• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 643 from 2005/2/9
    From: Poland


    -Setting the resulotion higher than 600 will fail
    -Changing color-mode seems to have no effect

    there is something wrong with SANE plustek backend, i used rather old backend because newer ones from sane >1.0.14 make bad things with scanner motor. i'll be investigating that


    after initial scan some new color-modes are added

    mode list depends on scanner and driver and it's generated after connection to the scanner. If You want to do first scan with all options, there is Connect button in the Information Tab, or autoconnect tooltype in the icon.


    GUI is unresponsive while scanning

    lack of threading in scandal, will be added in the next version


    SCANdal does not return when I plug in my scanner after I clicked "scan" (yeah stupid me, should still not hang)

    asynchronous situstion are not supported yet


    -clicking "process" with no plugin selected will make SCANdal meditate, a simple safety-check should help here.

    strange, Do you have no plugin selected and no plugin in the list or no plugin selected and some plugin in the list?
  • »06.12.10 - 09:26
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