Problem to access to a Apple Time Capsule
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2012/1/10
    I have a problem to access to my Apple Time Capsule with smbfs on MorphOS ?

    At home, I have 1 Synology and 1 Apple Time Capsule on the same network.
    With smbfs, I connect and browse my Syno without problem.
    I succeed to reach my TimeCapsule but I can't see some files on it.

    When I connect, a drive is well mounted on my Ambient, but no files on this network drive.

    And INFO gives me wrong informations.

    Unit Size Used Free Full Errs State Type Name
    smbfs3: 17.0M 2.0T 41943.0P23878% 0 read/write OFS NAS_TimeCapsule

    I don't have 2To free, my TC is a 2To drive with around 1To used.

    I use this command (who works for my Synology)

    smbfs workgroup=workgroup service=//TimeCapsule/TC user=my_userid password=my_password device=smbfs3: volume=NAS_TimeCapsule: translate=L:Filesystem_trans/INTL.crossdos

    Maybe the problem is the FileSystem ? But it works well on Windows, therefore it's certainly not HFS...

    Is somebody used a TimeCapsule on MorphOS ?

    Thank you for your help
  • »23.05.12 - 22:56