E-UAE and sound very low
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    Has anyone had this problem on morphos mac mini?. I barely can hear the sound, and the sound prefs are at max. I can hear sound from youtube videos f.ex. But when trying to get a game sound, there is no luck. From what i remember, there was no volume settings on e-uae config files.
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »29.04.11 - 20:22
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    That is strange...

    I hate to be the first to say it, but E-UAE's audio just works for me. I didn't have to tinker.

    What hardware are you running MorphOS on?
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »30.04.11 - 01:34
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > What hardware are you running MorphOS on?

    I guess that "mac mini" just means exactly that ;-)
  • »30.04.11 - 01:53
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    Woops, sorry. I have a defect where I can't read the letters "M" "A" "C" "I" and "N" when they are all put next to one another. I can type as such, but can't read it.

    ยง _ThEcRoW: Sorry I have no advice in this case. I own an eMac which is pretty much just a mac mini with built into a crappy monitor, and eUAE just worked with it after I installed the Kickstart files.

    [ Edited by XDelusion 29.04.2011 - 21:21 ]
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »30.04.11 - 02:18
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    It is strange, as for other apps, sound works perfect, but on e-uae seems to be extremely low. Because of no gui or on-screen indication, i cannot try to doing anything more in e-uae. Will try with the config file, but as far as i rememmber from linux, there is no sound volume parameters in the e-uae config files.
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »30.04.11 - 13:56
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    And if there is, it should already be configured from the get go... Hmmm.
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »01.05.11 - 04:44
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2004/10/4
    From: Norway
    Strange. Check all of your AHI volumes in MorphOS Settings-System-Audio. Just a suggestion. I'm using a Peg2 btw.

    No sound options in config file ??
    Many channels and high frequencies might cause a lower volume.
    (I'm not using any of these and getting ok sound)

    none - audio emulation is disabled.
    interrupts - audio emulation is enabled but audio output is disabled.
    normal - audio emulation is enabled and output enabled.
    exact - audio emulation is enabled and exact output enabled.

    Selects the resolution of audio output. <n> can be 8 or 16 for 8-bit and
    16-bit output, respectively. Most hosts will use 16-bit output and this
    will be the default.

    Typical values for <n> include 11025, 22050 and 44100.

    mono - monophonic output; all Amiga voices are output on a single channel.
    stereo - stereo output; two Amiga voices are output on the left channel and
    two on the right.
    mixed - stereo output; the four Amiga voices are mixed and output on both
    left and right channels.

    A typical default is 8192 bytes. For 44100 Hz output at 16 bits, this
    would typically correspond to an audio buffer of about 100 ms - although
    different audio driver do interpret this option in different ways.

    sound_interpol=<type> (default=none)
    none - no interpolation.
    rh - 'rh' method of interpolation is used.
    crux - 'crux' method of interpolation is used.

    [ Edited by jalla 02.05.2011 - 04:29 ]
    Pegasos II/G4/512MB/Radeon9200
  • »02.05.11 - 02:17
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2010/10/27
    Also, what version of eUAE are you running?
    "I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it." - Jack Handey

    Registered MorphOS user, Amiga user, and Atari 8-bit user.
  • »02.05.11 - 05:41
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