VNC Server with MorphOS 2.3
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7
    Hello guys,

    does someone use the VNCServer with MorphOS 2.3?

    I somehow got the feeling with MorphOS 2.3 it even
    got slower, using more CPU power than b4.

    Could somebody crosscheck? Somehow have the feeling
    it was much faster in the past. Now it uses 100% CPU Power.

    Maybe something is causing unnessesary screen updates?!
  • »17.08.09 - 16:01
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3088 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    Try disabling multibuffering in Enhanced Display settings. If that doesn't help, don't use Enhanced Display Engine for screens you want to use with VNC.
  • »17.08.09 - 16:30
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7

    jacadcaps wrote:
    Try disabling multibuffering in Enhanced Display settings. If that doesn't help, don't use Enhanced Display Engine for screens you want to use with VNC.

    disabling the multibuffering did the trick.
    Wouldnt it be a nice idea to have a certain communication between the server and, well the layertask? So that on remotecontroll the enviroment could be switched to a remote controll friendly setting.

    Just thinking of ultravnc on windows for example, that remove the background picture, well somebody remotecontrolls a machine.
  • »18.08.09 - 15:02
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3088 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    Yes, this is planned at some point, but I have no idea when it's going to happen.
  • »19.08.09 - 11:03
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7
    Ok, thats good news.

    ATM i can live good without multibuffering. VNC Speed is more important for me as i use it daily
  • »19.08.09 - 12:20
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