't add new functions to their computers.

    Depending what you think by "adding". Since most of the functions you need to add to MorphOS are already there and just work people just concentrate on doing work and using it. Which *might* be that there is still a room for a hobby device like something running MorphOS but for those people there is always Linux -- arguably much more potent tool for hacking (more people use it, UNIX based so you can make your knowledge maybe commercial one day). MorphOS, if you remove Amiga nostalgics, could appeal only for people who truly want a completely different experience. So its competition is for now probably those other 2 Amiga-like OSes and, maybe, Haiku (similar but instead of Amiga it has BeOS legacy).

    > Having a system which allows to add funcions BUT requires you to learn is a good thing.

    Yeah I agree it's good to learn things but learning how to make MorphOS usable is arguably highly specific knowledge. So it will always fall into a hobby domain unless MorphOS becomes more mainstream so then again we are talking about that catch 22.

    > Of course, adding functions is something unsupported by the manufacturer.

    Not sure what you mean by this.

    > We are used to be able to do so, because of our heritage.
    > But regular people just want things to work, and don't fiddle with them.
    > That's for geeks, they think.

    Exactly. So it's an interesting challenge: how to keep the hard-core interested while still taking the money from the "regular people" and keeping them happy too so they come back and spend more ;-)

    > But fiddling raises community, like people who modify their cars,
    > and get together for a great experience, not only technical.

    Yes, I completely agree on this one.

    > Back to computers, you could earn money selling services to add functions
    > to other's computers, just like car workshops.

    Only if the user base is big enough and diversified. If the user base is small and they are all people like you, they would actually prefer to do it all themselves, right? The comparison with cars is not completely right, not many people have the garage space, the heavy tools and the parts but with software and access to Internet most of people who care enough can fix most of the things they are bothered with. So you would be selling your "services" to a very small minority of users. At the end you also mentioned money and not hobby, right? So if it really boils down to money, the major thing is to increase the user base. There is nothing more important than that. OS4, AROS and Haiku are lurking..

    > Yes, I like the MorphOS way that much, I think it's even viable (and better) in the modern world.

    It's a nice hobby for me, for now on a separate machine, I don't do anything seriously with it but it's been fun for me so far as well. I will keep an eye on 2.5 to see if some things improve. Windows was unusable before 3.1 so there is lots of potential still... It's refreshing and I feel closer to the hardware if you know what I mean. Seeing IK+ starting on a full screen in MorphOS was a very emotional thing for me.. if I could only get the USB Joystick working.. or better not because I would spend hours playing it!!!


    Thank you for the more recent version, I will take a look.

    Which reminds me: one of the things which MorphOS is lacking is unified update checkup. For various programs, libraries and OS itself. I think I reported this as a feature request. Amiga OS4 has it for example (saw it on YouTube).


    Yes, I get the MIME idea and starting to exploit it more. Sadly (or happily?) most people expect that to be hidden from them. That's why I like "open with" option which appeared after I installed the file types application. It makes it a bit easier for people who don't want to edit text. It's a tough task to make it appealing to everyone I know. Regarding MPlayer, I will try both modes (I was not even aware of those settings) as I said I only played with it for 15 minutes.
  • »29.01.10 - 19:36
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4

    mihailod wrote:

    Which reminds me: one of the things which MorphOS is lacking is unified update checkup. For various programs, libraries and OS itself. I think I reported this as a feature request. Amiga OS4 has it for example (saw it on YouTube).

    There is MorphUp available. A promising project, but unfortunately it isn't used much...

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »29.01.10 - 23:26
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    mihailod: I know there should be installer and most of that stuff should be much more user friendly, but (don't get me wrong) that is what I like in MorphOS and Amiga like systems, that nothing is easy and straight forward ;) I know it's not really good for a brand new users..

    EDIT: but when you are having some kind of trouble at the beginning with setting up stuff, then you are learning a new system much more than you do with windows or osx when installation of a simple program ends up with few clicks on [ok].

    [ Edited by pampers on 2010/1/30 0:41 ]
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »30.01.10 - 00:37
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Yes, I got that :-)

    I am trying to look into MorphOS from another angle.

    Maybe that angle is inapropriate.
  • »30.01.10 - 01:23
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    No, there's really nothing wrong with reporting it, as long as it's explained properly and calmly, like you do.

    We are also aware there can be some rough edges for newcomers, but with small resources, there are always priorities, and the last finishing touch often comes last (if at all). :)
  • »30.01.10 - 01:36
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    > (if at all).

    Yeah, and *that* is scary because most of the time it means the end of the project...

    I completely dig the Amiga thing and everything but some parts of MorphOS just need to be modernized and made more accessible however uncool that sounded.

    Maybe it's time for MorphOS team to add a usability engineer / evangelist? Someone who knows human-computer interaction, who can pitch the OS to the media and new users and take the heat from them and also someone who is *not* tightly coupled with the development team in order not to be biased (like blue team - red team concept in security). That person would be able to increase priority of some of the usability stuff. Sometimes fixing those things could be more profitable (MorphOS is a commercial product) than adding some new feature.

    But it's hard to measure anything with user base so small and then again we come back to the issue of increasing the # of users...

    Personally, I like MorphOS fine so far as a new pet hobby... I even ordered some old Amiga books on eBay, want to refresh more on certain topics. Fascinating machine back then... But it's time to move on... move forward...

    [ Edited by mihailod on 2010/1/29 18:09 ]
  • »30.01.10 - 02:05
  • Eva
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 9 from 2008/6/29
    The sum is ... morphos is not an OS for noobs.

    Noobs like Windows or Ubuntu.

    But if someone has nothing to do ... can always support pure programmers/porters, implementing manuals, installations, readme etc.
  • »30.01.10 - 09:02