Posts: 441 from 2003/2/25
From: Sweden
Well, the thing is some people doesn't seem to know about functions, or dont know how to use them. Guess its really needed more documentation about features and functionalities.
I posted this at Maybe some functions are very funny

Some feature below are new, some not.
Advanced.conf in Ambient have become more advanced

There is now 16 different functions that You can set too Your own taste. Here's a list of the functions.
# mymorphosicon = off
Controls the display of the My MorphOS icon on the desktop. Default is on.
# mymorphosname = "My MorphOS"
Overrides the localized default name for "My MorphOS".
# desktopdoubleclick = on
Double click on Desktop background opens a Listview. default is off
# hci_conformity = true
Changes the behaviour of file drag'n operations. Normally drag'n'drop will always copy the file and ALT+drag'n'drop will always move the file unrelated if the target is same volume or not. (default: false)
# commodityfilter = "~(Newstring.mcc)"
Allows to filter which Commodities are shown in Exchange. This is useful to hide programs which announce themself as Commodity, but aren't real Commodities.
# trapmultiview = true
# trapmore = true
Allows you to trap certain default tools and use ambients internal views instead. (default: false)
# powerstatus = off
Changes if computer power status is showed in System Monitor (default: on)
# iconfade = on
Eyecandy that makes new icons to slowly fade in on the desktop. (default: off)
# iconhover = on
Highlight icons when moving the mouse over them (default: off)
# popuprename = false
Use a popup window for rename options instead an inline string gadget (default: true)
# ghostdeficons = false
Icons of files without own .info file shows ghosted (default: true)
# arrowforshortcuts = off
Shortcut icons on desktop have a small arrow so they can be better differentiated from appicons, etc. (default: on
# sfx_boot = "Media:mp3/music.mp3"
# sfx_panelzip = "sys:Prefs/Presets/Sfx/wush.aiff"
# sfx_panelunzip = "sys:Prefs/Presets/Sfx/wushreverse.8svx"
Plays a sample on the named event. sfx_boot for instance plays the sample each time You start Ambient.
Grab You daily build of Ambient at:
Best wishes, Gunne