Ripper v2.51 (solved)
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 894 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    Hmmm, seems Ripper 2.51 ( crashes when accessing an audio cd. In the GUI it gets to track 6 and then *application is mediating*. Track lenghts are wrong as well. The crashlog mentions Nlist.mcc hits, but reverting to older versions doesn't seem to help.

    It used to work ok, but I have no idea when that was exeactly :-) Now on MorphOS 2.7. More ppl experiencing probs and/or suggestions?

    [ Edited by Stevo on 2011/1/8 22:26 ]

    [ Edited by Stevo on 2011/1/9 15:59 ]
  • »08.01.11 - 21:01
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 530 from 2003/2/25
    From: France
    Jahjah still on the scene?

    Ask for a bugfix.

    If no reply, find another suitable tool (that don't rely on NList).

    Quelque soit le chemin que tu prendras dans la vie, sache que tu auras des ampoules aux pieds.
    I need to practice my Kung Fu.
  • »08.01.11 - 21:22
    Profile Visit Website
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 894 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    Heh, any suggestions on another suitable tool? ;-)
  • »08.01.11 - 21:23
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 199 from 2004/8/14
    From: Järvenp&a...
    I have experienced no problems with same version of Ripper, have NList.mcc v20.127 installed on MorphOS 2.7
  • »08.01.11 - 21:32
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 894 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    Strange. I tried v20.127 as well. Ah well, here a bit of crashlog for what it's worth :-)

    Quark Thread:
    TID 0000000010020010
    Name ABox
    Exception 3 <Illegal Data Access at 00000000 DSISR 00400000, Load matched with DABR>
    SRR0 0x2dca1560 SRR1 0x0200f030
    LR 0x2dc80934 CTR 0x1010ca1c
    CR 0x48822248 XER 0x20000000
    GPR[00] 2d5ce7f8 2fc5cd20 2b2408e0 00000000 2f43e6a8 00000028 00000005 00000000
    GPR[08] 00000005 00000000 2d719310 20001948 88822248 00000000 20000000 00000000
    GPR[16] ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
    GPR[24] 2fc626d0 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 2fc5ce1c 2fc626d0 00000000 2fc5cd20
    FPSCR 43efff0000104008
    FPR[00] 405ac00000000000 3011949000000000 0000000000000000 000000800000000e
    FPR[04] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 3f30000000000000
    FPR[08] 4010000000000000 4330000000000000 4056800000000000 4061600000000000
    FPR[12] 405e400000000000 4330000080000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    VSAVE fffff4df
    VSCR 00010000
    VPR[00] 0405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10111213 00000000000000002b2408e02fc5b780
    VPR[02] 00000000000000002b2408e02fc5b780 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[04] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000003196 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[10] 00c300a700a600a600a600a600a00097 00000008000000080000000800000008
    VPR[12] 0102030005060704090a0b080d0e0f0c 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[14] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff c0273d75c0273d75c0273d75c0273d75
    VPR[16] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00080008000800080008000800080008
    VPR[18] 00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
    VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[24] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[26] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[28] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000010000
    IABR 00000000
    DABR 00000007
    MMCR0 00000000
    MMCR1 00000000
    MMCR2 00000000
    PMC1 00000000 PMC2 00000000 PMC3 00000000 PMC4 00000000
    SIA 00000000
    SDA 00000000

    PPCStackFrame History:
    StackFrame[ 0].LR-> Address 0x1023fdd0 -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0013fdd0
    StackFrame[ 1].LR-> Address 0x2a619984 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x0002e7cc
    StackFrame[ 2].LR-> Address 0x2a5f2130 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x00006f78
    StackFrame[ 3].LR-> Address 0x2a5f23fc -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x00007244
    StackFrame[ 4].LR-> Address 0x27ff52bc -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x00015304
    StackFrame[ 5].LR-> Address 0x2a61e4d4 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x0003331c
    StackFrame[ 6].LR-> Address 0x2a613734 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x0002857c
    StackFrame[ 7].LR-> Address 0x2a6170f8 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x0002bf40
    StackFrame[ 8].LR-> Address 0x2a5f1cc0 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x00006b08
    StackFrame[ 9].LR-> Address 0x2a5f23fc -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x00007244
    StackFrame[10].LR-> Address 0x27ff52bc -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x00015304
    StackFrame[11].LR-> Address 0x2dca473c -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00024884
    StackFrame[12].LR-> Address 0x2dc849cc -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004b14
    StackFrame[13].LR-> Address 0x2dc862f4 -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000643c
    StackFrame[14].LR-> Address 0x27ff52bc -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x00015304
    StackFrame[15].LR-> Address 0x2dca473c -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00024884
    StackFrame[16].LR-> Address 0x2dc89a4c -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00009b94
    ABox State
    Openfirmware..skip for now
    ExecBase: SysBase 0x20001948
    SysFlags 0x8000 AttnResched 0x0000 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
    ThisTask 0x2fd68258 TaskReady 0x2891ae80 TaskWait 0x20029cb0
    ResModules 0x20003ec8
    TaskTrapCode 0x10100128 TaskExceptCode 0x10100130 TaskExitCode 0x1010018c
    TaskSigAlloc 0xffff TaskTrapAlloc 0x8000
    IdleCount 962143
    DispCount 1981918
    Quantum 4
    Elapsed 2
    VBlankFrequency 50 PowerSupplyFrequency 50 EClockFrequency 709379
    MainTID 0x10020010
    SchedulerTID 0x10020012
    SchedulerSig 0x80000000
    OldSRR0 0x0
    ConfigServerTID 0x10000013
    LastIntObject 0x202098c4
    LastIntObject 0x202098c4 <Not Valid ptr>
    Code 0x2021dff4 Data 0x202084c4
    Int0: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int1: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int2: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int3: iv_Code 0x101055ec iv_Data 0x20003b20 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int4: iv_Code 0x101055ec iv_Data 0x20003b40 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int5: iv_Code 0x101055ec iv_Data 0x20003b30 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Interrupt 0x20033d76 <graphics.library>
    Code 0x10170178 Data 0x20033d2c
    Interrupt 0x279eb290 <ixemul timer interrupt>
    Code 0x279e87b8 Data 0x00000000
    Int6: iv_Code 0x10170180 iv_Data 0x20033d2c iv_Node 0x20033da2
    Int7: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int8: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int9: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int10: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int11: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int12: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int13: iv_Code 0x101055ec iv_Data 0x20003b50 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int14: iv_Code 0x00000000 iv_Data 0x00000000 iv_Node 0x00000000
    Int15: iv_Code 0x101055ec iv_Data 0x20003b60 iv_Node 0x00000000

    Running Task

    Task 0x2fd68258 Name 0x2fd7833c <ripper> Type 13 Pri 0
    Flags 0x8 State 2 IDNestCnt -1 TDNestCnt -1
    SigAlloc 0xfff8ffff SigWait 0x3ed81000 SigRecvd 0x40040120 SigExcept 0x00000000
    ExceptCode 0x10100130 ExceptData 0x00000000 TrapCode 0x10100128 TrapData 0x00000000
    Switch 0x00000000 Launch 0x00000000 UserData 0x00000000
    SPLower 0x2fd6833c SPUpper 0x2fd7833c SPReg 0x2fd782d8
    MemList 0x2e2cce78 Entries 0x1
    Address 0x2e20cbb8 Size 0x14
    MemList 0x2b173978 Entries 0x1
    Address 0x2fd68258 Size 0x100ec
    ETask 0x2e7e156c
    MemPool 0x2e502b30 PPCLibData 0x00000000
    PPCSPLower 0x2fbde68c PPCSPUpper 0x2fc5e680
    PPCTrapMsgPort 0x00000000 PPCTrapMessage 0x2d6f1644
    PPCRegFrame 0x2b2404f0
    Private[] 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
    EmulHandle 0x00000000
    EmulHandle 0x2b2408e0 Type 0x00000004 Flags 0x00000001
    SuperHandle 0x10001000 Type 0x00000000 WaitMask 0x00000000 SyncMask 0x00000000
    USP 0x00000000 SSP 0x20003780 VBR 0x2000dfd8
    SFC 0x00000000 DFC 0x00000000 CACR 0xa0808000 TC 0x00000000
    ITT0 0x00000000 ITT1 0x00000000 DTT0 0x00000000 DTT1 0x00000000
    URP 0x00000000 SRP 0x00000000 BUSCR 0x00000000 PCR 0x04310501
    SRR0 0x2dca1560 SRR1 0x0200f030
    LR 0x2dc80934 CTR 0x1010ca1c
    CR 0x48822248 XER 0x20000000
    GPR[00] 2d5ce7f8 2fc5cd20 2b2408e0 00000000 2f43e6a8 00000028 00000005 00000000
    GPR[08] 00000005 00000000 2d719310 20001948 88822248 00000000 20000000 00000000
    GPR[16] ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
    GPR[24] 2fc626d0 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 2fc5ce1c 2fc626d0 00000000 2fc5cd20
    FPSCR 43efff0000104008
    FPR[00] 405ac00000000000 3011949000000000 0000000000000000 000000800000000e
    FPR[04] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 3f30000000000000
    FPR[08] 4010000000000000 4330000000000000 4056800000000000 4061600000000000
    FPR[12] 405e400000000000 4330000080000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    VSAVE fffff4df
    VSCR 00010000
    VPR[00] 0405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10111213 00000000000000002b2408e02fc5b780
    VPR[02] 00000000000000002b2408e02fc5b780 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[04] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000003196 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[10] 00c300a700a600a600a600a600a00097 00000008000000080000000800000008
    VPR[12] 0102030005060704090a0b080d0e0f0c 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[14] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff c0273d75c0273d75c0273d75c0273d75
    VPR[16] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00080008000800080008000800080008
    VPR[18] 00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
    VPR[20] 1000d9d000428eb8636865641000dad0 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 30003000336236300000000000000000
    VPR[24] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[26] 11326ed4000000001a1a1a1a1b1b1b1b 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[28] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000010000
    SRR0 -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x000216a8
    LR -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00000a7c
    CTR -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0000ca1c

    PPCStackFrame History:
    StackFrame[ 0].LR-> Address 0x1023fdd0 -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0013fdd0
    StackFrame[ 1].LR-> Address 0x2a619984 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x0002e7cc
    StackFrame[ 2].LR-> Address 0x2a5f2130 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x00006f78
    StackFrame[ 3].LR-> Address 0x2a5f23fc -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x00007244
    StackFrame[ 4].LR-> Address 0x27ff52bc -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x00015304
    StackFrame[ 5].LR-> Address 0x2a61e4d4 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x0003331c
    StackFrame[ 6].LR-> Address 0x2a613734 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x0002857c
    StackFrame[ 7].LR-> Address 0x2a6170f8 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x0002bf40
    StackFrame[ 8].LR-> Address 0x2a5f1cc0 -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x00006b08
    StackFrame[ 9].LR-> Address 0x2a5f23fc -> LIBS:mui/NList.mcc Hunk 1 Offset 0x00007244
    StackFrame[10].LR-> Address 0x27ff52bc -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x00015304
    StackFrame[11].LR-> Address 0x2dca473c -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00024884
    StackFrame[12].LR-> Address 0x2dc849cc -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00004b14
    StackFrame[13].LR-> Address 0x2dc862f4 -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x0000643c
    StackFrame[14].LR-> Address 0x27ff52bc -> MOSSYS:LIBS/muimaster.library Hunk 1 Offset 0x00015304
    StackFrame[15].LR-> Address 0x2dca473c -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00024884
    StackFrame[16].LR-> Address 0x2dc89a4c -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00009b94
    Stack: 0x2fc5cd20
    0x2fc5cd00[-0x20] 2fc5ce1c 2fc626d0 00000000 2fc5cd20
    0x2fc5cd10[-0x10] 2fc5cd20 1010ca60 2e7e28a8 2d658cd8
    0x2fc5cd20[0x000] 2fc5cd70 2dc808fc 2d5ce7f8 2fc5cf58
    0x2fc5cd30[0x010] 2f43e6b8 2d5ce7f8 00000000 2f43e6b8
    0x2dc808fc -> ripper Hunk 1 Offset 0x00000a44
    Full PPC mode: Last 68k context
    PC 87654321 SR 0008
    Dn[0] 00000020 00000000 000001b8 00000131 00000031 0000000e 00000004 9e9e9e9e
    An[0] 2f43e6b8 2fc5cf58 2d5ce7f8 00000000 1011a8a8 2d7196cc 20001948 2fd78338
    Stack: 0x2fd78338
    0x2fd78318[-0x20] 2e28a4b4 2f5467d8 2fc5c970 2f5467d8
    0x2fd78328[-0x10] 00000000 1011a8a8 2fd372b8 1132b820
    0x2fd78338[0x000] 00010000 72697070 65720000 00000000
    0x2fd78348[0x010] 2fd68250 00000e40 2dcaa150 2fc63258
    0x2fd78358[0x020] 00000e34 4d55494f 2fd78370 2fc954f4
    0x2fd78368[0x030] 2f5467cc 27c37f94 2fd78480 00000000
    0x2fd78378[0x040] 00000000 2a20a1c4 00000000 00000000
    0x2fd78388[0x050] 00000000 2e510078 2fc63278 2e6c2768
    0x2fd78398[0x060] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    0x2fd783a8[0x070] 2fc628d4 00000000 2d30a888 00000000
    Last saved PPCThread State:
    SRR0 0x10123ec0 SRR1 0x0200f030
    LR 0x101148e4 CTR 0x1011aafc
    CR 0x20000242 XER 0x20000000
    GPR[00] 42a40000 2fc5cf80 2b2408e0 000049b7 00000031 202084c4 000000a8 000049b7
    GPR[08] 2fc5b16c 00001900 206de000 00000641 0000001e 00000000 2eb794c0 2f4b9170
    GPR[16] 2e873300 2d646708 2e7e28a8 2d658cd8 2d5117e8 2b174bd8 2d475588 2d475478
    GPR[24] 2e6c2658 2d4759b8 2d44ea88 2d6d9118 00000007 2dc34418 2fc5cf88 20001948
    FPSCR 43efff0000104008
    FPR[00] 4054c00000000000 3011949000000000 0000000000000000 000000400000000f
    FPR[04] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 3f30000000000000
    FPR[08] 4010000000000000 4330000000000000 4330000080000000 406ae00000000000
    FPR[12] 4054800000000000 4330000080000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[16] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[20] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[24] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    FPR[28] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    VSAVE fffff4df
    VSCR 00010000
    VPR[00] 0405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10111213 00000000000000002b2408e02fc5b780
    VPR[02] 00000000000000002b2408e02fc5b780 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[04] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[06] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[08] 00000000000000000000000000003196 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[10] 00c300a700a600a600a600a600a00097 00000008000000080000000800000008
    VPR[12] 0102030005060704090a0b080d0e0f0c 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[14] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff c0273d75c0273d75c0273d75c0273d75
    VPR[16] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00080008000800080008000800080008
    VPR[18] 00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff00ff 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
    VPR[20] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[22] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[24] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[26] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[28] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
    VPR[30] 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000010000
    SRR0 -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x00023ec0
    LR -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x000148e4
    CTR -> Module Hunk 0 Offset 0x0001aafc

    PPCStackFrame History:

    SegList 0x0b8832ee GlobVec 0x2002922c
    StackBase 0x0bf5a0cf StackSize 0x00010000
    TaskNum 0x00000000 Result2 0x00000000
    CurrentDir 0x0b5ccfe0 CIS 0x00000000
    COS 0x00000000 CES 0x00000000
    ConsoleTask 0x2ff61530 FileSystemTask 0x20056eec
    CLI 0x00000000 ReturnAddr 0x2fd78338
    PktWait 0x00000000 WindowPtr 0x00000000
    HomeDir 0x0b5c5268 Flags 0x00000000
    ExitCode 0x00000000 ExitData 0x00000000
    Arguments 0x00000000 ShellPrivate 0x00000000
  • »08.01.11 - 21:54
  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2074 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO
    Ripper 2.51 still works here fine. Just ripped 11 track cd and it got titles from freedb ok and converted tracks to mp3 fine.

    Track lengths are about right, one second differences to printed leaflet with some songs, but I guess that doesn't matter.

    I seem to have older NList.mcc:
    NList.mcc 20.120 (19.12.2007)
    © 2001-2007 NList Open Source Team [MorphOS/PPC]
  • »09.01.11 - 10:31
    Profile Visit Website
  • szt
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 53 from 2004/10/9
    From: Hungary
    Yesterday I used Ripper 2.51 without any problem for CD rip with freedb. I have NList.mcc 20.127 [MOS/PPC] (2010.09.23) Copyright (C) 2001-2010 NList Open Source Team.
    MorphOS 3.9
    PowerMac 7,3, 1,8GHz,
    Radeon 9600
    300 GB SeagateHDD, 120 GB Samsung SSD
    LGM2382D, Canon MG7550
  • »09.01.11 - 10:54
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 894 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    Thank you all for your help; the riddle has been solved by tokai. It seems Ripper crashes when basic MorphOS debug functionality is enabled (ed invzeropage); it works when disabled.
  • »09.01.11 - 14:58