Snoopium "first timer"
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 680 from 2009/10/21
    From: Boston, USA
    I have a legacy Amiga application "Batch Factory". It is a Batch Processer and Arexx front end.
    It is in its initial use and has a problem. A "SCRIPT SELECTION WINDOW will open and prompt you to choose the desired script. This window flashes in a milisecond and disapears? The program freezes the mouse and a reboot is needed. Will Snoopium tell me what is happening? Is there a HOW TO for Snoopium

    Clue1? By removing the ASSIGN in the user start-up the 'Script Selection Window " reappeared but was not reading from the hard drive...the lined template for choosing a file was there with no choices?

    Clue2? Seems like a conflict of the old application tieing into the MorphOS DOS Guessing?
    [ Edited by osco on 2010/4/20 16:13 ]

    Clue3? It seems a problem of the file requester? The appliction can read and show the directories devices and assigns
    [ Edited by osco on 2010/4/20 16:26 ]

    [ Edited by osco on 2010/4/20 16:29 ]
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz, 1G, 250G Drive, Apple Cinema Display, MorphOS 3.1 registered, MacOS 10 PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 80G Drive,........Waiting
    PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 40G MorphOS 3.1 unregisterd
  • »20.04.10 - 19:49
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    It is in its initial use and has a problem. A "SCRIPT SELECTION WINDOW will open and prompt you to choose the desired script. This window flashes in a milisecond and disapears? The program freezes the mouse and a reboot is needed. Will Snoopium tell me what is happening?

    Probably not. Snoopium could tell if there is resource missing but I dont think that is the cause.

    You could try to catch debug log and dump it here. It could give an idea where it is crashing and if it is possible solve somehow.


    Is there a HOW TO for Snoopium

    Unfortunately not. It would be very helpful to have one but I am lazy writer and it would need proofreading by someone speaking English natively. Docs from SnoopDos could help a lot (Snoopium is continued from SnoopDos) but using SnoopDos docs would not be fair use I think...
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »20.04.10 - 20:40
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    Btw is "Batch factory" available somewhere? I couldnt find from Aminet...
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »20.04.10 - 20:44
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 680 from 2009/10/21
    From: Boston, USA
    "Batch Factory" @ Merlin's Software 1994
    Visual Inspiations
    809 W. Hollywood
    Tampa, Fla 33604
    813 935-6410

    Did a lot on video editing as well.
    Sometimes listed on Ebay
    A usefull application for quick and dirty batch processing
    Mac Mini 1.5GHz, 1G, 250G Drive, Apple Cinema Display, MorphOS 3.1 registered, MacOS 10 PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 80G Drive,........Waiting
    PowerBook (5,8) 1.67Hz, 2G, 40G MorphOS 3.1 unregisterd
  • »20.04.10 - 22:10