AMC porting to MorphOS: need some advises :)
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 5 from 2011/4/12
    Hello all!
    I'm Fabio Falcucci, the developer of AMC (see AMC site for more details) and I'm currently working on the MorphOS version, Pascal Papara has kindly donated a MacMini and I've installed on it MOS 2.7 demo so I can test for real my progresses :)

    AMC is quiet ready to be released, are still remaining some problems I'm not able to resolve, mostly because it's only few days I'm on MorphOS, so forgive me if the following questions seems stupid for you but I'm really a newbee on this really nice system :)

    Ok, now my "little" problems:

    1.Seems that I'm not really able to position the mplayer window where I like, I'm using the -geometry flag that has the syntax
    but seems that the position is ignored and my window is always centered to the screen.
    If it can help I open mplayer using this command line:
    mplayer -vo cgx_overlay::NOBORDER -geometry 400x400+0+0 myvideo

    2.I have another problem with mplayer, I have found this issue on AROS version too, but now it has been fixed.
    When I play an audio stream, without any mplayer window on the screen (without gui & log windows), I'm not able to send any ARexx command to mplayer.
    To be exact my app is locked (the one that sends arexx commands) until mplayer exits, if the problem is the same found on AROS it should depends on the fact that arexx commands are processed only if the mplayer window is opened... do you now any workaround?

    For the other small problems I have, I will try to resolve them by myself without boring you ;)

    Thanks in advace!
  • »12.04.11 - 10:45
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  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16

    1.Seems that I'm not really able to position the mplayer window where I like, I'm using the -geometry flag that has the syntax
    but seems that the position is ignored and my window is always centered to the screen.
    If it can help I open mplayer using this command line:
    mplayer -vo cgx_overlay::NOBORDER -geometry 400x400+0+0 myvideo

    2.I have another problem with mplayer, I have found this issue on AROS version too, but now it has been fixed.
    When I play an audio stream, without any mplayer window on the screen (without gui & log windows), I'm not able to send any ARexx command to mplayer.
    To be exact my app is locked (the one that sends arexx commands) until mplayer exits, if the problem is the same found on AROS it should depends on the fact that arexx commands are processed only if the mplayer window is opened... do you now any workaround?

    Well, it's not like it's a surprise? The AROS version was directly ported from MorphOS and I assume you asked Deadwood to fix these issues in the AROS version. Too bad you didn't report them to me months ago when we were evaluating the possible changes to add to MPlayer for AMC.

    And there's obviously no workaround except by adding the necessary code in MPlayer. The thing is I don't know when i can do it, though. I was planning to update MPlayer in the process as well, and not just release a new version just for these 2 little things.

    [ Edited by Fab 12.04.2011 - 16:47 ]
  • »12.04.11 - 15:42
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 5 from 2011/4/12
    Hi Fab,
    thank you for your answer, I've sent you a PM


    EDIT: corrected <email> with <PM>

    [ Edited by Allanon 12.04.2011 - 23:33 ]
  • »12.04.11 - 20:33
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