OT: Installing Molk & MacOS
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    Help :-(

    I've written a website for someone with a Mac
    with css and flash that goes terrible wrong on
    all mac-browsers (flash is flickering and css objects
    are placed wrong)

    Now I desperatly try to install MacOS X using
    Molk ... and installations fails at the volume selection.
    No devices are listed as destination ...

    Can someone give me a direction where I should look?

    The MacOS CDs are Panther 10.3
  • »05.07.06 - 13:06
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 85 from 2003/12/11
    From: Italy
    in molk/molrc.osx

    try adding "-force" option.

    for example:

    blkdev: /dev/hda# -rw -force
  • »05.07.06 - 13:37
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    I've set it like this:

    blkdev: /dev/cdrom -cd ${cdboot}

    ifempty ${altconfig} {
    # default configuration
    blkdev: /dev/hda11 -rw -boot -force
    blkdev: /dev/hda -rw -whole
    blkdev: /dev/hdb -rw
    blkdev: /dev/sda -rw
    blkdev: /dev/sdb -rw
    blkdev: /dev/hdc -cd
    blkdev: /dev/hdd -cd

    } else {
    # alternate configuration
    blkdev: /tmp/osx.image -rw
    #blkdev: /dev/loop0 -rw
  • »05.07.06 - 13:40
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Well you have to format your destination disk of course, otherwise it wont
    show up as destination (iirc). There is a Harddisk tool available through the menu.
    There should your hda11 be available.
  • »05.07.06 - 14:14
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 85 from 2003/12/11
    From: Italy
    try removing the "-whole" option

    I installed OSX some time ago ... this is my configuration for OS9:


    ifeq ${session} 0 {
    # default configuration
    #blkdev: /dev/hda -rw
    blkdev: /dev/hda7 -rw -force
    #blkdev: /dev/sda -rw
    #blkdev: /dev/sdb -rw
    #blkdev: /dev/hdc -cd
    #blkdev: /dev/hdd -cd

    As you can see i shared only one partition.

    Just a stupid question:
    have you initialized/formatted your partition?
    if not just go to "tools" menu (as far as i remember) from the installation software. There is a program that helps you to format a new partition

  • »05.07.06 - 14:19
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    No, it's not yet formatted. And the MacOS hd-tool
    lists only the DVD and the molk image...
    I've even put a second drive into my peg

    And nothing is recognized

  • »05.07.06 - 14:24
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    Doh ... must be the heat ...

    Putting a second harddrive in your tower does
    not increase your storage when you dont plug in the powerplug ... and guess what, you have to save the
    partition-table after adding a new partition ...

    Stupid me ... half a day wasted by simple stupidity :-D
  • »05.07.06 - 14:50
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    You get further then I do! I have attempted to install Tiget useing my retail DVD and it boots the molk kernal, but never boots the disk. I get an error about read only drive or something every time.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »06.07.06 - 11:47
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    Not sure but I think somewhere I've read that there
    are problems with tiger and mol ... thats why I bought
    panther cd version ...
  • »06.07.06 - 16:23
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary
    I've had both Tiger and Panther installs done with MOLK. Currently I have Tiger installed, it works fine (except that MOLK's sound is terrible and useless and that MOL doesn't support graphics acceleration).
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »06.07.06 - 18:01
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 22 from 2005/9/26
    From: France / Luxem...
    Hi All ;)

    No problem here on 4 Pegasos 2 to install Mac OS X Tiger 10.4 on it with an original bootable DVD !

    I have used MolK which doesn't need a complete Linux installation and have installed one time on a harddrive with MorphOS on it and also on a separate harddrive.

    The things I think which lacks is a 3D hardware acceleration and the use of more than 740MB for memory.

    I.M.M. Informatique : YOUR Efika Reseller for France, Luxembourg and Belgium !
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  • »07.07.06 - 09:00
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 93 from 2006/3/6
    From: Naples, Italy
    I didn't manage to make MOLK 0.7 work ! After installing molk dir(s) and files in the boot partition FFS formatted, the boot starts but it stops very quickly. I set hdb1 as MAC partition (the first partition of the second HD installed on my Peg that is bigger than 8 GBytes and SFS formatted). I also unsuccessfully tried with default molk config. After resetting my Pegasos, I inserted the first of 3 CDs set of MAC OS X v.10 (I also tried with the DVD edition of same OS). At OF prompt I entered the command boot molk. At first It shows the operations log and then the penguin embracing an apple and as soon as after the boot stops. So I tried editing the file start-misc and activating modprobe usb-storage. Here are the results I got after trying to boot molk, settting hdb5 as swap partition (this is the same swap partition used under debian linux). Synthetically, the molk log shows the following msgs:

    1. The boot (MAC) partition is recognized.

    2. On the scsi.device the following units are recognized:

    SCSI /dev/hdd [CDROM/DVD driver]
    SCSI /dev/hdc [CDROM/DVD driver]

    3. The last three lines of the log before the boot stops are the following:

    -MacOS X Boot Loader 0.9.70 [96 MB memory map patch]
    SyncRead: error
    SyncRead: error

    Hoping my exposure was sufficiently clear and anybody could help to solve the prob.

    Tnx. in advance,

    Bye, AKiLL
  • »07.07.06 - 19:53
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Hmm, I have problems myself. At the moment mine stops with the error fatal error unballanced IF in molrc.osx

    BTW: Interesting handle, I've had it since 1980. Where did you get the idea of it from?

    [ Edited by Acill on 2006/7/7 18:25 ]
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »08.07.06 - 02:23
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 93 from 2006/3/6
    From: Naples, Italy
    So! Is there no way to solve our probz with molk and MacOS ? :-(

    BTW: I started using my nickname since 1997. A friend of mine assigned me it as nick to be allowed and joined to a particular channel on my first irc session.
  • »08.07.06 - 03:42
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    I just got molk working and i am installing OS X Tiger right now! I can help you if you like. PM me your email and I will send you the configs I used.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »08.07.06 - 04:00
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 93 from 2006/3/6
    From: Naples, Italy
    I just got molk working too.:-) I also successfully installed OS X Tiger and some updates. :-D
    Now it's time to solve other probz like avoiding each boot OS X change the time exactly set before, using an adsl modem/router with OS X and finally getting sound work... :-P

    I'll continue looking around...


  • »08.07.06 - 10:48
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    While we are talking about Mol, am I right that there still exists no solution to solve
    the "green screen" problem with "newer" radeons (a 9000 in my case) on 16 bit screens?
    I really like to play civilization III or at least buy Northland for the mac (as it will
    probably never arrive on MOS anyway) but it simply looks to ugly :(
  • »08.07.06 - 12:04
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 22 from 2005/9/26
    From: France / Luxem...
    Hi there :)

    I have installed Mac OS X on a Pegasos 2 with G3@600Mhz and also with some Pegasos 2 G4@1Ghz twice with a Radeon 9250 128Mo (not a SE version) wihout problems.

    For the clock, let it be synchronised by Internet method.

    After having tested 'tun' and 'sheep' driver for network, I suggest using the 'sheep' driver. You must precise a fixed IP address in Mac OS X which must be in coordination with your LAN, and also in the startmisc config file.

    For the 16 bits screens, I haven't took a look if I use it or something else. I use the 1024 x 768 resolution, sometimes even 1280 x 1024.

    For the blocked screen at the beginning (with the penguin eating the apple), it can be that OS X prefers to boot from another optical drive. I have been experiencing this problem with the Peg 2 G3, I could only boot from the dvd writer and not from the dvd reader.

    At the end, for the memory, the maximum allowed by MolK is 740MB.

    Bye ;) Faranheit

    [ Edited by FLComputer on 2006/7/8 13:27 ]
    I.M.M. Informatique : YOUR Efika Reseller for France, Luxembourg and Belgium !
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  • »08.07.06 - 13:26
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles

    Please do not recommend users use "sheep" its depricated, read the old MOL mailing lists post by the author himself...

    Tun (tunnelling) is the only way to go and works well with DHCP which is what most users use.

    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »08.07.06 - 18:00
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 140 from 2003/9/16
    From: aGas founder M...

    GK_LKA wrote:
    I've had both Tiger and Panther installs done with MOLK. Currently I have Tiger installed, it works fine (except that MOLK's sound is terrible and useless and that MOL doesn't support graphics acceleration).

    so does MOLK support graphics acceleration?¿

    I dont really care about sound, but i wanna a faster desktop than MOL brings me on Pegasos 2 g4, radeon 8500

    [ Edited by FrankBrana on 2006/7/11 3:49 ]
  • »11.07.06 - 04:48
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 736 from 2003/2/24
    From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...

    Molk is just a Linux+MOL distro... it's easy to install and may have slightly more recent gfx drivers but the emulator itself doesn't support hardware acceleration.
  • »11.07.06 - 05:50
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 22 from 2005/9/26
    From: France / Luxem...

    Sorry to keep my position but after trying many configurations, the only way I have found for files sharing with my others PC is using the 'sheep' driver.

    'Tun' driver is good if users want to have DHCP enable, that's ok, but if you can tell me how you can access your workgroup on your LAN and your other computer shared files with this driver, I would thank you !

    If you have only one machine on your LAN, ok, keep using the 'Tun' driver, if you have more than one computer on your LAN, I advise using the 'Sheep' driver.

    I.M.M. Informatique : YOUR Efika Reseller for France, Luxembourg and Belgium !
    Mail : laurentz@informatique-imm.lu
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  • »11.07.06 - 07:43
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Anyone have an easy and working way to get internet acces working? So far no matter what I try it just will not work.
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  • »11.07.06 - 21:59
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Well I got everything working 100% now. I think I may write a step by step guide of everything I learned for those that want it.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »13.07.06 - 11:28
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 93 from 2006/3/6
    From: Naples, Italy
    Does anyone know how to get a three buttons PS2 mouse and usb 2.0 memory stick work under molk and OS X Tiger ?

    Tnx in advance...


    [ Edited by AKiLL on 2006/7/17 13:04 ]
  • »15.07.06 - 16:10