How to build a network connection???
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 14 from 2003/10/29
    I really want to have a network connection between my MorphOS-computer and my PC and IMAC.
    Do I have to use Samba? Which version?
    I looked on the internet but couldn't find a tutorial. Is there a guide to install samba for mos?

    Even the "samba for idiots guide" can't help me, as morphos has it's own TCP I don't know how to configure the built-in MOS TCP.

  • »20.10.09 - 09:25
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 335 from 2009/2/2
    From: Hampshire, UK
    You can access Windows shares on morphos using smbfs. It's very simple to use. You can find it on aminet or sourceforge.
    If you want to set up shares on morphos that can be accessed on the PC side you'll need to install the full samba package. I can't be much help with that I'm afraid as I couldn't get it working even though I managed to under AmigaOS3.x and 4.x :-?
    "We live, we die, we laugh, we cry"
  • »20.10.09 - 10:59
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > You can find it on aminet or sourceforge.

    I'd prefer SourceForge because of newer version.
  • »20.10.09 - 12:11
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 690 from 2004/2/10
    SMBFS work well for most applications. It does have a delete bug, that you can track on their website... You can't always delete files/folders from the shared drive. This bug doesn't apply to all os versions.

    Good luck!

  • »20.10.09 - 19:30
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    Hi all,

    wouldn't it be finally time to have something fully work for LAN's between MorphOS and other OS's? Im still using Envoy3 which works quite fine between MorphOS but AFAIK no other OS's may be included in the LAN. A user interface for setup and use would be great!!! Setting up LAN partitions permanently or temporary between different OS's using a user interface, copying small or big files, deleting them without problems, etc. and takeing advantage of the gigabit port of the Pegasos2.... buuuh that would help a lot.
  • »20.10.09 - 20:16
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 14 from 2003/10/29
    ...wouldn't it be finally time to have something fully work for LAN's between MorphOS and other OS's??

    yeah.. maybe integrated in a next MorphOS release, just as Windows and OSX have...

    ..but for the moment: Is there no-one who can write a guide how to set up shares on morphos that can be accessed on the PC side?
    Do I have to install MiamiDX first instead of the build in tcp-stack?
  • »22.10.09 - 13:45
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 87 from 2009/5/6
    I find it interesting... And frustrating that this is the third (Maybe more) thread asking for help on networking with MorphOS and yet no responses on how to actually set it up... (I have been looking and asking for nearly a year and still no usable instructions..)

    Is anyone TRULY networking with MorphOS and Windows boxes? And can access files on the MORPH box from within the Windows PC?

    We continuously get the same responses about how easy it is to do with zero documentation on how to actually do it...

    Help please...
    "Pride is a poor substitute for intelligence." Quote from Rambo...
  • »22.10.09 - 20:46
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 87 from 2009/5/6
    It appears that Samba use on MorphOS is a farytale as absolutely no one appears to know how to actually set it up...

    When you folks decry the fact that there aren't many Morph users, this is a prime example as to why that is the case... No useable instructions/documentation and a LOT of folks saying how "Easy" things are... Yet no takers on providing useful explanation...

    And word to the wise before you start telling me that there were multiple links provided.. I challenge you to follow them and actually come up with PERTINENT information for use with MORPH OS... You will find LOTS of links and none of them provide Morph OS useable docs...

    And for all those folks that give the amazingly helpful response of "google is your friend" or some other useless drivel, I remind you that this particular site is a FORUM and last I checked, asking and providing help is the whole point...

    (Besides I have googled this to death, to no avail)
    "Pride is a poor substitute for intelligence." Quote from Rambo...
  • »26.10.09 - 22:07
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 587 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...
    I have it running. I installed it a long time ago, yet I can remember that I didn't have any problems with it (MorphOS built-in network stack is pretty similar to AmiTCP/IP, you can find the familiar BSDish configuration files from ENVARC:sys/net for example). In short you need to add the service lines to ENVARC:sys/net/inetd.conf manually. Something like:
    netbios-ssn     stream tcp   nowait root     samba:bin/smbd  smbd
    netbios-ns dgram udp wait root samba:bin/nmbd nmbd

    In some cases you also might need to add 'nobody' and 'pcguest' users as described by the "samba for dummies". This should no longer be necessary, however.

    Quite obviously the smb.conf needs to be adjusted according to your needs, aswell. This should be very similar to any other samba installation job, however.

    Oh, and don't forget to add the samba: assign in user-startup. It isn't exactly point and click I agree, but it should be doable. Maybe someone with more spare time can write step by step guide on the subject.

    [ Edited by Piru on 2009/10/27 1:33 ]
  • »26.10.09 - 22:26
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27

    Piru wrote:
    Maybe someone with more spare time can write step by step guide on the subject.
    [ Edited by Piru on 2009/10/27 1:33 ]

    Yes this would be very nice and really needed for MorphOS IMHO! Even a GUI possibility in MorphOS System settings should be available so that everyone may set it quickly up. I find that a fully functionnal networking solution is a must nowadays!

    I have samba 3.2.0 installed (well really I copied it to the System partition that's all) but never managed it to set it up so that it's working. Neither did I matter any further with smbfs as this seems to have several problems when copying small files or so... (I'm still working with Envoy3 which has a GUI for easy setup but only for Amiga or MorphOS...

    This would be a great feature for next MorphOS release!
  • »27.10.09 - 05:49
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 35 from 2008/2/11
    From: Thessaloniki G...

    Piru wrote:
    Maybe someone with more spare time can write step by step guide on the subject.

    that's more than enough for start. thanx a lot :pint:
    A3040/25 AmigaOS 3.9
    A1260BPPC AmigaOS 3.9/4.0
    Sam440ep AmigaOS 4.1.2
    PegasosII/G3 AmigaOS 4.1.2/Morphos 2.6/DEBIAN 5.0.4/SUSE 11.1
    MacMini/1.5 MorphOS 2.6/OSX 10.5.8

    If i am going to have bugs on my system,
    at least let me keep the latest version
  • »27.10.09 - 17:29
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