MorphOS media box options?`
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 209 from 2003/3/3
    From: Preston, Wa
    This is a two part question, but most of it is software so I'll put it here and hope for the best :-)

    I've got a Peg I that seems to almost work, and a Peg II that seems to hang at IDE bus init, so doesn't boot all the way. Am willing to send it/them off to bPlan for repairs.

    Anyway, once I get 'em back, I'd like to make a media box to replace my $70 a month satellite dish, primarily a DVR and life support system for Spongebob Squarepants cartoons. (I have two kids, ages 4 and 8).

    So, firstly what hardware TV tuner do I need? Is there one that seems to work the best, have the most complete driver support etc?

    And, once that's done, what are my software options? Is there a MythTV port for MOS? I don't necessarily need HD 1080p resolution, but since I'm watching it on a 37" LCD TV with DVI input, I'd like the best resolution I can get. Can I expect the Peg with a hardware TV tuner to act as a DVR box that my wife would be OK with using?

    Finally, is there a possibility of getting the IR receiver working for remote control operation?

    I tried this with an X86 box running Linux, but the results were less than stellar-Ubuntu never could figure out how to drive the second screen in a viewable fashion. I know, I know, my fault for not being Linux head enough to spend a week editing screenmodes with Pico..

    I'd just really rather use MOS box if I can. Represent.

    [ Edited by Tronman on 2010/1/2 12:54 ]
  • »02.01.10 - 20:54
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > what hardware TV tuner do I need? Is there one that seems to work the best, have the most
    > complete driver support etc? And, once that's done, what are my software options?

    Refer to:
  • »02.01.10 - 21:28
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    a Peg II that seems to hang at IDE bus init, so doesn't boot all the way.

    Could you describe this furher?

    Does it give you some error message at the firmware setup when cold booting, prior to MorphOS even starts to boot?

    If this is the case (and not during MorphOS booting), then it's a known issue that some HDD models hasn't spun up completely before the firmware looks for it or such (on G4's only, on G3's it works as it should, at least for me). Try to hit the reset button (not the power button) after it hangs, when the HDD is already spinning, and see if it works then. If that is the case, there is a delay loop workaround you can apply.
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »02.01.10 - 22:04
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 209 from 2003/3/3
    From: Preston, Wa
    Yes, the machine power led comes on, the HDD (IDE bus) LED comes on and stays on, no picture is ever produced on screen, of any kind.

    If you reset it a bunch of times, you might get lucky after 20 or 30 tries, then it will finish probing the IDE bus, boot up normally and run for as long as you leave it on, with no IDE troubles.

    Tried with only 80 wire cables, every possible combination of master/slave/single device on either or both connectors, it makes no difference in the behavior. Also tried with various DIMM modules, single or the matched Super Talent pair of 512MB sticks-which worked fine for several months prior to this problem. The memory seemed to make no difference-if I got it to boot, it would work fine with any combo of the DIMMS I have around, with no memory issues.

    I miss my Peg II, was getting really hyped on MOS again when it decided to get cranky :-(

    On the plus side tho, I took my Efika apart, cleaned all the crud off and found a corroded connection on the PCI to AGP adapter card. So I cleaned and scraped it and soaked the whole thing in rubbing alcohol, using an electric toothbrush to scrub the board.

    Now instead of getting nothing, the board boots up as far as displaying the graphics card BIIOS info, the bPlan blue logo and then a blinking cursor. That's as far as it gets. But farther than it used to! Oh, and I also replaced the CR2032 clock battery with a new one today.

    I'd also really like to use SCANdal and suck in a bunch of photos from my HP scanner, so even the little Efika would be fine for this task. It couldn't be slower than my A3000 was..

    [ Edited by Tronman on 2010/1/2 17:38 ]
  • »03.01.10 - 01:28
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