e-uae not showing rtg screens
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    Hello, i'm trying to load into e-uae my hardfiles i used when i had winuae, but the problem is that they all show up in aga. I have installed rtg.library on libs(in emulated hd) and enabled rtg by setting 8mb gfxram. As said in the readme file, rtg should be enabled.
    The problem is that when i go to prefs, then screenmode, none of the screenmodes shows. i only get aga modes. Is there a special line on the .uaerc file that needs to be put into the file in addition to the mentioned ones?.
    I used e-uae long time ago under my linux box, and remember it was a pain to get the .uaerc file done, but now i would want to run certain classic software under morphos and the only way is trhough e-uae.
    Thanks in advance!!!
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »30.10.11 - 14:13
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 665 from 2004/11/3
    From: near myself
    You'll have to use the SDL version of E-UAE for RTG support, the 'normal' version doesn't support it.
  • »30.10.11 - 14:39
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    Ok, i will try with that version, but is needed additional files for sdl support?. I dont recall have installed anything related to sdl.

    ok, that was long time ago, but i remember installed the sdl libs. But i don't know why in prefs still not shows p96 screenmodes.

    [ Edited by _ThEcRoW 30.10.2011 - 13:49 ]
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »30.10.11 - 14:42
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    Still got no rtg modes under workbench. Anything special to put in .uaerc file besides gfxmem=n(n=number of mb)?
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »01.11.11 - 13:31
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    It's long time since i made installations under winuae, but i remember, that when rtg was enabled, even a bare 3.1 installation could access the new screenmodes. I don't remember to install p96 drivers. Is under e-uae needed?. I answer because on the obligement site i saw a turorial for setting up the different configurations, and for the rtg it says you should install p96 package, but i don't remember having to do that under winuae.
    Can anyone throw some light into there?. Im trying to setup a barebones 3.1 hdf i had lying around and want to use it for the classic software that can't run under trance and uae is needed. I'm using the sdl version of uae as suggested, but no luck. Keep investigating...
    Thanks in advance!!!
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »01.11.11 - 14:35