CAMD Library, Drivers, and such.
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    I went home and dug up the Poseidon docs, though I did not see a section the detailed how one was supposed to change the classes assigned to hardware.

    I ended up going into devices and double clicking (or was it right clicking) the USBtoMidi adapter and tried to force it to change to the SIMPLEMIDI.class, but that did not yield positive results.

    Now the USBtoMIDI adapter is bound to no classes and I can not get the previous setting back.

    I think I tinkered around with this for about an two hours last night before I gave up.

    Also, before and after this, within HD-Rec I was unable to select my MIDI instruments. At the moment I forget the name of the window that I was in. I had taken a screen shot, but forgot to bring it with me so I'll have to upload that later if needed.

    To make a long story short I ended up clicking on the button to find the MIDI devices, then that would cause the top bar of the window to say that the program was meditating or what have you.

    Funny, I don't feel enlightened. ;)

    So I screwed up something, just not sure what.

    As for YomGUI... he's the guy behind those apps! Next time I take my MoprhOS machine on-line I'll have to download his apps via Grunch and check them out!!

    One thing I am wondering though with his work with Firewire devices? Are these devices as affordable as the USB alternatives? From what I hear the Audio devices run around $75 where as a USB device can be had for around $5 to $7.

    [ Edited by XDelusion 25.07.2012 - 14:03 ]
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »25.07.12 - 20:00
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27

    I'll let you in on a secret. I don't always retain the names of the people I have spoken to on here, let alone every conversation. I don't get on-line but for a few minutes each day and those minutes are generally very busy. I.E. today I brought with me a list of bugs I needed to mail off to various authors, then I had to go on-line and try to work a few things out with Job and Family services for school and this and that, so you know... sometimes I loose track of things. I'm only human after all. :)

    So... about my class bindings. :)
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »25.07.12 - 22:36
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I don't always retain the names of the people I have spoken to on here, let alone
    > every conversation. [...] sometimes I loose track of things. I'm only human after all. :)

    No problem, so am I after all :-) I just found it amusing that there was just one day between the (admittedly brief) conversation you had with Yomgui about his MorphOS projects and you not remembering anymore who he was and what he did ("some new user on that goes by the name of "Yomgui""), and all this in one and the same thread :-)
  • »25.07.12 - 22:59
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    Ya, I know, makes me look like I got a sever case of ADD.

    I remember his posting that, though I never stopped to look who the poster was.

    Though I did remember his name from when he said he may have some knowledge that might help with the USB driver and MIDI issues.

    When I am on-line for good here in about two months, I'm sure my memory will start to improve as well, it's just that right now...

    ...I've got WAAAAYYYYY to much going on in my head. :)

    I'm recently jobless. The state is not helping me pay for school. My car is breaking down, I'm in the middle of a move, etc. etc. etc. And on top of all this, I'm still trying to resolve issues with my Amiga and MorphOS machine. Perhaps I should just take a break from computers until I get moved, though I don't see that happening any time soon. :)

    Anyhow, gotta head back home, talk to ya later!
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »25.07.12 - 23:13
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    Alright, I deleted my Poseidon prefs which resolved my class binding issue.

    I installed what I believe to be my old copy of the Camd replacement library. I am not positive that that is the version though, it's just what was installed on my old hard drive.
    Using the camd.library from Aminet only caused SoftSynth to tell me it needed the CAMD.library.

    The messed up thing is that all downloads for the Camd Replacement Library appear to be dead.

    Anyhow, after a reboot I went into Trident and double clicked on the  USB MIDI CABLE device in order to bring up it's information window.

    I right clicked on the 2nd audio interface device and forced it to bind to the simplemidi.class. (after first releasing it of course).
    After a successful class scan I saved Trident's Prefs.

    I then downloaded CAMD tools from aminet.  I fired up softsynth and was able to get my MicrKorg to supply the input!!! :)

    I then hooked up my Akai XR20 drum machine, and without having to change the midi channel, Softsynth was able to detect it too. The only issue I noticed was that the sample kit for the Drums and the Synth sounds produced the same output while the 1 Shots produced their own unique output as they should.

    For the note, I could not get any of the other CAMD tools to respond.

    UPDATE: after typing this, I went back and replaced the Camd Replacement Library with the old one from Aminet. I ran a few more failed experiments then replaced the Camd.library with the Camd Replaemenr Library.

    Though now when I load Soft Synth it says: 

    WARNING: '14 bit driver' changed output frequency to 22030 Hz.
    Loading tone map 'standard'...
    Cannot lock map directory 'PROGDIR:Mapfiles': object not found
    Error opening Tone Map Standard
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »28.07.12 - 02:16
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > all downloads for the Camd Replacement Library appear to be dead.

    This could have it:*/*
  • »28.07.12 - 08:29
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    Perhaps, guess I'd have to dig...

    In the mean time the file that I believe is my CAMD Replacement Library is no longer working since I took it out and put it back in.

    Something is very screwy!!!

    I wonder why Softsynth worked before and not now. Changing a library in and out shouldn't have that sort of effect should it?
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »28.07.12 - 18:40
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 2306 from 2003/2/24
    Without knowing the 1st thing about MIDI ....

    You might have a look at your ENV-variables as the none-working CAMD.library might have saved something there the the once-working version can't handle.

    So check RAM:env/ for anything relating to midi/CAMD and delete it.
    Then try again (without rebooting).

    If that helps you might to delete that variable for good in sys:prefs/Env-Archive (aka ENVARC:).
  • »28.07.12 - 18:59
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland

    In fact I have only one MIDI device (old Casio keyboard), which is probably enough to get basic stuff working. I can afford some MIDI and MIDI to USB cables I guess, but instruments, controllers etc. are much more expensive.

    Cheapest MIDI controllers are less than 50 euros nowadays, but often lack MIDI port (and only have USB), personally I avoid such devices due to restrictions they pose, but then again, of course they should be supported aswell.


    I hope I can count on you as a betatester and idea contributor.

    I also have quite a few midi-related devices, including (but not restricted to) Yamaha 6+6 port USB midi interface, Behringer UMA25s midi controller keyboard with 8 assignable (to "almost anything") potentiometers (works both via midi and usb), Roland JV-1010, Yamaha TX7, X0XB0X, Kaoss Pad 3 and C64 with Mssiah cartridge.
  • »28.07.12 - 21:34
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    I second the bit about the Kaoss Pad 3 and C64 with Mssiah cartridge. I have those too! ;)
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »28.07.12 - 22:14
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    All the CAMD's on that page appear to be for AROS.
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »30.07.12 - 01:05
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