yam html view?
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 219 from 2010/5/15
    From: Norway
    I havent used Yam for years, back when I used my A4000. These days I read my mail online.
    But I have noticed that Yam had a stedy development over the years, by reading announcements in the amigaforums each time a new version was available.

    I also seem to remember that html support was mentioned at some point. So I was pretty sure that internal html mail viewing was working when I now downloaded Yam 2.6 to try.
    But my html formatted emails still show as plain text here.
    EDIT: I just searched the yam.ch website, and it looks like this is in the to-do list, target is the next 2.7 version.

    It seems the only way is to set it up to use OWB as an external viewer via MIME.
    But I I use the path to OWB with "%s" it will not find the file, because the URL will have http:// before the path name (sputnik does the same)
    OpenURL uses "%u" in its string, but using "%u" in this case doesnt seem to work.

    Could anyone please give a hint about how to set this up.
    Also if there is a way to view html content with inlined images, I would like to know.

    Another strange thing I found when trying to add a person to the adress book, and writing his birthdate gave me this error message:
    [Quote] Date of birth uses a wrong format. The correct
    format is '%e.%b.%Y'.
    %d - day
    %m - month
    %y - year (2 digits)
    %Y - year (4 digits)
    The year number must be greater or equal 1900!

    (26.Mai.2010 08.28.23) [/Quote]

    Firstly, the numbers %e and %b in the format are different than the explaination below. The other thing is that I cant seem to make yam accept any date format. I even tried to give him birth date 01.01.01 or 01-01-01 and still get the message. 01.01.1971, 1971.01.01, 01-01-1971 or 1971-01-01will also make this message.

    How can the date be entered to be accepted?

    [ Edited by amyren on 2010/5/26 11:16 ]

    [ Edited by amyren on 2010/5/26 13:32 ]
  • »26.05.10 - 07:53
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 92 from 2003/7/29
    From: Heesch, The Ne...
    Goin Yam to: configuration > MIME
    then in the last field (Viewer) type: Path/OWB "file:///%s"

    in my case that did the trick...

    For the other problems I recommand you to write to the author or look at the FAQ on the site: http://trac.yam.ch/

    Regards Tom
  • »26.05.10 - 13:22
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    OpenURL %s FILE NEWWIN would work too (and at least would reuse existing OWB instance)

    [ Edited by Fab on 2010/5/26 14:34 ]
  • »26.05.10 - 13:33
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 219 from 2010/5/15
    From: Norway
    Thank for the replies.
    I used the OpenURL way, that way it will always use the default browser.
  • »26.05.10 - 13:50