Is it possible?
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 753 from 2011/11/30
    Is it possible for a MOS developer to create a simple screenbar module that would display the currently active / opened apps and / or drawers while by clicking it the list would be expanded so we can choose another drawer / app.

    Does a similar utility exist already?

    I am certain that a similar concept of an app exists for OS4 (something like WinBar docky I think is being called).

    The iconify gadget isn't really helpfull when having a lot of iconified drawers / apps and browsing fullscreen or having another app covering all of your screen except the screenbar.
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »25.08.12 - 17:31
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    The depth gadget could be useful: clicking on it with left (keep pressed) or right mouse it will show a list of active windows and/or applications to browse in, select and put forward. And this can be done even with the active window expanded. The only thing is that iconified windows are not listed. Ambient panel allows to add a button wich shows opened windows and again you can browse/select them and this list will show the iconified windows too, allowing to select them, but it won't show any applications. Since Ambient dockbar is resizable you can create a mini-dockbar (24 pixels should be ok) and put it on screenbar with the windows selector button only and use that to show a windows list and select them. Last you can give an eye to System Prefs/IControl to create some shortcuts. There are still some of them for hid/hidden windows/apps and it is possible to use keys to hid them or make them appear again.
    MAybe it's a little bit tricky but for the moment is doable in this way. Next... who knows? :-)

    [ Edited by Jambalah 25.08.2012 - 18:55 ]
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  • »25.08.12 - 18:53
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 874 from 2007/4/9
    From: Kingston upon ...
    I use Window Finder for this, however it doesn't list iconified windows.



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  • »25.08.12 - 19:44
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