Selected content in string fields
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    Hi all,

    I'm working very much with MUIbase and a function which I use very often is "find" because I do have a few thousand entries.
    The 1st time I open this find window, the search pattern sting is empty, so I enter a search pattern...
    The next times I use "find" the previeous search pattern is already there but unfortunately not selected. So if I need to change the pattern,
    I always have to delete the old one first.

    What would be of great help is that the previous search pattern is already selected, so I can directely write a new one,
    or press enter if I want to keep it.

    It seems that Betterstring is used by MUIbase. Is there a solution to obtain this feature like in Ambient e. g. for new drawer creation, or for rename, or ...?

    Any ideas?


  • »12.12.08 - 07:05
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