MorphOS 2.2 or AmigaOS 4.1?
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16

    So it's ftpd... which exists since about 15 years (amitcp) and that still works fine on morphos. OK :)


    About The system font, I think about the quality rendering with antialiasing fonts. The render is more sharpen and more clear on OS4.
    We can compare both OWB on OS4 and on MOS to see this effect. Unfortunatly, to see very clear text on MOS OWB I need do zoom and I dont zoom under OS4 At the same resolution and the same screen.

    Well, if you haven't read OWB's readme, i suggest you do. :)
    In that readme, I strongly advise to *NOT* use the default fonts path i provide. It's just there as a fallback, but these mossys: fonts aren't suited at all for web browsing (and they will look extremely small, for instance). Just use the mscore fonts (which you should have in sys:fonts/_ttf if sputnik is installed). It will look *much* better that way.
    And by the way, OWB doesn't use the "Morphos Font System" at all, at the moment.


    I never get more than 1GO on my peg working fine.
    I never know Morphos accessing 2GO of ram. Maybe this is a MOS2 improvement. I though during a long time Morphosshould acces only less than 1.5GO.

    MorphOS can access 1.5GB atm, I guess 2GB should be doable as well if mapping is moved around a bit (but to be confirmed). But you would have the very same limit if morphos swap memory system was updated to work again with 2.x.
    In any case, there's no point in having virtual memory on this system given the physical ram amount it accepts and its addressable space (and also the fact it may not really bullet-proof like itix suggested).

    [ Edited by Fab on 2009/3/1 16:51 ]
  • »01.03.09 - 16:49
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22

    itix wrote:
    Virtual memory (memory which is swapped to the disk) should not be used on AmigaOS or MorphOS (it was supported in some 0.x versions). It can lead to unpredictable crashes at random times.

    Got any evidence for that?

    I own and use both, I'd say they were about the same level of development, both are fast, modern Operating systems with Limited software and no memory protection.

    I slightly, very slightly prefer AmigaOS4.1, but I am going more MorphOS recently. Both have advantages and disadvantaged over each other, but nothing that would't make me use either excusively.

    In short, ya pays your money and you take your choice. Unfortunatly there is no AmigaOS4.1 Demo version
  • »01.03.09 - 20:00
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
    @ fab:

    Nice to know about fonts on OWB.
    Thank you.

    I learn something today.

    each day is a good day if I learn something, so today is a good day cause I learn lot of things ;-)
  • »01.03.09 - 21:29
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    Someone just recently posted typical example of VM error at UtilityBase:

    "When OS4's memory runs out, and the swap partition kicks in, I find that the (USB) keyboard & mouse stop working (until a reboot)."


    It is probably just minor glitch in USB driver code but problem is that you are getting new bugs which would not be there if VM was not used. VM introduces so many new rules to coding (can not be used in interrupts, can not be used in critical Forbid()/Disable() sections, can not be used for OS structures) that in complex applications developer can never keep track of rules and restrictions. What is the worst in VM is problems occur only when swapping kicks in.

    Therefore I consider current VM schemes on AmigaOS and MorphOS just useless. AROS, however, does it right.

    [ Edited by itix on 2009/3/2 0:39 ]
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »01.03.09 - 22:37
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Hey Fab

    How do you change the font path in OWB please?

    Also a note to OWB users - for better Speed ramp up your "number of connections" in the "network" settings in OWB....
    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
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  • »02.03.09 - 00:34
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  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16

    Sometimes i wonder why i write a readme. :)

    Anyway, OWB uses fontconfig at the moment, and use its config file rules. So, just edit conf/font/font.conf and change mossys:fonts/_ttf to whatever you want (i suggest sys:fonts/_ttf if you have sputnik already installed with the mscore fonts).

    There are also many many more options available in fontconfig, but better check fontconfig manuals out there. :)
  • »02.03.09 - 02:50
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 179 from 2004/2/26
    From: Mordor, capita...

    Fab wrote:
    Sometimes i wonder why i write a readme. :)

    Very usefull .readme, I read it :) BTW, do you planning to convert text in header into system's codeset? Currently any cyrillic text appears as "?"-signs...
    Pegasos II/G4@1GHz, 1 GB RAM, MorphOS 3.9
    Efika MX Smartbook, Ubuntu 12.04
  • »02.03.09 - 06:45
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 303 from 2005/11/21
    From: UK
    Japanese rendering in OWB seems good to me.

    Please tell me how to add other codings, I would like support for TIS-620.

  • »02.03.09 - 12:15
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 25 from 2005/9/15
    AmigaOS have draggable screens :-D how many times i have missed it on other OS
  • »03.03.09 - 14:52
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 645 from 2005/2/9
    From: Poland
    Amigaos 3.x with bvision/cvision has draggable screens ? ;>
  • »03.03.09 - 15:45
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2074 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO

    zukow wrote:
    Amigaos 3.x with bvision/cvision has draggable screens ? ;>

    If you use CGX and DRAGGING=YES tooltype, but I didn't use it because switching screens was faster without it. P96 didn't have that feature. I don't remember any time I'd really used screen dragging with purpose on classic Amiga.. only times I used were just for fun when I was bored :)
  • »03.03.09 - 16:07
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  • ZB
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 115 from 2008/9/29

    jPV wrote:

    I don't remember any time I'd really used screen dragging with purpose on classic Amiga.. only times I used were just for fun when I was bored :)

    More or less, same here...

    It was really relaxing... :-)
    Morphing the Phoenix...
  • »03.03.09 - 16:25
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22
    I like screen dragging, I do actually use it, and it's kind of relaxing as others have said, and I find it more useful than Linux style? spinning cubes and such like.

    MorphOS's version of OWB is better than AmigaOS4.1's version. There, I've said it!
  • »03.03.09 - 22:14
  • ZB
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 115 from 2008/9/29

    stephen_robinson wrote:

    ... I find it more useful than Linux style spinning cubes and such like.


    Moreover, I think the "cube things" are really unusable, useless, somewhat slow to operate and very little effective.


    MorphOS's version of OWB is better than AmigaOS4.1's version. There, I've said it!

    :-o :-o

    Morphing the Phoenix...
  • »04.03.09 - 00:09
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4

    stephen_robinson wrote:
    I like screen dragging, I do actually use it, and it's kind of relaxing as others have said, and I find it more useful than Linux style? spinning cubes and such like.

    MorphOS's version of OWB is better than AmigaOS4.1's version. There, I've said it!

    Screen dragging is nice (and drag it doesn't cut it), but since screen resolutions increased I'd say it is not that important than it was before (normally I use only 2-3 screens, and teh switch is so fast, especially with the key shortcut cmd+m). But indeed, screen dragging is a nice feature. Oh, while on the screen issue there is another nice feature of OS4.1 regarding screens: the option to switch compositing for each screen individually on/off. I think it's handy to have a dedicated non hw-accelearted screen for those apps which are a bit problematic (Aweb comes to mind for example)

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »04.03.09 - 08:38
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 123 from 2004/7/31
    From: Italy
    Most of all, I thank you all guyz because your kindness in answering and though I still get a bit of confusion ;-) I'm agree with some of you about get both the OS, anyway, as some of you just said, it could be nice if AmigaOS team will release a live version of 4.1, hihihihi
  • »05.03.09 - 19:33
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